For my many faithfull readers who where patiently standing with their g-strings all in a a bunch waiting for the latest installment of The Horrors of Our Past 3.0: What Women Want, on behaf of the staff (I actually have no staff), I offer my apollogies for this distracting intermission.

It is spring, a time when a young man's mind turns to thoughts of romance, while an old fart like me just looks at seeds and dirt, wondering what would happen if he combined them.

To make a short story somewhat shorter than it would have been if I didn't, I've been disracted by my primary dutiy of establishing Terran Botanical Research Station - 1 in my subsurface facilities.

Here is a general overview:


And a closer view of the vats (yes, I actually have vats to contain my experiments. Seriously, though, containment is always a relative thing...):

tbrs-1d.jpg tbrs-1b.jpg