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Unpopular Opinions.

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  • thalassa
    Re: Unpopular Opinions.

    Eh, I think people should have picked a better example to protest the very real problems of racism and policing too.

    Like Tamir Rice. Police (specifically a police officer that quit his previous police job rather than get fired) shot a 12 year old at a park with a toy gun (911 was told it was a kid with a toy gun and failed to relay that information to the officers) within 2 seconds of pulling up to the kid's location and then didn't bother to give him first aid. Also, the Cleveland police handcuffed and detained his 14 year old sister in the squad car next to her dying brother for trying to figure out what was wrong (oops, sorry--for "trying to preserve evidence"...probably their excuse for not giving first aid too).

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  • B. de Corbin
    Re: Unpopular Opinions.

    Originally posted by Rick View Post
    Damn you, you truth speaking honest white person! (I didn't want ya to feel disappointed...)
    LOL - yeah, I'm a bad man...

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  • Rick
    Re: Unpopular Opinions.

    Originally posted by B. de Corbin View Post
    A man decides that he will tussle with a police officer, reaching into a police car, and attempt to take a police officer's gun.

    The man is subsequently shot and killed.

    Doubtless this is based on my infamous "white privilege" but, honest to God, if I attempted to take a gun from a police officer, I would expect to be shot. And EVERYBODY would say "What an idiot! What did he expect to happen?"

    Probably cause I'm white...

    I understand that abuses took place, and the Ferguson police were not playing with a straight deck, but I think that, sometimes, people really oughtta pick better heroes.

    I fully expect to be damned for this, so go a ahead and damn me.
    Damn you, you truth speaking honest white person! (I didn't want ya to feel disappointed...)

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  • B. de Corbin
    Re: Unpopular Opinions.

    A man decides that he will tussle with a police officer, reaching into a police car, and attempt to take a police officer's gun.

    The man is subsequently shot and killed.

    Doubtless this is based on my infamous "white privilege" but, honest to God, if I attempted to take a gun from a police officer, I would expect to be shot. And EVERYBODY would say "What an idiot! What did he expect to happen?"

    Probably cause I'm white...

    I understand that abuses took place, and the Ferguson police were not playing with a straight deck, but I think that, sometimes, people really oughtta pick better heroes.

    I fully expect to be damned for this, so go a ahead and damn me.

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  • B. de Corbin
    Re: Unpopular Opinions.

    From what I see in the news, the US is reviving the insanity of the 60s. I hope all the wannabe hippies enjoy it. Nobody else will.

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  • Redfaery
    Re: Unpopular Opinions.

    I don't find door-to-door evangelists irritating. Actually, I kind of sympathize with most of them.

    And possums are really, really cute critters.

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  • Little Star
    Re: Unpopular Opinions.

    In terms of actual beliefs, I'm more left-leaning politically, but I'm seriously considering pretending to be a conservative just because I despise most people on the left so much that I want to have an easy out to make them not talk to me.

    Most of the conservatives I've talked to have been very honest with me about what they believe and why they believe it, and while I don't always agree with them, I appreciate the truthfulness a lot. ~90% of the more left-leaning people I meet are either really fake and just want to look "nice" ("Omg, I'm totally for saving the environment because it's mean not to and stuff!!!!") or are hipsters who are angry at anything that reminds them of The Man. I never feel like I'm getting their real opinions, just some weird, artificial jargon.

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  • Serria
    Re: Unpopular Opinions.

    -- I'm still a Twilight fan

    -- I also enjoy the Star Wars prequels

    -- I despise coffee and tea

    -- I really enjoy Skrillex

    -- I couldn't get into Star Trek or LOTR

    -- I think that many Americans are actually wonderful people and unlike those that don't want to be proud of their nationality because of the opinions of other countries, I will gladly say that I'm proud to be a US citizen

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  • Medusa
    Re: Unpopular Opinions.

    I believe you should teach young women how they look and present themselves when sober and drunk can affect what happens to them. And they take responsibility for their own actions.

    I believe you should teach young men a short skirt and a drunken wink isn't consent and should act like decent fucking human beings. And they take responsibility for their own actions.

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  • thalassa
    Re: Unpopular Opinions.

    1) Most* Pagans have hipster attitudes.

    2) Most* Pagans are so focused on the trees they'd miss the forest if it bit them on the ass.

    *(if I go by blog comments on Patheos)

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  • anunitu
    Re: Unpopular Opinions.

    I am thinking that if you gonna write about Zombies or maybe Vampires your name should kinda be Conchita Vilinova Gabrila VON Mistronzzo...

    (Completely made up name,so forget Google) (good news,Google found nothing)

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  • Medusa
    Re: Unpopular Opinions.

    Originally posted by thalassa View Post
    Hey! That's my momma's name!

    (not that she signs stuff with that, but still)
    My middle name is Rebecca. But I'm not gonna write about zombies with a name like Becky and expect good things. It's just not gonna happen. I figure you are making a statement with that name.

    And to add about female writers changing their names. So I adore Mira Grant. I mean she's right up there. Her real name is Seanan McGuire. Which is so much cooler. I don't get the name change except when she moved out of the teen ere of books.

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  • Denarius
    Re: Unpopular Opinions.

    Originally posted by Ophidia View Post
    Bruce Wayne sounds like someone who'd write self-help or motivational books.
    He's supposed to be a socialite playboy though, so a steamy tell-all "auto"biography would be in the cards as well.

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  • Ophidia
    Re: Unpopular Opinions.

    Originally posted by habbalah View Post
    I would buy the hell out of a book written by Batman.
    I probably wouldn't pick up anything by Bruce Wayne, though. Bruce Wayne sounds like someone who'd write self-help or motivational books. Things like 'Who Moved My Cheese?', or 'Energy Dynamics for Modern Office Relationships'.

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  • habbalah
    Re: Unpopular Opinions.

    Originally posted by nbdy View Post
    Unless you can be Batman ....
    I would buy the hell out of a book written by Batman.

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