I turned my life back to Jesus, and I don't believe in the Bible as the word of God, so I don't see any problem with using witchcraft. However, I mainly want to invoke Saint Michael so I can find out whether or not the Bible is accurate, what God's name is, and if demons are really against God (I think not, demon was taken from daemon which has another meaning entirely, but you never know) and if it's possible for any of them to be saved (I read there are demons that want to go back, and some deliverance minister believes they are capable of being saved due to one experience with one he had to exorcise often, although it turns out the guy was a fraud and never successfully exorcised any (they would pretend to be, then gloat while the client was driving home).
The main red flag in this line of thinking is would Saint Michael (or more importantly, Jesus or God) approve of me talking to angels this way? I know there are many Christian witches, but I have never read of any personal experiences with invoking angels, I've only seen videos on how to invoke them. I've tried praying to Jesus for guidance for something else before, but I can never seem to hear or see him so figured invoking could help.
The main red flag in this line of thinking is would Saint Michael (or more importantly, Jesus or God) approve of me talking to angels this way? I know there are many Christian witches, but I have never read of any personal experiences with invoking angels, I've only seen videos on how to invoke them. I've tried praying to Jesus for guidance for something else before, but I can never seem to hear or see him so figured invoking could help.