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Tips for keeping warm

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  • Maulus
    Re: Tips for keeping warm

    I, too, hate the cold.. odd for someone who used to ride a bike throughout the winter and would wear a T-Shirt all year around... Now i can't abide the cold at all. To keep warm i will have 2 winter Duvets in the coldest part of the year. Heat-stealling from the Wife is also a bonus as she runs quite hot. Plus 5 cats and a dog can keep you warm in the winter too :P


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  • thalassa
    Re: Tips for keeping warm

    [quote author=volcaniclastic link=topic=369.msg4805#msg4805 date=1287500679]
    Wow. I'm the opposite of all of you. I like to be cold. I keep my bedroom window open all year round, and very rarely use the heater (unless it gets very cold outside)

    I walk around in my underwear in the mornings, and can be found in shorts until the end of October sometimes (in Canada.)

    Scott is like this too.

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  • Gardenia
    Re: Tips for keeping warm

    At the shelter we use to joke that getting a big dog who thinks he is a lapdog was the best way to go. Or maybe a couple of smaller dogs... Or like... a dozen ferrets? :P Maybe not that one.

    [quote author=ChainLightning link=topic=369.msg4781#msg4781 date=1287498370]
    And gone so far as to bake cookies and breads just to break a chill, in the house.[/quote]

    That's why I bake and cook long meals on the stove a lot more often in the winter, keeps me nice and warm! Not just the heat from the oven, but eating all that warm food too.

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  • volcaniclastic
    Re: Tips for keeping warm

    Wow. I'm the opposite of all of you. I like to be cold. I keep my bedroom window open all year round, and very rarely use the heater (unless it gets very cold outside)

    I walk around in my underwear in the mornings, and can be found in shorts until the end of October sometimes (in Canada.)

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  • thalassa
    Re: Tips for keeping warm

    [quote author=DanieMarie link=topic=369.msg4790#msg4790 date=1287499220]
    Yeah my apartment is brand-new, so all the windows are good....but my heat does escape because it's a 2-floor apartment and upstairs is floor-to-ceiling windows. There's no door to upstairs either. I eventually want to make some good curtains for up there, but it's a lot of work and I also have to install a slider thing so I can slide the curtains to one side. Any suggestions?

    We have a two story, and we have the problem of the downstairs being cold because there is a four foot open space underneath with no insulation. Also, our windows and doors are crappy...but thats a different fix (yay for shrink wrap!! YAY for cheap kitty litter door draft stoppers!!).

    What we are doing this winter is shutting off the register to the living room and kitchen, and putting some heavy duty curtains between there and the kitchen (its an open floor plan, so there is no door) and between the kitchen and the the kitchen we have a space heater. It makes sense since our upstairs gets warm and because we have all the entertainment up here--movies for the kids, etc. Also, we have draft stoppers for the interior doors, so that any room we shut off, we can be sure that its really shut off. If you have ceiling fans you can even reverse their direction to spin, it will actually push the warm air downwards to recirculate by drawing up the cool air.

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  • DanieMarie
    Re: Tips for keeping warm

    [quote author=ChainLightning link=topic=369.msg4781#msg4781 date=1287498370]
    One thing that made a difference for us, immediately, was a higher thread count sheet set. We also double up the comforter/quilt, as well as wear jammies.

    Around the house, though: lights, television, stoves, computers... almost anything electric gives off some amount of heat. I've been known to strategically place things for the warmth they give off. And gone so far as to bake cookies and breads just to break a chill, in the house.

    Oooo ya when I made thanksgiving dinner it was SUPER hot in here! But electricity is also expensive too so I like to cut back on that as well.

    I do like my high thread count sheets! I bought some 600-thread-count ones in Canada when I was there.

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  • DanieMarie
    Re: Tips for keeping warm

    Yeah my apartment is brand-new, so all the windows are good....but my heat does escape because it's a 2-floor apartment and upstairs is floor-to-ceiling windows. There's no door to upstairs either. I eventually want to make some good curtains for up there, but it's a lot of work and I also have to install a slider thing so I can slide the curtains to one side. Any suggestions?

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  • Amber
    Re: Tips for keeping warm

    I'm the same way. I can not stand the cold. I have bradycardia (sp?), which is low heart rate and BP and the cold physically bothers me.

    We're moving to a place where we have to pay for utilities so I will be thinking of inventive ways to stay warm as well. The only saving grace is the house is a stone house so it stays warmer in winter and cooler in summer so that should save on the bills

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  • ChainLightning
    Re: Tips for keeping warm

    One thing that made a difference for us, immediately, was a higher thread count sheet set. We also double up the comforter/quilt, as well as wear jammies.

    Around the house, though: lights, television, stoves, computers... almost anything electric gives off some amount of heat. I've been known to strategically place things for the warmth they give off. And gone so far as to bake cookies and breads just to break a chill, in the house.

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  • thalassa
    Re: Tips for keeping warm

    [quote author=DanieMarie link=topic=369.msg4729#msg4729 date=1287489421]
    I bet! I'm really looking forward to the day when I can do that [/quote]

    its only good if they stay put and don't kick...

    Being a single person though, I think the hot water bottle is the best I'm going to get right now lol.

    Today, I bought: 1 pair of bootie slippers, 2 pairs of knit socks, 2 pairs of knit tights, 1 pair opaque tights and a pair of leg warmers. Cost: 45 Euro, but good value.
    You can also make your own bed warmers from rice. I'm make more than one, and you can pile them on at the foot of the bed--they stay warm for quite a while (the larger you make them, the longer they stay warm...but the less likely they are to fit in the microwave ) *could* move (or get a small) microwave to keep next to the bed---then you don't even need to get up to warm it up!

    Also...get a nice fuzzy hat to go with your socks--most of your heat escapes from your head, your feet and your hands (its a surface area thing). Dress in winterizing layers (maybe not so much in bed with all those covers, but hanging out around hte house)--long underwear is your fiend (Capilene is the best synthetic and (silk long underwear is your best natural option)...before I had children I did a lot of hiking and camping, even in the winter.

    Don't forget to winterize the apartment too!

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  • DanieMarie
    Re: Tips for keeping warm

    [quote author=Dufonce link=topic=369.msg4731#msg4731 date=1287489836]
    I also like to shove kitties under my blanket too... but thats more for entertainment... lol

    LOL it IS kind of funny to watch them search for the way out.
    I do often shove my feet under my cat. He's old, lazy and huge so usually he wont move I do it. Also he likes to snuggle in the winter and he's warm.

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  • AlabasterBuffalo
    Guest replied
    Re: Tips for keeping warm

    Hot tea is hands down the best warmer upper ever....well besides hot chocolate

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  • Dufonce
    Re: Tips for keeping warm

    I also like to shove kitties under my blanket too... but thats more for entertainment... lol

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  • DanieMarie
    Re: Tips for keeping warm

    [quote author=yukanaoe link=topic=369.msg4720#msg4720 date=1287485455]
    snuggleing with a loved one under a blanked helps to!!!!!!!!!

    I bet! I'm really looking forward to the day when I can do that

    Being a single person though, I think the hot water bottle is the best I'm going to get right now lol.

    Today, I bought: 1 pair of bootie slippers, 2 pairs of knit socks, 2 pairs of knit tights, 1 pair opaque tights and a pair of leg warmers. Cost: 45 Euro, but good value.

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  • Dufonce
    Re: Tips for keeping warm

    I ignore cold... stop thinking about how cold it is, and think warm thoughts... I imagine myself breathing in fire energy and breathing out the cold through water energy within me. =o) its how I tolerate having to walk into a freezer at work.

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