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Using Essential Oils in Labour - Which to Choose?

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    Using Essential Oils in Labour - Which to Choose?

    I really want to use some oils to help lessen the trauma of labour for everyone involved.

    I use oils at home to burn for aromatherapy, but I'd like to buy oils for application during labour. I don't want ones that simply smell nice, I want them to be effective, too. I'm hoping to source oils that help to keep me and everyone else as calm and confident as possible and also to assist with pain relief.

    I asked my local essential oils supplier who stocks a brand called 'Young Living.' She doesn't have much knowledge herself on the use of oils in labour, but has done some research and forwarded this to me. The information provided is from other people's experiences with oils, which seems to vary from person to person.

    Has anyone else got some knowledge/experience on this topic?

    I am four weeks away from estimated due date.

    P.S. I want to try to steer clear of Lavender if I can. I don't hate the smell, but it's not necessarily my favourite.

    - - - Updated - - -

    At the moment, the information I have is fairly vast and a little vague. Many make references to the name of the mix of oils rather than what is actually in the oil (eg Peace and Calming) so I have to do some checking up. However, past that, it seems Geranium mixed with another oil like Frankincense is popular for Perineal massage, and Clary Sage seems to be a common thread among mixes to encourage labour.

    I'd use Lavender if I was convinced it is as effective as people say it is.

    Re: Using Essential Oils in Labour - Which to Choose?

    Also if anyone could comment on the quality:cost of the oils they've used, that would be helpful. I just had a look on eBay and a 5ml bottle of frankincense by Young Living costs $83. That's out of my price range.


      Re: Using Essential Oils in Labour - Which to Choose?

      First off--never buy anything that isn't 100% labeled and sourced...allergies, quality, etc are always a problem. Second, research, research, research the manufacturer--there is a lot of shady practices involved in the making of some of these oils, in terms of quality and adulteration and lack of hygenical oversight. Third, cost is sometimes an indication of quality and purity--because its more expensive to do it right...but that also makes it a target of people that are just trying to make money.
      I don't really have time to go into your OP (am at work on lunch), but I'll see what I can do this evening or later in the week!
      Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


        Re: Using Essential Oils in Labour - Which to Choose?

        Very much appreciated, Thalassa. In the meantime, I'll have a decent read through of your oils thread.


          Re: Using Essential Oils in Labour - Which to Choose?

          So, one of the documents that the oils supplier in Bundy gave to me to look at was the following pre and post oils plan. I really don't know where she got it from, so I cannot quote the source, sorry.

          Thoughts on this one, anyone?

          Pregnancy and Labour #1
          When my sister had her first baby in 2000 I wanted to alleviate as much pain and trauma as I could for her and the baby.
          Fortunately she is open to the oils and Young Living. My upline sent me these recipes; my sister used them and she had an
          easy 6 hours of labour (most of which she slept through) and a fairly fast and easy birth. Here you go:

          Pregnant ltchy Skin
          2 1 12 Tablespoons almond oil
          1/2 tsp. jojoba oil
          1 Evening Primrose capsule (approx. 10 drops)
          1 Vitamin E capsule (approx. 10 drops)
          4 drops Tangerine
          4 drops Geranium
          4 drops Lavender
          4 Cypress
          3 Lemon
          Can be used almost daily during pregnancy. Apply it to the wet skin after showering. Could be beneficial for stretch marks

          Three Weeks Before Delivery
          I Geranium
          5 Lavender
          1 oz. Almond oil
          Mix and rub on perineum three times a day.

          One Week Before Delivery
          I Geranium
          5 Lavender
          5 Fennel
          1 oz. Almond oil
          Apply same as 3-week blend above

          During Labor
          4 Helichrysum
          4 Fennel
          2 Peppermint
          5 Ylang Ylang
          3 Clary Sage
          112 oz.Y-6
          Apply only after labor starts. Massage around inside of ankles, on little toes and little fingers, lower tummy and back if

          Labor Cooling Compress
          10 Jasmine
          5 Roman Chamomile
          5 Geranium
          10 Lavender
          Use in a bowl of water, swish cloth and use to cool mom's head and face.
          Afterbirth Blend
          10 Geranium
          15 Jasmine
          Use with a carrier oil and massage to help expel placenta, and to tone the uterus.

          General notes:
          *Encouraging labor: Jasmine, Clary Sage.
          *Uterine tonic: Jasmine, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Nutmeg
          *Antidepressant: Roman Chamomile, Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender'
          *Pain killer: Roman Chamomile, Jasmine, Lavender
          I hope these will be beneficial to all who need/use them. l was very grateful to receive them.
          I like the look of this because there are oils in here that I could see myself using again, and I like that there are two oils (Geranium and lavender) that are used consistently.


            Re: Using Essential Oils in Labour - Which to Choose?

            Okay, I had to place an order today to get anything within a month because tomorrow is ANZAC Day for us - a public holiday.

            In the end, it cost too much to get all the oils in the above plan so I chose two blends by Young Living and a single of Ylang Ylang to put on my chest.

            One blend is for massage and emotional wellbeing. I smelled it and was immediately satisfied with it. I thought the smell had everything I would need to stay brave, well-grounded and in touch with my body. It is a combination of spruce, rosewood, blue tansy, and frankincense. I'm going to use it leading up to labour during yoga meditation and practise.

            The scent of Ylang-Ylang helps me to be in touch with soft emotions, and I wanted to remember that I am in there for the sake of love. I'll be buying a cheaper version of it and using it in a vaporiser over the next few weeks leading up to labour during 'baby and me' time and hopefully be able to establish an association with that scent and love for baby.

            The other blend is supposed to assist with pain relief. It smells a lot like Deep Heat. It reminds me of my great grandfather whose memory I won't mind being present. The blend includes wintergreen, helichrysum, clove, and peppermint. I plan to use it in transition phase, but before I pay for this blend, I will be speaking with the doctor at antenatal clinic. I'm aware wintergreen is not recommended for children under 18 months and this blend is to be used only under the supervision of a health professional if pregnant.

            I have peppermint already on hand incase I can't use the above blend. It's not for pain relief, but the smell of peppermint helps soothe nausea for me more than ginger does. Ginger reminds me of food!

            Even though the oils are expensive, the supplier provided me with financial relief by offering to sell the oil in sample sized packs. This means I'll be buying only what I will actually use, bringing everything into budget.

            I also discovered another shop in town has recently begun to stock a much cheaper brand of high quality essential oils. I was told that the processes of extraction are similar, it's just this particular company spends a lot less on marketing, packaging, etc., and this is how the price is kept comparatively low. I think it might be because they sell two grades of oils, as well. Perhaps profits from one can offset the other. The brand is Ahisma.

            I'm hoping I haven't overdone it by choosing too many oils. I feel like I may end up with a very smelly delivery room!!!

            When researching a company, how can you verify the claims they make about themselves?
            Last edited by Azvanna; 24 Apr 2014, 02:08.


              Re: Using Essential Oils in Labour - Which to Choose?

              Hey.. just wanted to say that I got the oils. They didn't make a lick of difference!!!!!!

