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Medusa's QDJ (the Quetzalcoatl Apocalypse version!)

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  • Medusa
    Re: Medusa's QDJ (the Quetzalcoatl Apocalypse version!)

    To those replying with the answer, yes I would let them dress as the opposite etc..I want to reiterate I wasn't saying 'dress as the opposite sex'. I was stating 'live as the opposite sex'. As in wanting to be dressed in the opposite sex clothing. Wanting to be referred to as an opposite sex name. Wanting to use the opposite sex bathroom. Etc Etc. This isn't about cross dressing or about having different gender desires then those normally ascribed to the sex of the child. And with that a follow up question. Would you then alter their growing into puberty by offering hormones to stunt the born gender and start pushing on the opposite gender growth? Or would you make them wait until they are of legal age to do that?

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  • Roknrol
    Re: Medusa's QDJ (the Quetzalcoatl Apocalypse version!)

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    Would you allow your child to live as the opposite sex because they feel they are the opposite sex? If no, is there an age you would allow it?
    Depends on the child and the age of the child. My son has made plenty of decisions that he's regretted later. Now, at 17 years old he's old enough to listen to reason. As long as he were willing to listen to the risks associated (as well as recognize the possibility that it's a "bad" decision) I'd be ok with it.

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  • Dez
    Re: Medusa's QDJ (the Quetzalcoatl Apocalypse version!)

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    Would you allow your child to live as the opposite sex because they feel they are the opposite sex? If no, is there an age you would allow it?
    I'd struggle with that one. I don't think I can honestly say what I'd do, unless the circumstance presented itself. There's a difference, though, between fitting gender norms(or not) and identifying as the opposite gender.

    My son has an older sister, so he dresses up in her dress ups sometimes, plays with her dollies or toy kitchen, or sees me putting nail polish on her nails and wants to wear it, too. I get hassled about how relaxed I am about that sort of thing by family, since most of them have the same extremely strict gender roles I was raised in( little boys not being allowed to play with dolls, my 8 month old niece already being constantly told what a good mommy she'll be and having everything positive labeled "pretty"). Massive discomfort that my daughter loves superheroes, too.

    There's a difference between that sort of nonconformist streak, and a child who is potentially going to grow up and identify as transgender. If my son insisted he was a girl when asked? He's definitely old enough to know the difference, now. I have no idea what I'd do, but I would try very hard to not shame him if he showed that much determination about something, whatever it was.

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  • Dumuzi
    Re: Medusa's QDJ (the Quetzalcoatl Apocalypse version!)

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    Would you allow your child to live as the opposite sex because they feel they are the opposite sex? If no, is there an age you would allow it?
    Hmmm, that's actually a really complicated question that I can't answer with yes or no. Whatever way I deal with this issue though, their happiness and well being would be my number one priority.

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  • ChainLightning
    Re: Medusa's QDJ (the Quetzalcoatl Apocalypse version!)

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    Would you allow your child to live as the opposite sex because they feel they are the opposite sex? If no, is there an age you would allow it?
    Ugh. Even though we're talking about a child, I STILL have a shitload of trouble with that word 'allow'. To answer the question though? In depth. When a child reaches the legal age of 'adulthood' they make their own decisions - the most I can do is give advice. A 5 year old? My idealism dictates that the child is well within social expectations and can have what they want, at least some of the time, even in terms of so called 'gender specific' toys, clothes or whatever. When I was 5, I wanted to be a cat - and be fed out of a bowl, sans utensils.

    My reality, of course, is that I'd have to be faced with those exact circumstances where I *need* to make the decision because a child of mine was facing this dilemma. I know what I WANT to do, I have no clue what I WOULD do... circumstances might dictate something like a compromise, for instance.

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  • Lokabrenna
    Re: Medusa's QDJ (the Quetzalcoatl Apocalypse version!)

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    Would you allow your child to live as the opposite sex because they feel they are the opposite sex? If no, is there an age you would allow it?
    Yes, no ifs, ands, or buts.

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  • Peri_Dot
    Re: Medusa's QDJ (the Quetzalcoatl Apocalypse version!)

