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Ask me anything about Lord Djehuty!

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    Ask me anything about Lord Djehuty!

    So I have had this netjeru in my life for over a decade now and I feel blessed to have been touched by his awesome and complex prescence.

    Djehuty or Thoth (as he was known by the Greeks) is a really fascinating character associated with fields as diverse as medicine, writing and astronomy. He is also somewhat of a trickster deity, and has many different faces that he shows....

    So ask away!

    Re: Ask me anything about Lord Djehuty!

    I don't work with any of the netjeru, but I always found Djehuty one of the more interesting of the netjer... perbaps because of my love of learning, knowledge and writing. What would you say are His primary traits or spheres of influence?

    (Also I recently watched Gods of Egypt and I while I usually view mythological-themed movies as the light-hearted fun that they are, I found his characterisation particularly jarring).
    Last edited by Rae'ya; 27 Jul 2018, 02:49.


      Re: Ask me anything about Lord Djehuty!

      Yes he does pique a lot of peoples interest, with his universal appeal particularly those with a curious and studious nature like yourself Rae'ya. I love your username by the way!

      His main spheres of influence are the word from writing to speaking, language and all forms of communication. Also politics in his role as vizier and again with the word, he is cunning and not above manipulation if the bigger picture requires it for the greater good. And magic or heka as we call it is also an important part of his schtick from the more technical esoteric arts like astrology, geometry, as Lord of Time to the more mystical like healing, execrations, and manifesting.

      As far as primary traits go he is charismatic and charming, humorous and tricksy, sometimes pushy and very persuasive and very awesome and powerful.

      It's interesting what you said about Gods of Egypt, I haven't seen the whole film but the snippets I have caught on YouTube etc I wasn't pleased with a lot of the characterisations particularly Djehuty, they made him so flat he when he is multidimensional and awesome!

