So, I'm going to be organizing/hosting the kid's activity booth on Pagan Pride Day, with the help of hubby and minions. The plan is to have a few projects of various levels (nature mobiles, a coloring station, some sort of as-yet-undetermined recycling craft, origami fortune tellers or one or two of the easier animals, clothespin faeries, mermaids, or monsters, and stick weaving or bird feeders). Also, when kids come in, they will get one of two scavenger hunts--little kids will get a thing to find pictures and symbols of deities that will make an alphabet book and for older kids, something more interactive.
This is where I'm asking for help...
The idea is that the kids will have hints taking them to different booths (as well as other area at the venue) to answer questions or find things...whomever finishes gets a treat bag of random stuff.
So, I need some questions and things to find.
This is where I'm asking for help...
The idea is that the kids will have hints taking them to different booths (as well as other area at the venue) to answer questions or find things...whomever finishes gets a treat bag of random stuff.
So, I need some questions and things to find.