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Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

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  • Siloh
    Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

    Hey Sean,

    Not sure if this thread is awake, but I was wondering if you had suggestions for how to tip my hat to my homeboy Belphagor as well as Beelzebub. I've been in a desperate rut for money recently, and just before I really needed it, a bunch of money appeared in my life. Like almost in excess, if there is such a thing in my budget. So this would be an ideal moment if an act of charity would be a suitable gesture of thanks for my fortune.

    I also just officially received my degree, and I was wondering if there were something I could do to thank Beelzebub, besides dedicating my life to scholarship and ethical teaching practices.

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  • GabrielWithoutWings
    Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

    You use translate Satan as "Adversary," as it is normally translated.

    What is he the Adversary of, in your system? Also, what about the negative attributes of these Princes, classically? Bringer of disease and chaos, storms, scorpions, etc?

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  • Medusa
    Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

    Can you tell me a few tenets of your faith?

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  • Corvus
    Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

    How can the princes be related? Again we come to how they came to exist. Them being related as you've put doesn't make much sense when one looks at the examples you gave to their creation.
    Keeping with the princes being related, can you give us an idea of a family tree?
    Where do the princes live if Satan controls hell and they're all of equal power?
    You said before that this isnt a religion where you worship deities but respect them. The ancient Sumerians worshiped Enki correct? can you explain that?
    What is a demon precisely?
    How can a human become a demon? what sort of process is this? is it a new form due to reincarnation or enlightenment or something of that sort?
    You said before that there were major female deities, can you name some?
    Can you site some websites or books that support what you've said so far?

    Every website I've found with any kind of info on high ranking demon/gods in Satanism has linked to joy of Satan. Do you have some that dont associate with that?

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  • Sean R. R.
    Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

    Originally posted by Siloh View Post
    Ishtar seems to be missing a reservation.
    ROFL. I meant Ishtar, not Astaroth. Wait, I'm correcting that right now. (On a side note, Ishtar's Sumerian name is Inanna, but I like Ishtar.)

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  • Siloh
    Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

    Seven princes? I've heard that before, I think, but I don't know exactly where, or what was it about. Every Prince is representative of a cardinal direction, Satan, at the east, is the Rising sun. Astaroth at South, Azazel at West as the setting sun, and Beelzebub at North.
    Ishtar seems to be missing a reservation.

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  • Sean R. R.
    Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

    Originally posted by Siloh View Post
    Ishtar doesn't get a seat?
    What do you mean by that?

    Originally posted by Siloh View Post
    I once thought that I had contacted Azazel, though I've since decided it was my imagination. I've been so relentlessly bombarded by all forms of media with variations on Azazel's name, and I think that it coming up is a product of this crazy permeation of his name on my life. It is sad to know that he and Beelzebub don't always get along, though I find this personally very funny, since my academic success has always infuriated my musical/visual artist brother and vice versa. Though I would hope if he were receiving any help from an entity at any time, that demon has forsaken him as I have, disgusted by how his laziness rots his talents. Surely Azazel would not grace such a mindlessly lazy individual.

    So, my art is writing, something I consider highly academic in the grand scheme of art forms. Because it is art, would I appeal to Azazel, or because it is writing in particular, would Beelzebub help with such creativity, the way I would assume he would be appropriate for inspiring, say, chemists or mathematicians?
    To add to your confusion, Azazel's Sumerian name is Shamash, however, he seems to like Azazel better.

    If he's not passionate about his art and eager to overcome obstacles and progress, then Azazel probably wouldn't help him.

    If your goal is artistic or literary, go for Azazel, if it's something more academic, like some work you need for literature class, go for Beelz. (I think he wouldn't agree to be called Beelz, but I bet he thinks it's better than Bee! Ha!)

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  • Siloh
    Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

    Ishtar doesn't get a seat?

    I once thought that I had contacted Azazel, though I've since decided it was my imagination. I've been so relentlessly bombarded by all forms of media with variations on Azazel's name, and I think that it coming up is a product of this crazy permeation of his name on my life. It is sad to know that he and Beelzebub don't always get along, though I find this personally very funny, since my academic success has always infuriated my musical/visual artist brother and vice versa. Though I would hope if he were receiving any help from an entity at any time, that demon has forsaken him as I have, disgusted by how his laziness rots his talents. Surely Azazel would not grace such a mindlessly lazy individual.

    So, my art is writing, something I consider highly academic in the grand scheme of art forms. Because it is art, would I appeal to Azazel, or because it is writing in particular, would Beelzebub help with such creativity, the way I would assume he would be appropriate for inspiring, say, chemists or mathematicians?

