Over the last couple years, I've been getting more and more interested in wanting to own a crystal ball-both for the purpose of meditation and potential divination......as well as the fact that some of them just look seriously awesome and I kinda want one anyways.
But my bigger question is more-what sizes, or types of stone/crystal are really best when it comes to actual meditation and divination using crystal balls as an actual tool? And where do you consider the best places to get them?
Part of me wants to get one of the larger ones, but I realize that they're seriously expensive depending on the types of stones as well as the size. I was looking on Amazon for a basic idea of pricing and a simple 8inch/200mm was $100 for simple clear crystal. I also noticed different types of stones varying in price between clear crystal, crystal quartz, rose quartz, amber, a lavender color, natural black obsidian, and that was just Amazon.
So from any experience-what do you guys recommend?
But my bigger question is more-what sizes, or types of stone/crystal are really best when it comes to actual meditation and divination using crystal balls as an actual tool? And where do you consider the best places to get them?
Part of me wants to get one of the larger ones, but I realize that they're seriously expensive depending on the types of stones as well as the size. I was looking on Amazon for a basic idea of pricing and a simple 8inch/200mm was $100 for simple clear crystal. I also noticed different types of stones varying in price between clear crystal, crystal quartz, rose quartz, amber, a lavender color, natural black obsidian, and that was just Amazon.
So from any experience-what do you guys recommend?