I was talking to Jodee earlier about this. For some time now I wanted to start a blog here. But due to events that took place a few weeks ago, I now need to write down what I went through, before the details start slipping away.

I want to write about my experience during the revolution. I don't want to go too much into politics, because I know you get enough of that on the news, and I'm not saying I won't share my opinion regarding current political issues, but I want to share this revolution with you on a more personal level. How it effected one, among many, Egyptian citizen and his family.

I would never have believed it, if someone had told me, that I would be sitting in the street in a country,where there is a curfew, with no internet, no cell phones, no police, no law, with nothing to defend myself but a kitchen knife, a metal tire screwdriver and a cane, trying to ambush cars with machine guns and defend our streets from criminals and thugs.

Of course, when I wanted to start this blog, none of this had happened. I just wanted a place to share my thoughts, especially about religion. Usually, on the forum I try to keep most of my views to myself. So I'm going to try to use this blog as a place to share my point of view with those that are interested in it.

Politics and religion, very boring, huh?

Anyways, subscribe to this blog or keep waiting for updates if you are interested.

Have a nice day.


A video I made of my own footage when Egyptians were celebrating. Was it all worth it? Time will tell.