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  • Sean R. R.
    Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

    Originally posted by Corvus View Post
    Could you site some of these Mesopotamian grimoires?
    Once when i was looking for information on a deity I was asked why I didn't ask the deity himself by a close friend. That thought had never occurred to me. Would these beings find an attempt to more or less talk with them a sign of disrespect?
    If Satan rules in hell, where are the others?
    What do thease deities look like? (I've heard that Satan usually takes the form of a blond, muscular man, usually without wings if he appears visually)
    How do the princes exist in peace with one another?
    why only 4 princes? aren't there 7?
    To your knowledge have any high ranking demons ever taken form on earth? as in a physical form.
    Why do thease beings allow their names to be slandered?
    Are demons faultless and/or prefect?
    This is an hymn to Enki (Original sumerian name given to Satan), a god of the earth but also of the rising sun:

    He on whom an evil Spirit hath rushed,
    He whom an evil Demon hath enveloped in his bed,
    He whom an evil Ghost hath cast down in the night,
    He whom agreat Devil hath smitten,
    He whose limbs an evil God hath racked,
    He the hair of whose body an evil Fiend hath set on end,
    He whom [a Hag-demon] hath seized,
    He whom [a Ghoul] hath cast down,
    He whom a Robber-sprite hath afflicted,
    He whom the Handmaid of the Night-Phantom hath wedded,
    The man with whom the Handmaid of the Night-Phantom hath had union.

    This is a translation of a tablet (the grimoires were engraved in stone tablets) found in Uruk. My laptop died a few weeks ago, so I don't have some parts of the lore. I didn't have much, but this what I found of what I had researched. I know it doesn't explain much, only that he killed the bad guys and married the daughter of another deity to a man. There are also rituals to summon the souls of people to ask them stuff, but it's way too long and I'm not going to copy it manually lol.

    No, they wouldn't regard it as disrespect. Some of them are even glad that someone wants to know about them. You can try it, but beware of astral deception. Some other random entity may impersonate that one. You'd have to do a banishing ritual before trying to contact the entity to avoid this.

    Who are "the others"? The other entities that are not part of hell?

    I've only seen Belial and Azazel. Belial appeared onto me as two persons of indistinct gender, holding hands, each of them with only one wing. As he (or they? Perhaps Belial is a entity divided in two? Perhaps that's what the grimoires mean by "The God of Duality") spoke, a more masculine voice resonated. I can't quite remember colors, but their skin was pale, and their wings dark. They were dressed a bit formally. Their facial expression were really serious, almost sad, but his voice didn't sound sad, only serious. Although both of the persons were exactly the same, I could feel a really big contrast of the energies emanated from each of them. Belial is awesome. It has been the most awesome experience.

    Azazel's vision was a bit more blurry. I remember him with dark short hair, a BIG grin on his face (which was both funny and creepy) and two little horns. I remember he seemed excited of me taking the guitar and asking him for help. I like Azazel.

    I've only felt Satan's energy once, and it was really a powerful feeling. Perhaps he was there, but I couldn't see him because I was a bit early in my road. Right now my third eye is barely opened, but it's better that having it almost completely shut, as it used to be at that time.

    Also, I have regular contact with a lesser entity called Raum. He used to be a human, his story is sad and funny for the way he tells it. Although I've never seen him, he manifests itself as heat. I can't contact him completely at will. Many times I have like this "fuck off" sensation coming from him when I can't achieve contact. He has quite an attitude.

    The princes are all related somehow. Satan and Beelzebub are brothers, Ishtar is Beelzebub's grandaughter and Azazel one of Satan's cousins. Azazel and Beelzebub are known to argue a lot, but nothing too serious.

    Seven princes? I've heard that before, I think, but I don't know exactly where, or what was it about. Every Prince is representative of a cardinal direction, Satan, at the east, is the Rising sun. Ishtar at South, Azazel at West as the setting sun, and Beelzebub at North.

    To my knowledge, no. I don't know about High Ranking ones, but some lesser deities were once human. According to the tablets, Satan will take form "briefly" on earth to "rise the sun once again" during the Age of Aquarius. Testimonies say that he doesn't talk about the topic, and when asked if he will really take form he just says "Maybe" or "It depends" and nothing more.

    This kind of question has been asked to Beelzebub. He just said that the translations, variations and deformities of their names are product of the fact that humans' ignorance on their own word leads them to constantly change how things are said, never settling with the same langauge. He considers this a flaw of ignorance, but something that can't be blamed.
    On a side note, something I've just found out recently is that Zeus has responded to the name of Mammon. For some reason I found it funny.

    No, demons are not perfect. They have flaws, just as us. In Satanism, we consider the concept of perfection as a progress-stagnating concept since it sets a limit.
    Last edited by Sean R. R.; 04 Apr 2012, 12:30.

