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Olivye salad
This salad played a big role in the USSR kitchen; and even now, it still does.
There is a tradition of making it on the Civil New Year. Of course,...
Demon days + New Year - when, where, how?
Many cultures have their own new-year. Each has an unique form of celebration.
But I can't find an exact date for the Kemetic new year and the...
Holiday Gifts
Hi everyone!! With the holiday season coming around, I know a lot of people are going to be looking for gifts for loved ones and family-and I''m going...
What're you doing for Samhain?
What's everyone planning to do for Samhain, if anything?
I'm planning to do a little ceremony to commune with my father, who I lost a few...
What sorts of holidays?
Hello everyone! I'm not too familiar with the forums, but I'd like to get involved.
I know it's encouraged to find information on your own,...
Ostara 2013
There is still another two weeks until it, but I figured it would be appropriate to make this thread now to aid others in gaining inspiration.