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10 reasons young losers are abanding God... According to Fox News

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    10 reasons young losers are abanding God... According to Fox News

    Ten reasons millenials are backing away from God and Christianity. The categories are from the article, but I have translated the descriptors into non-Orwellian language:

    1. You're noticing that there is a wide word of ideas out there, thinking about them, and being influenced by them. Stop that, now!

    2. Breakdown of the family. Your families are so totally, absolutely screwed up that you can't even imagine how "great" it would be have a "father" running every aspect of your life. Damn you parents!

    3. Militant secularism: Public schools are no longer used as indoctrination camps. Thought and reason are emphasised over somebody else's version of revealed truth. Damn those teachers! They work for SATAN!

    4. Lack of spiritual authenticity among adults. when a priest abuses you, you need to remember that it's all part of Jesus's plan to bring you to fatherly love. Shrug it off, and remember the great honor of being an alter boy!

    5. . People have found other ways of meeting and mingling, and aren't socially ostracized for skipping church. Fun and respect are the ememies of the Lord.

    6. Pervasive cultural abandonment of morality. people have realized that some relgious-based morality is dumb. You prolly won't go to hell for eating lobster, and it tastes good. But doing so angers the Lord, for some weird reason never really made clear...

    7. Intellectual skepticism. College students are encouraged to engage in philosophical investigation rather that having "truth" handed down from on high. College instructers! Don't go to college, they brainwash you into thinking!

    8. Although they still can't openly run for office in the US, atheists are comming out of the closet, expressing their ideas in public spaces, and gaining both understanding and support. Next thing you know atheists will bw able to legally get married!

    9. Our new God: Tolerance be Thy name. People have decided to embrace the concept of "life, libery, and the pursute of happiness," even for non-Christians. Talk about an f'd up country...

    10. The commonly defiant posture of young adulthood. Your natural youthful exuberation for reality testing and pushing boundaries has led you to the discovery that much of what was forced into you brain was mush, and you prefer something far, far more substantial. Shame on you!

    If you want to read the original, check the link. But don't mistake pseudointellectual word mush for actual communication.
    Last edited by B. de Corbin; 30 Apr 2017, 06:39.
    Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.

    Re: 10 reasons young losers are abanding God... According to Fox News

    Oh, the comments on that article. Do these people even hear what they are saying? Or think before they type?
    We are what we are. Nothing more, nothing less. There is good and evil among every kind of people. It's the evil among us who rule now. -Anne Bishop, Daughter of the Blood

    I wondered if he could ever understand that it was a blessing, not a sin, to be graced with more than one love.
    It could be complicated; of course it could be complicated. And it opened one up to the possibility of more pain and loss.
    Still, it was a blessing I would never relinquish. Love, genuine love, was always a cause for joy.
    -Jacqueline Carey, Naamah's Curse

    Service to your fellows is the root of peace.


      Re: 10 reasons young losers are abanding God... According to Fox News

      Originally posted by Shahaku View Post
      Oh, the comments on that article. Do these people even hear what they are saying? Or think before they type?
      I generally don't read the comments, especially when being "Fox'd." It draws too many idiot out of hibernation - idiots from both sides.

      But I did check them. Thanks for directing me to a belly laugh!
      Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


        Re: 10 reasons young losers are abanding God... According to Fox News

        Heh. Oh no! Thinking is dangerous! Thinking is of the DEVIL! If god intended for you to think he would have... no. Never mind. You're only allowed to think what the bible tells you to.
        The top comment when I looked was some babble about non-christians hiding uncovered giant bones (as in bones from giant people) from the world to conceal that the bible was rigth... priceless.
        You remind me of the babe
        What babe?
        The babe with the power
        What power?
        The Power of voodoo
        Who do?
        You do!
        Do what?
        Remind me of the babe!

        Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat


          Re: 10 reasons young losers are abanding God... According to Fox News

          1. The atomization of society is very rapidly making democracy impossible to sustain as it relies upon partisanship and voting blocs.

          2. The breakdown of the family unit has been going on for a long time, the nuclear family was just as degenerate compared to the extended family and the clan structure. Further evidence of atomization brought on by the Enlightenment and the influence of Christianity.

          3. Homogenization of thought isn't a good thing, no matter who is doing it.

          5. A lack of centralized community has fostered atomization and social alienation.

          6. Relativism is one of the causes of the rapid decline in civilization.

          7. Be skeptical of things that are acceptable to be skeptical of, but don't be too skeptical of our new sacred cows. Then you are a conspiracy theorist or a bigot.

          9. Tolerance: The idea that everyone should look different, but think exactly the same.

          10. Generational revolt? Wouldn't want that, now would we?
          Last edited by Denarius; 30 Apr 2017, 12:41.
          Trust is knowing someone or something well enough to have a good idea of their motivations and character, for good or for ill. People often say trust when they mean faith.


