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Book of Shadows: Tips, Tricks, and Crafts for creating your own...

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  • kijani
    Re: Book of Shadows: Tips, Tricks, and Crafts for creating your own...

    One other technique that I've found pretty interesting (not just for organization but for looks) is color-coding your books... which can also be fun if you organize as you've described. Green journal for herbs, red for ___, black for ____ . Looks kinda neat on the bookshelf. But that's just a random thing to do. Also makes it easier if you don't like to write on your covers our otherwise outwardly identify your books.

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  • Willow
    Re: Book of Shadows: Tips, Tricks, and Crafts for creating your own...

    Exactly, there's a lot of room left over for the inevitable updates, additions, and evolution. Plus if you run out of room, there's always the option of buying another journal to add as Volume II without it looking tacky or cluttered.

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  • kijani
    Re: Book of Shadows: Tips, Tricks, and Crafts for creating your own...

    I actually like the idea of breaking things up like that. It seems like it would also give a little bit more wiggle room for additions as well, rather than trying to do everything in one book. I myself have a smaller leather book that I'm using now, but I do a combination of the above that have already been talked about.

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  • Willow
    Re: Book of Shadows: Tips, Tricks, and Crafts for creating your own...

    Just wanted to add in my two cents here, as to what's worked for me. I've tried the 3-ring-binder and online setup; honestly they really do bother me. They are bulky and fickle and just tend to get in the way.

    In the end, I opted to get a few small black leather journals and segregate them according to their content. Let's face it, no one journal is going to be enough to hold all of your information over the years.

    So one journal is designated for the basics: ethics, statements, faith declarations, colour association, number association, lunar cycles, basic animal speak concepts, physical earth interpretation (the significance of hill types), etc... Things I work with on a daily basis that tend to require only a look-over if I'm curious. Just a side note to anyone who is interested in making a small reference shadow book like this, gather your information before you start writing so you know how much space you'll need. And leave a few pages after each section just in case you want to add something to it in the future. It also gives you an idea of how big a journal to get in the first place, and how you want to arrange your sections.

    I have two designated for Tarot, one has my accumulated interpretations over the years and the other has my recorded readings and interpretations of those spreads (including what was going on in my life at the time).

    One for my oracle cards, similar to the Tarot journal but the interpretations and personal readings are combined into the one journal.

    One for Runes, which has the basic interpretations, my experiences, my meditation results and setups, rituals, lore, history, poems, stories, etc... in it.

    Another that combines herbs, crystals, and the methods used to work with each of them (I add to it whenever I use or find a new crystal/herb to work with).

    One recipe book; which includes food association interpretations.

    And one ritual book; which includes everything from rituals to talismans and my experiences with them.

    It does seem like a lot, but it really is far more organized than keeping a gigantic binder and trying to leaf through it, or dragging a laptop with you wherever you do your rituals. All you have to do is grab the one book that you'll be referencing and run off with it to wherever your destination requires. Despite how many books this looks like, all of them combined only take up about a foot of shelf space and they look very elegant sitting next to each other.

    I'm also a sucker for handwriting my own books, I feel it puts more meaning into them for me and the most important aspect of my life. Just an aside, if you do opt to go down this route be sure that the journals you buy are good quality. Nothing is more annoying than having to rewrite your journals because a bunch of the pages decided to dislocate themselves from the spine. I'll recommend a few here, but be sure to read the reviews of any journals you buy if you haven't already had experience with it. You don't need a spend a fortune for quality either, if you go simple.

    Barnes and Noble Moleskin Journal: $9

    Barnes and Noble small tie journal: $12
    Last edited by Willow; 24 Nov 2011, 10:46. Reason: Syntax... I think faster than I type.

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  • kijani
    Re: Book of Shadows: Tips, Tricks, and Crafts for creating your own...

    Yeah. I just continue on when I fill one book. One day, I would like to have one big book, but I feel like I will never be finished adding things really, so I dont want to spend that kind of money on something super nice until I know it will be used fully. Does that make sense?

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  • thoraxepi
    Re: Book of Shadows: Tips, Tricks, and Crafts for creating your own...

    I have a bos with leather bindings and blank pages. As mentioned before, the scarcity of pages is starting to become an issue.
    I haven't really thought about what I'm going to do when they're all used up. BoS: volume 2?

