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Zika:Just shows how the Zombie thing could catch us off guard.

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  • thalassa
    Re: Zika:Just shows how the Zombie thing could catch us off guard.

    Closed for sheer stupidity and off-topicness.

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  • anunitu
    Re: Zika:Just shows how the Zombie thing could catch us off guard.

    Will mention a girl I worked with that tried to tell me how easy it was to quit smoking...she "Smoked" once a week on a Friday(and only one cigg) and never inhaled...
    You know just how much I listened to her....

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  • ThePaganMafia
    Re: Zika:Just shows how the Zombie thing could catch us off guard.

    Do facts cause cancer cause you avoid those like the plague, DF.

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  • anunitu
    Re: Zika:Just shows how the Zombie thing could catch us off guard.

    It is always good to have personal experience about a subject you are going to lecture others on is all. and I am closing in on 70,and smoked 3 packs a day for several years...
    also came very close to being dead several times because I was a little bit of a jump in feet first kind of person.. Actually surprised I got to this ripe old age..

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  • DragonsFriend
    Re: Zika:Just shows how the Zombie thing could catch us off guard.

    Originally posted by anunitu View Post
    Only one question here DF,do you,or have you ever smoked?
    A question of importance from a LONG time smoker that quit...I smoked 56 years...and quit..But answer the question please.
    I don't know what importance it has to the conversation about cause and effect but the answer is yes, I have smoked and yes I have quit. I am 65+ years old. I have known people who have died of cancer between the ages of 7 and 66. Some were smokers but some were never exposed to cigarette smoke in their lives. One, died of a "non-specific" cancer but was a smoker. The cancer he had was not related to sun exposure or to cigarette smoking. It was likely caused by gamma radiation exposure.

    Now, tell me why my smoking history is important to the conversation. Please answer the question.

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  • anunitu
    Re: Zika:Just shows how the Zombie thing could catch us off guard.

    Only one question here DF,do you,or have you ever smoked?
    A question of importance from a LONG time smoker that quit...I smoked 56 years...and quit..But answer the question please.

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  • DragonsFriend
    Re: Zika:Just shows how the Zombie thing could catch us off guard.

    OK, let me say this in small words and I'll even type it slowly for those who don't read fast:

    There are a lot of things that increase the odds of getting cancer. the biggest of these risks is called genetics (the way your body is formed in mommy's tummy)
    Smoke contains some things (called chemicals) that can increase the odds of you getting sick (like with cancer). Every time you go outside your body is hit with gamma rays (it's space radiation) and gamma rays tear your DNA apart. That can give you cancer - and it does! The thing is, our bodies can repair that stuff and it does daily. You don't get sick with cancer until your body can't repair that damage any more. Then you end up diagnosed (the doctor tells you) with cancer. It doesn't matter how you got it, but now you have to either help your body fix the bad cells or you will die.

    If you live long enough that your body can't fix itself you are very likely to get cancer. Your odds increase if you spend a lot of time in the sunshine without those SPF thingies. Your odds increase if you have close relatives who have had cancer because it shows that your immune system is not programmed to fix those broken cells. If you spend time at campfires, walking close to high traffic areas, burn candles or incense in your home a lot, or if you smoke these things can add to your chance of getting cancer. If your immune system is in good shape and you are not genetically inclined to get cancer the likelihood is that you will not live long enough to get it.

    I know I used some big words but they were necessary. If you don't understand them there are dictionaries on line that can help.
    Ladders don't cause broken legs - the fall can - but if you know how to land or have strong and flexible bones the fall is likely to be ok.
    Baseball bats don't cause home runs. Marriage does not cause divorce.

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  • B. de Corbin
    Re: Zika:Just shows how the Zombie thing could catch us off guard.

    I'm smoking a ciggy and feeling depressed all of a sudden, for some reason...

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  • thalassa
    Re: Zika:Just shows how the Zombie thing could catch us off guard.

    Some people don't understand how causation actually works. Some people that don't understand how causation actually works also don't understand how causation is established over correlation. But that's okay. It's why I don't get my medical or scientific information from them.

