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Pets chit chat thread

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  • Rae'ya
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    This isn't anxiety or stress, this is his personality lol. And you haven't done anything wrong... we're past the 'adjusting' part now and into the 'how do we all live together' part. There are a few things going on here...

    Originally posted by DanieMarie View Post
    But then he started scratching at things. He has a very large cat tree for him to scratch and he does like to use it, but he also likes to scratch the rugs, furniture, and wicker baskets that we have around the house.
    This is 100% completely normal. Cats scratch stuff... we have to try and teach him what it's acceptable to scratch and what it's not acceptable to scratch (which is harder with some than others). First of all, figure out what he likes to scratch the most, and make his scratching tree out of THAT material. Cats get preferences as to what textures they like, and will completely ignore an expensive cat tree if it's not the right fabric. My cat likes vinyl... don't know why, he just does lol. He doesn't have a cat tree and never has had one... he has a vinyl outdoor chair that has become his scratching post. So make sure that Albert has something in his preferred fabric that he IS allowed to scratch at.

    Also pay attention to whether he's a vertical or a horizontal scratcher... some cats like to stretch up tall while others like to stretch out along the ground and scratch the corners of the couch etc. Make sure that his cat tree allows him to do that and is in an area where he can do his thing without being disturbed. Sometimes we put cat trees in corners or next to doorways, which means that when they try to stretch out, they get interrupted when people walk past, or they can't get quite the angle that they're after... and so they use the furniture instead because it works better for them. If he likes to scratch at the carpet then he needs a patch that he IS allowed to scratch at... like a rug or square of off-cut carpet that he can use.

    Next, get some clear contact or double sided tape, and some cardboard sheets... cover the cardboard so that one side of it is has the sticky stuff out. Then lay it over all your furniture and rugs that you don't want him scratching at. It's a right pain, but what it does is make all the other surfaces not attractive to him, while 'his' surfaces are.

    Reward him when you find him using 'his' surfaces... this is hard to do with cats, because they are much harder to motivate than dogs and aren't usually that fussed about food rewards. But if he's affectionate then just a pat and some praise can work, or engaging in play with him while he's playing with 'his' things. If he's motivated by affection and attention then that can make a difference to him.

    Originally posted by DanieMarie View Post
    He's also a huge climber and we're not so keen on him jumping on shelves and tables.
    Again, this is normal for a lot of cats. Some cats like to hide down low... some like to be climbing and sitting above everything else. My advice is to give him a shelf he is allowed to sit on, so that he has at least one perch that he can get up to and safely sit on. Then put the contact sheets on everything else.

    If his instinct is to get up high, then you need to give him an acceptable outlet for that. Trying to stop it completely is very difficult and usually fails or ends up ruining the relationship.

    Originally posted by DanieMarie View Post
    We started telling him "no" and shaking a can of coins if he doesn't listen, but a lot of the time he doesn't listen. We have the feeling he was never not allowed to do things in his old home and he hasn't reacted well to not being allowed to do whatever he wants. Sometimes he's become aggressive about it, like we'll tell him "no" when he does something he's not supposed to and he hisses at us.
    This doesn't generally work for most animals (dogs OR cats). This style of punishment generally only works if it's sufficiently unpleasant and the personality is to avoid it rather than confront it. In some cases (like Albert's) it just forces a confrontation which you are NOT going to win. Sometimes a water squirter works much more effectively than noise, because it's more unpleasant to the cat and it's not directly associated with you, so there's less chance of getting into a confrontation.

    BUT... with this style of re-training you have to make sure that you aren't triggering or creating anxieties. It doesn't sound like it is in Albert's case, but I've seen lots of people actually create more problems by doing this, because the cat then gets anxious and therefore starts other things like urinating in inappropriate places or becoming antisocial.

    This is actually not our preferred method of re-training. It's funny, because this sort of thing is completely out of favor in dog training and behaviour, but is still 'acceptable' in cat training. If you're going to do this than I would say use a water squirter rather than a noise generator. But be aware that on it's own it may not be enough.

    Originally posted by DanieMarie View Post
    He also bites a lot. I get the idea that a lot of the time he wants to play (it's not hard or aggressive biting and he seems to act the same was as he does when he plays with his toys), but this isn't really acceptable playing. Is there anyway to train him out of this kind of behaviour? I'm a bit worried because a friend of mine trained her cat to roughhouse a bit and when they had kids, she had to give him away because he bit the baby.
    Was he hand-reared by any chance? He has no concept of how hard to bite or what is acceptable play. It's very difficult to stop this, because they are supposed to be taught by their mothers as kittens what is acceptable and what is not. Lots of kittens that go to homes too early end up with these problems... simply because they were never taught properly. The important thing is not to get confrontational about it, because if he's doing it in play then you 'fighting back' is liable to escalate into a brawl, which you wont win. His teeth and claws are sharper than yours

    Stop playing with your hands. Use toys, sticks with string, little laser lights... remote play rather than up close and personal play. If he bites then play stops, stand up and walk away. IGNORE him when it swipes at you to make you come back. Make sure that you reward the not-biting play by engaging with it and stopping when he starts biting. Hopefully he will learn that biting gets him nothing and gentle play gets him play an attention.