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  • Corvus
    Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

    Could you site some of these Mesopotamian grimoires?
    Once when i was looking for information on a deity I was asked why I didn't ask the deity himself by a close friend. That thought had never occurred to me. Would these beings find an attempt to more or less talk with them a sign of disrespect?
    If Satan rules in hell, where are the others?
    What do thease deities look like? (I've heard that Satan usually takes the form of a blond, muscular man, usually without wings if he appears visually)
    How do the princes exist in peace with one another?
    why only 4 princes? aren't there 7?
    To your knowledge have any high ranking demons ever taken form on earth? as in a physical form.
    Why do thease beings allow their names to be slandered?
    Are demons faultless and/or prefect?

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  • Siloh
    Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

    Originally posted by SeanRave View Post

    None of the Four Princes are specialists on money. However, there is a high ranking deity, called Belphagor, who helps people he likes when they are in need. He makes people lose money to be found by the persons he likes. It sounds quite like something he would do indeed.

    Ishtar is the Demoness of Fertility, Love and War. Supposedly she is one of the most beautiful Entites in all the planes. She helps unfertile couples have a child, for example. She despises betrayal and adultery, and has a reputation to punish cheaters by making them feel attracted to someone who most likely will cheat on them. She helps people who is genuinely in love at seducing the object of their love and such.

    Satan is the patron of justice and equality. To him, the father is equal to the son, and the father's parenting should be, according to him, in the order of guidance and advice, not giving orders and forcing the child to anything. He despises, as Beelzebub, liars and hypocrites. He is known to help teenagers into facing their parents (with respect), and try to place them into the best position possibly attainable without disrespecting the parent's culture. He is very respectful of beliefs and faiths. He helps shy persons express themselves. He can assist in general ritual.

    Misguiding knowledge and fake wisdom are things that angers Beelzebub quite a lot. Burning books should prove a good homage. But be careful if you do a ritual, try not to burn yourself or make any mistakes. He's very strict and looks down upon mistakes. If he's been helping you, it's because you meet his criteria, so don't worry about that.
    Your deities really rock. Ishtar sounds like my homegirl.

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  • Sean R. R.
    Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

    Originally posted by GabrielWithoutWings View Post
    How do know these things about these entities? Is there some text or tradition that you're pulling from or is this simply UPG?
    The information comes from ancient mesopotamian grimoires found in Uruk, some more modern ones, and inscriptions of Sumerian origin. I think that some Indian scriptures contain some of the information.

    We are also entitled to use modern grimoires as long as we see results.
    Last edited by Sean R. R.; 03 Apr 2012, 04:17.

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  • GabrielWithoutWings
    Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

    Originally posted by SeanRave View Post
    None of the Four Princes are specialists on money. However, there is a high ranking deity, called Belphagor, who helps people he likes when they are in need. He makes people lose money to be found by the persons he likes. It sounds quite like something he would do indeed.

    Ishtar is the Demoness of Fertility, Love and War. Supposedly she is one of the most beautiful Entites in all the planes. She helps unfertile couples have a child, for example. She despises betrayal and adultery, and has a reputation to punish cheaters by making them feel attracted to someone who most likely will cheat on them. She helps people who is genuinely in love at seducing the object of their love and such.

    Satan is the patron of justice and equality. To him, the father is equal to the son, and the father's parenting should be, according to him, in the order of guidance and advice, not giving orders and forcing the child to anything. He despises, as Beelzebub, liars and hypocrites. He is known to help teenagers into facing their parents (with respect), and try to place them into the best position possibly attainable without disrespecting the parent's culture. He is very respectful of beliefs and faiths. He helps shy persons express themselves. He can assist in general ritual.

    Misguiding knowledge and fake wisdom are things that angers Beelzebub quite a lot. Burning books should prove a good homage. But be careful if you do a ritual, try not to burn yourself or make any mistakes. He's very strict and looks down upon mistakes. If he's been helping you, it's because you meet his criteria, so don't worry about that.
    How do know these things about these entities? Is there some text or tradition that you're pulling from or is this simply UPG?

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  • Sean R. R.
    Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    I am not a Theist. So this question comes with a sincere curiosity to understand theists. Do you actually believe in Satan/Lucifer/angels/demons/princes of Hell? Not intellectually, nor metaphysical on some psycho babble plane of existence. But a real honest to goodness entity that is not invisible etc etc.

    I'm just so curious.
    Yep we do believe in such entities. The term "psycho babble" cracked me up, lol.

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  • Medusa
    Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

    I am not a Theist. So this question comes with a sincere curiosity to understand theists. Do you actually believe in Satan/Lucifer/angels/demons/princes of Hell? Not intellectually, nor metaphysical on some psycho babble plane of existence. But a real honest to goodness entity that is not invisible etc etc.

    I'm just so curious.

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