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the rise of The Transhuman Era

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    Re: the rise of The Transhuman Era

    I don't know about this transhumanism thing. I hope they do consider morals and ethics of the issue before they really get started.

    Dedicated and devoted to Lord Anubis and Lady Bast. A follower of the path of Egyptian Wicca.


      Re: the rise of The Transhuman Era

      what comes comes,and we become
      MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

      all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
      NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
      don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


      my new page here,let me know what you think.

      nothing but the shadow of what was



        Re: the rise of The Transhuman Era

        Originally posted by anubisa View Post
        I don't know about this transhumanism thing. I hope they do consider morals and ethics of the issue before they really get started.
        One basic question to consider is: "Who are 'they'?"

        Look around a bit. We are currently living through a time when technological change (and by "technological change" I am referring not only to artifacts - computers, cell phones, hardware & software, etc., but the ability to alter the actual construction of living entities) no longer has a centralized, controllable source.

        In such an environment, "they" becomes "you." Your choices, your knowledge, your wisdom. What will YOU do with what will inevitably become possible?

        Computers, cell phones, the internet - look at these revolutionary technologies as the litmus test for future revolutionary technologies. How much thought for the wisdom of; or the morality of these things did people engage in prior to adopting them?

        Expect the same amount of consideration when it comes to transhumanism.
        Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


          Re: the rise of The Transhuman Era

          Okay so recently I read several books on this topic and although it is scary I am all for it! Because through it I can be better than the people with money. Around here money decides who can be somebody and who can't but this is a rural bible belt area and they will be terrified and more than likely remain as what the books call 'naturals' while I will become what the books call 'enhanced' or another term for posthuman or transhuman. So the Singularity is Ray Kurzweils hopes for transhumanism he has several websites and is (or was at least) the director of engineering at thats just a few he also makes synthesizers that some celebrities including weird al yankovic use. Now Let me advance your knowledge of transhumanism a little bit you can find a short list of books in my post in the science forum about transhumanism. Another group making advances in transhuman technology is DARPA the defense advanced research projects agency. They do all the controversial work for the government through congressional funding and hiring private contractors so their hands do not get dirty so to speak. such as embyro mixing, cloning, robotics, etc. Their work is for the United States military and the typical result their looking for is creating a super soldier. Now many many books have been written with different scenarios for the outcome of Transhumanism the singularity is just one of them 3 more are called the heaven scenario, the hell scenario, and the prevail scenario. Prevail is what I am hoping for the gist of it is like all other technologies we will trial and error with it figuring out what works and what doesnt it and improve it steadily as we go along. heaven and hell are two extremes. They are already planning for constitutional amendments preparing for posthumans to be discriminated against. Theyre talking about how natural people will not be able to keep up with enhanced people in schools and naturals will still be doing 6th grade work while the enhanced will be ready to graduate college. I

          - - - Updated - - -

          Having read several books recently on the subject of transhumanism from many different points of view I am in favor of it.
          If you check my post in the science forum about transhumanism it has a small list of books that I read about it.
          The singularity is one mans intent for the future his name is Ray Kurzweil you can google him he has accomplished alot he is the director of
          engineering of google(or at least he was when the books were published) he owns a synthesizer company and his instruments are played by celebrites
          including weird al yankovic. Once again google his name and he has many websites both by him and about him.
          The singularity is just one possible outcome there are lots of books written and thats what theyre doing is theorizing how transhumanism is going
          to turn out. Theres the heaven scenario the hell scenario and the prevail scenario. I'm hoping for prevail. The gist of it is as usual we just
          trial and error with the technology fixing what doesnt work and improving as we go along. The other two scenarios are extremes. For example someone
          is predicting that the Artificial intelligence will be so powerful at some point it can work with the molecules that were made up of and decide
          that humans would serve better as toilet paper and turn us all into toilet paper. Theres alot of craziness in these books but I devoured them.
          DARPA defense advanced research projects agency works for congress and the pentagon and theyre trying to create super soldiers by mixing animal
          embryos and working with transhumanism technology they do all the controversial projects for the united states and if your interest in transhumanism
          your going to want to keep up with DARPA because I think theyre leading the way according to these books. People are already preparing constitutional
          amendments to protect the rights of the enhanced because natural people are going to discriminate against them saying they no longer have
          personhood and all that stuff. Natural students wont be able to keep up with enhanced students a natural student will be doing 6th grade work and
          and enhanced students will be graduating college. Children of natural parents will not be allowed to become posthuman with out parental permission
          but the government will provide grants for a level 1 enhancement when natural children turn 18 as a part of their college tuition.
          whatcha listening to thread is my playlist for today music i mean


            Re: the rise of The Transhuman Era

            the whole thing dives deep into the human side of the ability to adjust to actual changes to physical bodies,not just our mental sides

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            i know personally about the changes to the body in a very personal way, i have changed in kind of a radical way

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            radical changes in the physical body also alters the mental self,in major ways

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            ask the new wizard,SHE knows that change well,and the new personality too
            MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

            all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
            NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
            don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


            my new page here,let me know what you think.

            nothing but the shadow of what was



              Re: the rise of The Transhuman Era

              i need to study up more on Nutrigenomics (here's a nice article that I've bookmarked for my future self to absorb but biohacking isn't a new concept in my opinion. implanting electronics into your body IS, but modifying your body with metal, bones, ink, etc has been around for thousands of years. biohacking just seems like a natural (hehe... punny) progression.
              In answer to the question of why it happened, I offer the modest proposal that our Universe is simply one of those things which happen from time to time. ~~ Edward P. Tryon

