I am sitting in a rocking chair balanced on a ledge of a bottomless pit,and truthfully nothing shocks me anymore.
I have seen and heard so much Stupid over the years,the guys doing it these days really have no true talent for stupid BS.

It could be a little more entertaining,I mean jazz it up a little,you are putting your audience to sleep.
Throw in a dog and pony show to "Make us all happy" Yes dear Mister fantasy,sing us a song.

I can at times get all politically jacked up,but really can't they at least bring on the A list politicians,but no,we get the C list running all inside our brains. If you are going to throw a political party,make sure you use the GOOD booze,and please no damn Pizza puffs,pop for some real food,I mean think like it is being paid for by Lobbyist

I am pondering if I should go for just plain stupid humor,or dive deep into the cesspool of political funny,well it is an election year,and really the stuff writes it self. So,in answer to your wondering,No,I am NOT Jon Stewart..and not Jewish ether..unless you believe my old man when he said we "Might" have a little Hebrew in our lineage,but he was kind of a drunk,and said a LOT when in "His cups"

If I start to sound a little to "dementia",just see Hawk's post,and really please do not be dementia-phobic,cause then you would be expressing your lack of understanding and compassion,and that would make you "Politically incorrect",and I know you would not want to be tagged with that title.

I am thinking I should try to keep my esoteric thoughts here on my blog. If of course I wander from time to time in my approach to whatever subject I am typing about,it may be that it is just an old man exhibiting how age effects the intellectual process. Hawk pointed that a dark humor may portend a decent into dementia.
Never one to wish to disrupt others thought process,I should I suppose remember youth can be very different in ability of understanding about the aged. In many ways,we of the older persuasion can seem less connected to the modern sect of technical progress,and may from time to time wonder just where our old ways fit in.

Not to worry,our Boomer ranks are thinning as I type,and soon you will not need to concern yourself with our outdated understandings of this "Modern world"

Living in the moment,a simple thing,but what does it in fact mean? In some beliefs it is expressed by I believe Ram Dass with the suggestion of "Be here NOW"

Here is Ram Dass's site.One might find this link interesting.