            Re: 10 reasons young losers are abanding God... According to Fox News

            Picked out a gem from the comments: If man is made from dirt, why is there still dirt?


              Re: 10 reasons young losers are abanding God... According to Fox News

              Main thing that caused me to abandon the "Church" was seeing those who in church said these things you should not do,I saw them in fact doing those things,and in my head I thought"WT*?"

              The do as I say,not as I do thing caused me to leave the "Church"
              MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

              all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
              NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
              don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


              my new page here,let me know what you think.

              nothing but the shadow of what was



                Re: 10 reasons young losers are abanding God... According to Fox News

                I should tell you that when at 13,I told my Mother I would not go to church,she called the police on me. I was threatened with Juvy(juvenile hall,kid jail) if I did not OBEY my Mother and go to Church. Said I was incorrigible for not doing as my Mother said,why I would face kids jail...You had to be there in the way back of 1960 California.

                Be glad you live in THIS day and age.
                MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                my new page here,let me know what you think.

                nothing but the shadow of what was



                  Re: 10 reasons young losers are abanding God... According to Fox News

                  The rewards of spiritually are not immediate. That's probably number one. I think God or the divine becomes irrelevant when people live outside of their authentic selves.


                    Re: 10 reasons young losers are abanding God... According to Fox News

                    Where you been CallMe?,glad to see you back here.
                    MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                    all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                    NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                    don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                    my new page here,let me know what you think.

                    nothing but the shadow of what was



                      Re: 10 reasons young losers are abanding God... According to Fox News

                      Originally posted by anunitu View Post
                      Where you been CallMe?,glad to see you back here.
                      Deployed, then got distracted.
                      Thanks, it's nice to be amongst kindred spirits again.


                        Re: 10 reasons young losers are abanding God... According to Fox News

                        I like how many of the comments are people basically saying "My church is different!" in response to the people noting intolerance and legitimate issues with much of Christianity and Christians. The self righteousness is ridiculous. You're not that important people.

                        As for the article itself, changing demographics are only threatening to those who are empowered, or exploiting their power, as an enfranchised majority. Perhaps we should consider why youngins are unsatisfied with the society and values of their forebears. An objective look at it will show that these previous social structures are exploitative and based on largely arbitrary inequality. Ironically enough, what is even Christian about it? Americanized Christianity is divorced from the word of Christ. It is instead a tool for social control and traditionalism, which may explain why it is conservatives who are so bothered by having any sort of competition.

                        Conservative agencies such as fox often put out articles like this in which they hold current society to an ideal which does not and has never existed because it is not about social improvement, it is about the upholding of fictional, and more moral, past. Simply put, this ideal and the idea of a good society, that is a godly society because of course it is, is more important than the actual lives of people and their feelings. Nostalgia and zealousness has given them blinders toward the attitudes and data which has been apparent. Dissatisfaction with an almighty, omnipresent, and often corrupt or exploitative philosophy is easy to understand if they could recognize that there's numerous factors besides religion that influence religion.
                        They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
                        Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
                        -Madeline Miller, Circe


                          Re: 10 reasons young losers are abanding God... According to Fox News

                          You went very deep there Crow...interesting
                          MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                          all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                          NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                          don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                          my new page here,let me know what you think.

                          nothing but the shadow of what was



                            Originally posted by Corvus View Post
                            Americanized Christianity is divorced from the word of Christ. It is instead a tool for social control and traditionalism, which may explain why it is conservatives who are so bothered by having any sort of competition.
                            Having lived in both, [urban] US and [rural] Germany, I can say there's very little difference between the worship/word of christ in both places. The German town I grew up in was predominantly Catholic, with a few other minor denominations interspersed, yet their attitude toward people outside of their circles was not much different than that of the American Christians I've encountered since I've lived in the US, in multiple states on both coasts. I feel that you perhaps used too broad of a blanket statement when trying to make your point. Could you embellish a bit more on what you mean by Americanized Christianity and how you came to that conclusion?
                            �Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer.�
                            ― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
                            Sneak Attack
                            Avatar picture by the wonderful and talented TJSGrimm.


                              Re: 10 reasons young losers are abanding God... According to Fox News

                              Yeah... There are some sweeping generalizations in there. I have seen things that support them, but enough examples that don't, that those generalizations sit wrong.

                              However, I do agree with your take in Fox opinion artilces. The concept of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is far below the idea that "homogenaity is best, and life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are all fine and good, provided it is the life, liberty, and happiness we want you to pursuin'"

                              One of the reasons I started this thread is that an article like this makes it clear that this is the vision Fox promotes.
                              Last edited by B. de Corbin; 02 May 2017, 12:44.
                              Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.