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  • Jembru
    Re: Zika:Just shows how the Zombie thing could catch us off guard.

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    We can hope. But chances are he meant it. I got odds going on the side if you wanna lay some money down?
    I'll do more than bet. If he did mean that there is no difference in risk between smokers and non-smokers, I'm gonna start posting as though MY make-believe reality is real too!

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  • Medusa
    Re: Zika:Just shows how the Zombie thing could catch us off guard.

    Originally posted by Jembru View Post
    Wasn't DF just mocking the way the media and joe-public don't differentiate between A causing B, and A significantly increasing the risk of B. Smoking doesn't cause cancer. Certainly not all cancers, by any stretch. But it DOES cause mutations in the cells, and it is those mutations that can develop into cancer. Other things can increase your risk too of course.

    I thought this was the point he was making rather than 'there is no link between smoking and cancer'. Because THAT would be like me saying 'I've bought hundreds of lottery tickets but never won, so there's no connection between having a ticket and winning the lottery. Smoking is just like buying thousands of tickets every day instead of the hundreds of tickets our lifestyles naturally provide us with. Each ticket still has the same chance of winning however many you have.

    It's not the nicest lottery, but we're all in it whether we like it or not. Avoiding having too many tickets is the best hope we have of avoiding cancer, but no one is free of risk however healthy they try to be.

    But weren't we talking about zombies? ^^
    We can hope. But chances are he meant it. I got odds going on the side if you wanna lay some money down?

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  • Jembru
    Re: Zika:Just shows how the Zombie thing could catch us off guard.

    Wasn't DF just mocking the way the media and joe-public don't differentiate between A causing B, and A significantly increasing the risk of B. Smoking doesn't cause cancer. Certainly not all cancers, by any stretch. But it DOES cause mutations in the cells, and it is those mutations that can develop into cancer. Other things can increase your risk too of course.

    I thought this was the point he was making rather than 'there is no link between smoking and cancer'. Because THAT would be like me saying 'I've bought hundreds of lottery tickets but never won, so there's no connection between having a ticket and winning the lottery. Smoking is just like buying thousands of tickets every day instead of the hundreds of tickets our lifestyles naturally provide us with. Each ticket still has the same chance of winning however many you have.

    It's not the nicest lottery, but we're all in it whether we like it or not. Avoiding having too many tickets is the best hope we have of avoiding cancer, but no one is free of risk however healthy they try to be.

    But weren't we talking about zombies? ^^

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  • anunitu
    Re: Zika:Just shows how the Zombie thing could catch us off guard.

    I smoked a LONG time,and even though I am not yet dead,there are consequences from long term smoking..Circulation issues,some breathing issues,and other issues.

    Glad I finally quit,it is a real pain to quit,hard as hell..still get the urge from time to time BTW after a year and a half.

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  • Medusa
    Re: Zika:Just shows how the Zombie thing could catch us off guard.

    Originally posted by DragonsFriend View Post
    I doubt the CDC has tested the babies of every pregnant woman who was exposed to the virus.
    "Smoking causes cancer" is a BS line that has been proven false. Why do people who smoke for their entire life not get cancer, or emphysema or other problems the "smoking causes"?
    Politics and medicine do not mix well.
    If smoking causes cancer then why do people who have never been exposed to smoking get cancer?
    I'm going to explain something to you. I'm going to explain it in easy speak because...well we all know why I'm going to explain it in easy speak. Falling from a ladder cause can you to break a leg. But yet people who have never gone on a ladder have indeed broken a leg. See how that works?

    I've never been around a long time smoker who was healthy or didn't sound like they swallowed a frog or didn't hack up half a lung while dragging a cig. I'm sure there is some super healthy person sucking down cigs like tic tacs that doesn't sound like a dying ertha kitt.

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  • anunitu
    Re: Zika:Just shows how the Zombie thing could catch us off guard.

    Ok,get ready if you live in certain parts of the east coast..the Cicadas are coming..yup those noisy 17 year critters are due to emerge once again.

    Story here from Huffington post.

    Pic of one of those little buggers.(actually a video and their "Sound")

    If you have ever heard them,you never forget that sound.

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