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Ultimate Church

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  • SPhoenix
    Re: Ultimate Church

    I think that's a great idea for other people. I wouldn't want anything to do with it, because I'm still too bitter about christianity as a whole. I do not want christianity preached to me, period. I also don't want certain other religions preached to me, period. I do NOT believe they have anyone's best interest at heart at all (not saying INDIVIDUALS don't, just the holy books/ teachings of those religions, to be CLEAR!).

    So while I think it sounds wonderful, it wouldn't be for me. There are religious beliefs I really have less than zero interest in being anywhere near mostly because I would pick a fight. I wouldn't be able to keep my blamed mouth shut. As soon as they started in about the whole "sinners, worms of the earth" business, and the "someone had to be killed before god could stand to be around you" business, I'd go OFF. Right, wrong, or indifferent, I just wouldn't be able to hold my peace on that.

    Which isn't any anything to do with individuals who believe that way, it's about the belief itself.

    I can't agree that all religions teach the same basic things. And I do feel that some of the basic teachings of some of these religions are directly harmful.

    So I guess I get to be one of the people who shows why "it'll never happen" .

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  • Dumuzi
    Re: Ultimate Church

    Originally posted by Alienist View Post
    To help those in need and be peaceful with each other

    I don't believe there's a need to unite religions in terms of worship and theology. After all it would be pointless. If I agreed with your religion I would be a follower of it. However, I can totally see religious leaders uniting to fight poverty or helping their community. In my opinion, this would work on a local level even better than a global level.

    For example, there's a Children's Cancer hospital in Egypt that was created based on charity work. And they had both Muslim scholars and members of the Church campaigning to raise money for the hospital. Stuff like that is really realistic and it can totally work.

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  • Torey
    Re: Ultimate Church

    Originally posted by Alienist View Post
    Aside from the dark religions, pretty much all the religions have the same end goal: To help those in need and be peaceful with each other and use powers to help those in need whether it's through exorcism, meditation, holy water, the chakra ect.
    Just out of curiosity, of which "dark religions" are you speaking?

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  • Maria de Luna
    Re: Ultimate Church

    Originally posted by Louisvillian View Post
    Not to insult it, because I really do admire what it has done and what it is, but Unitarian Universalism can be critiqued for a perceived "genericness", which is rooted in its lack of any specific set ideas or practices..
    This is absolutely true, but is done better by some individual UU churches than others. I personally do love the doctrines myself though, its why I drag myself out to one weekly! It is a nice and uplifting addition to my own practices, but it is an addition, not a replacement, or stand-in.

    Originally posted by Louisvillian View Post
    I would like to see more cooperation and tolerance between religious groups and religious identities. A lessened absolutism about beliefs, practices, and feelings. But I still think that the diversity of those is what makes religion a vibrant and living part of the human experience.
    What you said right herewould be nice to see more of. From all sides.

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  • Louisvillian
    Re: Ultimate Church

    I'm not really that in favour of literal unity between religions. They are too many different viewpoints, too many strongly-held beliefs, and too much variation. I feel that, not only is it impractical, but a complete unification between the world's religions would stifle creativity, variation, and diversity. Not to insult it, because I really do admire what it has done and what it is, but Unitarian Universalism can be critiqued for a perceived "genericness", which is rooted in its lack of any specific set ideas or practices.
    I would like to see more cooperation and tolerance between religious groups and religious identities. A lessened absolutism about beliefs, practices, and feelings. But I still think that the diversity of those is what makes religion a vibrant and living part of the human experience.

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  • Shahaku
    Re: Ultimate Church

    Unitarian Universalists follow this very thing. Generally, they preach more along the lines of it being most important to be a good person/good citizen. They teach open mindedness and are accepting of all paths. It's a place where people can gather to gain understanding of each others beliefs and talk about how to best contribute to society, that sort of thing. Often they will have smaller groups of similar religioned peoples who meet to perform specific rituals/practices/etc. The UU in my home town had Christians, Wiccans, Atheists, and I believe even a Muslim attending the same service.

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  • Aeran
    Re: Ultimate Church

    I'm not an expert, but isn't Unitarian Universalism something along those lines?

    Anyway I'm not sure it would work as an actual real world organization or institution, but there are websites and online communities out there along those lines.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'm not an expert, but isn't Unitarian Universalism something along those lines?

    Anyway I'm not sure it would work as an actual real world organization or institution, but there are websites and online communities out there along those lines.

    unless it was built like a college university with separate buildings or rooms for each version of worship,
    That would actually be really cool, how fun would it be to be able to meditate in a buddhist temple, then go to a solstice or equinox celebration in a grove outside, etc etc.

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  • PsykhikosAnarchosNautikos
    Re: Ultimate Church

    Originally posted by Kahlenda View Post
    Personally i think its a good idea and could potentionally stop religeous wars and arguments. However, im willing to bet that someone will come along after me an prove exactly why the above would never happen.
    Sorry to be the one! I don't think that could happen because, although the destination is the same, the paths are completely different. Their rituals and views are not compatible in a single center of worship, unless it was built like a college university with separate buildings or rooms for each version of worship, but then again, that would just be segregation on a smaller scale- but that would be something I would love to see and be a part of, honestly.

    The other problem is culture. Each religion is different because cultures are different. Most American Christians probably wouldn't understand the Hindu Chakra system and the plethora of Gods and Goddesses, most European Wiccans probably wouldn't understand why Jews worship a jealous God, and most Japanese Zen Buddhists wouldn't understand why people worship Gods in the first place because there is no Enlightenment to found in external sources.

    Many Yogis, the Dalai Lama, Ammachita, among others I am sure, devote their entire lives to this sort of ideal, except not on a physical level. A whole new religion with its own way to worship would have to built, not discarding but adapting, all the faiths protocols and/or wisdom into one big happy doctrine... this has been tried before (the wisdom, not the protocol) most recently by L Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology- and look what good that brought. That was the point of Buddhas Dharma five thousand years ago and Christ's Gospels two thousand years ago- and look what happened to Christ!

    This is why , if I had to choose a religion, I would just call it Magic, because magic, in and of it self, has no dogma, god, rules, or anything. It just is and it is applied by the use of whatever religious, or non religious, protocols you choose- same with the idea of 'God'. I think it's more about having a place to learn about other cultures spiritual heritage, not so much a place to actually worship said heritage.

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  • Kahlenda
    Re: Ultimate Church

    Personally i think its a good idea and could potentionally stop religeous wars and arguments. However, im willing to bet that someone will come along after me an prove exactly why the above would never happen.

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  • Alienist
    started a topic Ultimate Church

    Ultimate Church

    I always thought there should be more unity with religions. Almost all religions whether it includes a pantheon of gods like the Norse or one god like the Abrahamic religions or ones that are more philisophical are all connected. I see religion as a set of spirtuaul guidlines and to help the unfortunate and have peace. Aside from the dark religions, pretty much all the religions have the same end goal: To help those in need and be peaceful with each other and use powers to help those in need whether it's through exorcism, meditation, holy water, the chakra ect.

    I always thought there should be mystics of each religion united and dedicating themselves to help those through the power of whatever gods they worship or through any great and mystical philosopher. I say Jews, Christians, Muslims, Pagans, Wiccans, Buddhists, Hinduists and others unite and form some sort of group. The religions could form an ultimate church for worship where each religion can worship there or form an orginization of some sort. They are different but they are all similar in their end goals about using good spiritual energy in some form another. How come they don't unite despite their differences in gods or customs? They all want to have peace despite the fact they do things differently.