I've had this dream two or three times in the last couple of weeks, so it's hot on my mind right now, thought I'd share the weirdness.

It's just a snippet: in a room with what looks like an ordinary deck of tarot cards. I flip them over, though, and each one has a Romanesque style portrait (like old Greek Orthodox paintings). The pictures can talk, and each is of an oddly specific, quirky patron saint of something, like " useful weeds", or " badly damaged musty books" ( and yes, I got the distinct impression that those books must be both badly damaged *and* musty to qualify).

It's an odd little dream, but it makes sense given the interest I've had lately in Saints like Walpurga, Elija the Thunderer, or Bridgit, who have their Pagan and Christian natures all jumbled together...not to mention African Diaspora traditions, etc., where the saint can be standing in for a completely different being.

It's a "well, huh", if nothing else...