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  • kijani
    Re: Book of Shadows: Tips, Tricks, and Crafts for creating your own...

    Danial, that's definitely a neat system. I do something kind of similar to that. It works pretty well, but my philosophy has always been 'whatever works', and everyone's idea of organization is a little bit different. I like that, though.

    Also, Raph, I think that is a really cool idea. I'd like to do something like that as I rebuild my own book, but I'm a little afraid of losing things or something lol. Let me know how it turns out if you decide to go for it?

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  • Raphaeline
    Re: Book of Shadows: Tips, Tricks, and Crafts for creating your own...

    I've been thinking... I keep my grimoire in a three-ring binder using sheet protectors so I can not only protect the pages but add multiple things to a page. It kind of comes across a little formal when I want it to be a little more creative and original, so I'm thinking about doing a smash book type thing in some areas. I want to keep everything together, though - makes it easier to escape a burning building with

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  • Amelia-Mary
    Re: Book of Shadows: Tips, Tricks, and Crafts for creating your own...

    I have a title page already, my artist skills failed me so it's not very good, I might weave ribbon around the binder to make it a little brighter when I can

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  • Medb
    Guest replied
    Re: Book of Shadows: Tips, Tricks, and Crafts for creating your own...

    My partner is a book binder, and I have not-so-subtly hinted that I would like a Book of Shadows for a Yule gift... ok, I just straight up asked for it. He's told me before that he would love to make BOS's for people, so really I'm just giving him the opportunity I'm requesting that it be divided into a few different sections, not sure how many yet. I could either go really detailed with my categories or keep it pretty open. Other than that, I'm leaving the details like colours and materials up to him. *Squeal* I can't wait for December!

    You can see his beautiful books on his Etsy page <link removed> (a wee bit of promotion ^_^). They're expensive, but trust me, he puts a lot of work and love into each of them. In the least, you can drool over the pretty!
    Last edited by Juniper; 01 Nov 2011, 13:58. Reason: Please contact this member in private for the link

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  • B. de Corbin
    Re: Book of Shadows: Tips, Tricks, and Crafts for creating your own...

    Originally posted by Amelia-Mary View Post
    I have a slate cover BoS, not made by me unfortunately but it's so pretty Wanna add my own touches to it a little, but it's so beautiful as it is......
    If you want to dress it up without changing the cover, you could make up a nice, decorative title page - draw, paint, paste, print - whatever you like!

    Here's a link to a book you can read on line or download. It has pictures of decorative title pages from printed books to give you ideas:

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  • Danial McCoy
    Re: Book of Shadows: Tips, Tricks, and Crafts for creating your own...

    My BoS is a handmade camel leather book with around two hundred pages in it. I will try to find the name of who made it as it was made to be able to replace the pages as needed. You can also get new bindings for when you outgrown the book but want to keep all the pages. It is very handy and Ill look for the maker of it and post it here.

    On the note of organization, the method I have used use is like a reverse index. The book has a title page and is followed by six pages, each describing (in my case) a particular craft. On the reverse of each of these pages is a list of recipes or workings that correspond to the page it is on the reverse of as well as what page it is found on.

    For example,

    Title Page - Alchemy and Tea Crafting

    Index pages:
    -> Mother Elixir pg1
    -> No More Nightmares Elixir pg4

    Medicinal Teas
    -> Migraines and headaches pg2

    -> Mint pg3
    -> Saint Johns wart pg5

    -> and on

    -> and on

    -> and on

    I think it is the most concentrated effort Ive ever had at organization LOL! Anyways, I hope it helps.

    Peace and Love,

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  • Sacred
    Re: Book of Shadows: Tips, Tricks, and Crafts for creating your own...

    Three ring binder. Used to keep it on the comp or a removable device but it was too easy to lose stuff and I couldn't always take my PC with me so paper it is.

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  • Amelia-Mary
    Re: Book of Shadows: Tips, Tricks, and Crafts for creating your own...

    I have a slate cover BoS, not made by me unfortunately but it's so pretty Wanna add my own touches to it a little, but it's so beautiful as it is so I'm gonna make another one for rough work and creating my own spells and rituals

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  • kijani
    Re: Book of Shadows: Tips, Tricks, and Crafts for creating your own...

    small-fry, first of all, Satanism as I know it has nothing to do with that. Secondly, the comment doesn't really contribute to the content and purpose of this thread.

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