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A new blog on European tradition and religion

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  • monsno_leedra
    Re: A new blog on European tradition and religion

    Neanderthal Religion? Now that is a real stretch of things. I could see perhaps the Neanderthal's possibly having a holdover in early Nordic type lore as the Jotuns (Giants). Perhaps even to the concept of cross-breeding between the races as you also see in the lore as well as battles between them.

    But a Neanderthal Religion that influences European Paganism, or specifically Northern Europe find it highly unlikely. Especially one that lasts until Christianization takes place.

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  • Knowledge Goblin
    Re: A new blog on European tradition and religion

    Originally posted by thalassa View Post

    Its an incredibly trite dismissal of history at best, and downright offensive to some practitioners at worst.
    Well, of course offence is not what I'm aiming at by any means. However, I don't see why me saying that our European traditions are at their root of the same nature should cause offence. I personally believe it is worthy of rejoice that our traditions and customs have remained as united and intact as they have for tens of thousands of years.

    Of course the names of Gods vary, there are changes to myths, some additions, subtractions and changes that i agree are deeply entwined with and personalized geographically and ethnically but nothing that takes away from the fundamental essence of what I, personally, hypothesise as being the root of all European paganism: Neanderthal religion.

    I believe, based on archaeological evidence, scant as it is, that Neanderthal religion largely continued as the paganism that was practiced up until the christianization of Europe (not Wicca), especially in northern Europe where there was less pollution with other mythologies.

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  • thalassa
    Re: A new blog on European tradition and religion

    Originally posted by Knowledge Goblin View Post
    I'm trying to write for a broad audience, so I'm writing about a lot of different native traditions. But even writing about one is the same as writing about all of them because European religion is the same no matter where you go, even if the names for the Gods are different and there is a few variations due to divergence over time from the pro Indo European culture.
    So, yes, much of most European cultures (and some others) probably evolved from Proto-Indo-European cultures. And yes, there are many similarities between European traditions, likely homologous to one another from this common origin. However, to say they are the same ignores 1) the influence of the earlier culture that PIE traditions were incorporated over and 2) the evolution of those hybridized new cultures across unique ecosystems in the various regions of Europe. Its an incredibly trite dismissal of history at best, and downright offensive to some practitioners at worst.

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  • Rae'ya
    Re: A new blog on European tradition and religion

    Originally posted by Knowledge Goblin View Post
    But even writing about one is the same as writing about all of them because European religion is the same no matter where you go, even if the names for the Gods are different and there is a few variations due to divergence over time from the pro Indo European culture.
    I'm afraid that I have to disagree with you here. But it does bring up a good point about Archetypes and the way that human nature causes us to interpret deities in similar roles even when viewed through different cultural lenses.

    Originally posted by Knowledge Goblin View Post
    I'll probably mostly be focusing on Norse and Greek mythology as they are much more well documented, though I want to learn more about Celtic, Finnish and Iberian paganism, as they are probably the traditions I know the least about.
    We have a number of followers of Norse and Northern Traditions here, including myself . We also have many members who follow Hellenic paths, so there should be plenty of opportunities for discussion there. We have specific boards for certain traditions, to help keep things organised and gain the attention of the relevant people. Take a look here and feel free to post questions or discussion points.

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  • Torey
    Re: A new blog on European tradition and religion

    Originally posted by Knowledge Goblin View Post
    ...But even writing about one is the same as writing about all of them because European religion is the same no matter where you go, even if the names for the Gods are different and there is a few variations due to divergence over time from the pro Indo European culture...
    That's a pretty bold statement - certainly something of a conversation-starter as we have practitioners of many faiths lurking about in this forum.

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  • Knowledge Goblin
    Re: A new blog on European tradition and religion

    I'm trying to write for a broad audience, so I'm writing about a lot of different native traditions. But even writing about one is the same as writing about all of them because European religion is the same no matter where you go, even if the names for the Gods are different and there is a few variations due to divergence over time from the pro Indo European culture.

    I'll probably mostly be focusing on Norse and Greek mythology as they are much more well documented, though I want to learn more about Celtic, Finnish and Iberian paganism, as they are probably the traditions I know the least about.
    Last edited by Knowledge Goblin; 28 Apr 2018, 04:21.

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  • Rae'ya
    Re: A new blog on European tradition and religion

    You are also more than welcome to ask questions or start discussions on any of the European traditions that interest you We have quite a few practitioners of various European traditions here and quite a few more with an interest in related traditions. Is there a particular tradition or religion that you have a focus in?

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  • volcaniclastic
    Re: A new blog on European tradition and religion

    First off, welcome to the forum!

    However, please be advised that you need to make 15 posts that are not in either Introductions or Lols, Quizzes and Games, and that spacing out the dots in your website to remove the link function is still the same as POSTING A LINK.

    We'd love to give you feedback on your website. But how about you introduce yourself properly, and contribute as a member of this community before we offer you free constructive criticism on your website?

    Last edited by MaskedOne; 27 Apr 2018, 10:49.

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  • A new blog on European tradition and religion

    Hi there, I'm new to these forums and wanted to drop off a bit of info. I've started a blog called Europeans Unite which will hopefully discuss European traditions and religion in depth.

    I've done 5 Articles so far and would be very happy if you could give them a read and provide any feedback. The writing style is not very refined as I've just been focusing on getting the quantity out there for now and building a base of readers.

    I'm not permitted to post links but the site is


    I recommend starting from the first article as it will give you more of a foundation of what I'm about and what I write about.
    Last edited by volcaniclastic; 27 Apr 2018, 08:25.