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It's for sure - Big Brother is watching you!

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  • RainbowDemonic
    Re: It's for sure - Big Brother is watching you!

    Originally posted by MaskedOne View Post
    Do I object? yep

    Do I consider it a violation of Fourth Amendment protections? Hell Yes

    Do I expect that sone analyst is reading everything any of us say? No

    The net is rather large and the NSA has finite manpower so while in theory, they've got access, in practice there is only so much time in a day so most of us won't be having an analyst look at our stuff in detail
    I believe most of it is automated, with computer "analysts" scanning through for certain key phrases, and such. The actual human analysts only come in when certain parameters are tripped, which narrows it down considerably so that there ARE man hours enough for it. But what those key phrases are of course is anyone's guess. Personally I'm certain there are some totally far-fetched ones thrown in there. Bunk psychology, and such. The government having shown itself to be thoroughly out of touch with reality many times, after all.

    It's been going on long before anyone decided to point it out. The public's a little slow on the uptake. It does bother me some days since I found out years ago, but I realize, what the hell is anyone going to do about it, really? Some of the citizenry will bitch and moan and then it'll just continue on as usual - I mean really, if they gave a single rat's butt what any of us thought they wouldn't be doing it in the first place. If we think we have any say in our total lack of privacy, we're absolutely kidding ourselves.

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  • MaskedOne
    Re: It's for sure - Big Brother is watching you!

    Do I object? yep

    Do I consider it a violation of Fourth Amendment protections? Hell Yes

    Do I expect that sone analyst is reading everything any of us say? No

    The net is rather large and the NSA has finite manpower so while in theory, they've got access, in practice there is only so much time in a day so most of us won't be having an analyst look at our stuff in detail

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  • thalassa
    Re: It's for sure - Big Brother is watching you!

    This is no surprise to me. And, I'd like to feel pissed about it, but its pretty much been going on on some level for.ever. I just...well, I'm more worried about food right now. I have enough money for 2 weeks worth of groceries AND day care? TBH, my convos aren't so interesting that I'm worried about the FBI or some other alphabet soup agency coming knocking. And if/when we get to the point of my being persecuted for being on a watch list because I have a vagina or I hug trees, I think we'll be well beyond worrying about data mining.

    TBH, (in abstract) I mind Big Brother data mining less than Big Business...

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  • It's for sure - Big Brother is watching you!

    Everybody's worst nightmare has come to pass.

    Assume that somebody is ALWAYS listening in on your conversations. They even access your credit card info!

    NSA! Do you here me now?

    Fuck off!

    NSA Prism Data Mining Is All Up In Ur Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, Apple