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We are the root of all evil

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  • Medusa
    Re: We are the root of all evil

    Hmm. So Satan could be punishing me with the Diabetus. I'm going to have to have a sit down chat with that fellow.

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  • anunitu
    Re: We are the root of all evil

    They(others) are just angry that YOU do not really care what they believe(I mean why be a believer if no one is gonna praise you for being one)

    I think a bit like the Duce,I like pleasure,it brings a smile to my face..chocolate ice cream is NOT a sin people,it is very tasty is all, I have really seen people get all upset when they ate ice cream because they "Sinned" by giving into temptation. I have never understood that mindset,that feeling good is a bad thing... Maybe gaining weight might make me eat ice cream a little less,but that's the only reason

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  • Medusa
    Re: We are the root of all evil

    Originally posted by thalassa View Post
    Yeah, but I can say that too, and I'm not an atheist.

    And yes, so does *every religion*...but its easier to dismiss something as an abberation when your experience of it is different.
    Well if it makes you feel any better...they all hate you too

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  • thalassa
    Re: We are the root of all evil

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    People just be jelly I don't have guilt and spend my every waking moment pondering what's a sin. what's ok to do, how can I get out of the loop hole of this religious rule. That I don't fight against who I really am. That I don't do things I don't fully believe or understand but hey, this book says to do it, so yeah. I'm going to do it. That i don't hate you for being different. That I have sex for whatever reason I want and whenever I want and with whoever I want. That I like myself. That I don't want or feel the need to change to be better so that I can get into some special place when I die. That I don't live in fear. That I am fucking free.
    yeah. That's why we are hated.
    Yeah, but I can say that too, and I'm not an atheist.

    Originally posted by thalassa View Post
    Atheists have some bad spokespeople.
    And yes, so does *every religion*...but its easier to dismiss something as an abberation when your experience of it is different.

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  • Medusa
    Re: We are the root of all evil

    People just be jelly I don't have guilt and spend my every waking moment pondering what's a sin. what's ok to do, how can I get out of the loop hole of this religious rule. That I don't fight against who I really am. That I don't do things I don't fully believe or understand but hey, this book says to do it, so yeah. I'm going to do it. That i don't hate you for being different. That I have sex for whatever reason I want and whenever I want and with whoever I want. That I like myself. That I don't want or feel the need to change to be better so that I can get into some special place when I die. That I don't live in fear. That I am fucking free.
    yeah. That's why we are hated.

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  • thalassa
    Re: We are the root of all evil

    Well...I certainly would never vote for Richard Dawkins (were he a natural born American).

    But I'd totally vote for NdGT.

    I'm going to make t-shirts.

    Seriously though, I think some of it comes down to PR. Atheists have some bad spokespeople. Unfortunately, because of *the human factor* when you espouse something that is the antithesis of what a large number of people can even fathom, you have to have really, really good PR (like Mormons--look at how long it took them to get good press). I wonder what would have happened if they'd had other religions in there, that *didn't* believe in the same god.

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  • B. de Corbin
    started a topic We are the root of all evil

    We are the root of all evil

    University of Minnesota Study on American Attitudes Towards Atheists & Atheism:
    Research Finds that Atheists are Most Despised, Most Distrusted Minority

    Relax youse guys! We're just the "not" people...

    We're not telling you what to do, we're not telling you what to think, we're not not telling you how to spend your time, we're not telling you what your sex should be, we're not claiming to have special knowledge...

    It's the "are" people you want to watch out for, IMHO.

    Every single study that has ever looked at the issue has revealed massive amounts of bigotry and prejudice against atheists in America. The most recent data shows that atheists are more distrusted and despised than any other minority and that an atheist is the least likely person that Americans would vote for in a presidential election. It's not just that atheists are hated, though, but also that atheists seem to represent everything about modernity which Americans dislike or fear.