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Hello, People!

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    Hello, People!

    Hey. I'm Hector, 18 years old from Brazil. Interested in shamanism and with a mainly pantheistic view of stuff; I worship nature and love. I have a set of belief that's syncretic between many pagan faiths, since I believe gods change only to the culture, but those primal energies we call deities are very much the same, and I have never been formally instructed in any pagan practice, so I fear I'd be displeasing people who dedicate their lives in work with a specific deity. It's been around two years since I abandoned Christianity.

    I'm very interested in Amazonian Ayahuasca and Peruvian Pachamama religion, though. And I've been seeking to learn these practices. There are a few native american enclaves in reachable distance from where I live in Rio (yes, there are urban resistances of natives and it's really interesting political movement). But I don't have much time to spare after organizing my university study, my friends and lovers and taking some time to rest. But eventually I'll get to it.
    I also have an interest in craftsmanship, but never even had the opportunity to learn any, which sucks, but such is life over here.

    Anyway, as stereotypical as that might be many people consider me a hippie, and I accept that label over myself, but much of what I am I am because of the pagan beliefs I have acquired. My appreciation for nature, love, family and loyalty surely come from my more pagan views, for example.

    Peace, friends! May the Goddess show all of us the enlightened paths!

    Re: Hello, People!



      Re: Hello, People!

      Welcome to the community!
      "Fair means that everybody gets what they need. And the only way to get that is to make it happen yourself."

      Since I adore cats, I might write something strange or unusual in my comment.Cats are awesome!!! ^_^


        Re: Hello, People!

        Hi! Welcome
        Hippies are cool! I always wished I'd lived during that time period
        I wouldn't worry about stereotypes; just do what you like!