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    Would you allow your child to live as the opposite sex because they feel they are the opposite sex? If no, is there an age you would allow it?
    Yes, I would.

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  • Jembru
    Re: Medusa's QDJ (the Quetzalcoatl Apocalypse version!)

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    Would you allow your child to live as the opposite sex because they feel they are the opposite sex? If no, is there an age you would allow it?

    I'm also not the maternal type, but I once wrote a story about a girl who had, from a young age, lived as a boy. Gender lines are blurred for me anyway. I don't even consider myself bisexual, even though I guess I am, because for me, I just love people for their personalities regardless of gender, and 'bisexual' puts too much emphasis on gender. I used to be very boyish and wore only male clothes, yet now I'm over-the-top girly and wear 'doll' clothes. Despite being sickly girly, I am characteristically the 'man' in my relationship: and always like to be. So when I date men, they are always effeminate, but not because I prefer feminine, I just need to be with someone I can take care of.

    But I digress, due to the above, I suppose I would have no issue at all if my son asked to wear dresses. However, I wouldn't allow surgery until they were old enough not to need my consent (at which time, I would support them all the way). Why? Because until they are old enough, it is MY responsibility if the decision was a mistake. They won't be allowed tattoos for the same reason (although I'd probably be secretely proud if they were bold enough to go ahead and get on in spite of me). After that, it is their right as an adult, to make mistakes, even massive life altering ones.

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  • Ophidia
    Re: Medusa's QDJ (the Quetzalcoatl Apocalypse version!)

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    Would you allow your child to live as the opposite sex because they feel they are the opposite sex? If no, is there an age you would allow it?
    If I was of child-bearing nature, I say yes. My mother & dad didn't prevent me from playing with 'boy toys' - my dad was a trucker & worked around construction sites, so that's what I was exposed to. Rough-talking men with big toys who played in the dirt. Of course I wanted Tonka toys more than baby dolls!. I was also a 'daddy's little girl'. I was just as happy to play dress-up as I was running around in shorts and t-shirts.

    Kids change their minds a lot. If a little boy wants to play w/Barbies and dress in skirts for a few months, chances are he'll want to play with something else & dress like a cowboy or alien or something else that grabs his attention. Feeling that they are the opposite sex may last their whole lifetime, or it may not.

    I think in most cases, though, it's easier society-and-school-wise if it's a girl. Girls can be tomboys and not get griefed too much. It's acceptable (and usually expected) for girls to wear pants and shirts. A teacher's not going to lose it if a girl comes in to class wearing jeans (unless it's a uniform school). I think I'd probably encourage a son to choose utilikilts over girly-girly skirts. I'd also have advance meetings w/school staff and neighboring parents, too. It helps ease into things than just suddenly unleashing a 5-year old RuPaul on the local community.

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  • Medusa
    Re: Medusa's QDJ (the Quetzalcoatl Apocalypse version!)

    Would you allow your child to live as the opposite sex because they feel they are the opposite sex? If no, is there an age you would allow it?

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  • Dez
    Re: Medusa's QDJ (the Quetzalcoatl Apocalypse version!)

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    What is your favorite non conventional smell?
    Old leather.

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  • Shahaku
    Re: Medusa's QDJ (the Quetzalcoatl Apocalypse version!)

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    What is your favorite non conventional smell?
    Wet clay. But I work with ceramics a lot. Really aren't supposed to breathe in clay dust, but I like the smell of that too. It's just dangerous cause you're breathing in silicone.

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  • Medusa
    Re: Medusa's QDJ (the Quetzalcoatl Apocalypse version!)

    I also like the smell of adamantium.


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  • Roknrol
    Re: Medusa's QDJ (the Quetzalcoatl Apocalypse version!)

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    What is your favorite non conventional smell?
    Damn...this is a hard one. I've been a smoker for suck a long time my sense of smell doesn't work very well :-/ I like the smell of old muscle cars...the mix of grease and gas and tearing up asphalt gets ground into the entire's comforting to me.

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  • Corvus
    Re: Medusa's QDJ (the Quetzalcoatl Apocalypse version!)

    What is your favorite non conventional smell?
    theres sooo many. The rain, cut grass, blood, the smell of my friend's neck

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