    This right here is the hard part about getting an older pet... their personality and preferences are already developed, and you're asking them to come into your house and change their lifestyle to suit yours. Some adjust and conform to your rules. Some get anxious and don't cope with being unable to live their own lifestyle. Some get stubborn and expect YOU to do the changing. My philosophy is generally one of compromise... he's an adult cat and yes, he needs to learn your rules and live by them if he wants to stay, but we also need to accept that he is a living creature with his own personality and preferences and see if there is some room for you to meet him in the middle, so to speak. Unfortunately we don't speak cat, so we can't sit him down and go through the 'housemate rules' lol.

    I'll check with my behaviour vet tomorrow to see if she has any other tips for you. I know there's a website that she often recommends to our cat behaviour consults, but I can't remember what it is off the top of my head.

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  • Rowanwood
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Originally posted by DanieMarie View Post
    Ok so after a few weeks, we are having issues with Albert. After I originally posted in here, he started to settle in very well. He was affectionate and seemed comfortable. But then he started scratching at things. He has a very large cat tree for him to scratch and he does like to use it, but he also likes to scratch the rugs, furniture, and wicker baskets that we have around the house. He's also a huge climber and we're not so keen on him jumping on shelves and tables. We started telling him "no" and shaking a can of coins if he doesn't listen, but a lot of the time he doesn't listen. We have the feeling he was never not allowed to do things in his old home and he hasn't reacted well to not being allowed to do whatever he wants. Sometimes he's become aggressive about it, like we'll tell him "no" when he does something he's not supposed to and he hisses at us.

    He also bites a lot. I get the idea that a lot of the time he wants to play (it's not hard or aggressive biting and he seems to act the same was as he does when he plays with his toys), but this isn't really acceptable playing. Is there anyway to train him out of this kind of behaviour? I'm a bit worried because a friend of mine trained her cat to roughhouse a bit and when they had kids, she had to give him away because he bit the baby.

    I dont think he's still stressed out because none of his other behaviour indicates stress. He seems happy to relax a lot of the time. I also got the feliway plug-in and used it, but it hasn't changed any of the above behaviour. Is it something we're doing wrong? Or does he have to adjust?
    He has to learn what goes in your house. I doubt coins will deter him. At the least I'd up the ante to a water spray bottle, and use it when he's a pain. Otherwise he'll never learn. Cats a smart. He's probably figured out the coins aren't a threat. They'll get his attention, but if there's no 'punishment' what does he care? But you may have a losing battle with the wicker. I finally gave up and let them have one basket that's fair game. Now they leave the other ones alone. Sometimes, they still claw the rug, but thankfully don't do damage. I pick my battles with the little fiends.

    (I have 6 cats currently)

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  • DanieMarie
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Ok so after a few weeks, we are having issues with Albert. After I originally posted in here, he started to settle in very well. He was affectionate and seemed comfortable. But then he started scratching at things. He has a very large cat tree for him to scratch and he does like to use it, but he also likes to scratch the rugs, furniture, and wicker baskets that we have around the house. He's also a huge climber and we're not so keen on him jumping on shelves and tables. We started telling him "no" and shaking a can of coins if he doesn't listen, but a lot of the time he doesn't listen. We have the feeling he was never not allowed to do things in his old home and he hasn't reacted well to not being allowed to do whatever he wants. Sometimes he's become aggressive about it, like we'll tell him "no" when he does something he's not supposed to and he hisses at us.

    He also bites a lot. I get the idea that a lot of the time he wants to play (it's not hard or aggressive biting and he seems to act the same was as he does when he plays with his toys), but this isn't really acceptable playing. Is there anyway to train him out of this kind of behaviour? I'm a bit worried because a friend of mine trained her cat to roughhouse a bit and when they had kids, she had to give him away because he bit the baby.

    I dont think he's still stressed out because none of his other behaviour indicates stress. He seems happy to relax a lot of the time. I also got the feliway plug-in and used it, but it hasn't changed any of the above behaviour. Is it something we're doing wrong? Or does he have to adjust?

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  • nbdy
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    glitter dog.jpg

    Had to share.

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  • kijani
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Vincent is doing so well. He made friends with one of the cats. It makes me giggle.

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  • anubisa
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    We feed our dogs real food too. Real meat and veggies. We try to spoil them but not too much. ^^

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  • Shahaku
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    ...yea. It's just most of that is really really expensive and my dog has never had a food allergy problem before. The only reason I'm thinking in might be the kibble and bits or whatever is because his muzzle was a little red after eating it a time or two. But it may have been that way from playing with the puppy too.. he gets pretty worked up when they get going. And they may have been playing before he ate, not sure. I'm honestly leaning more toward it being a possible yard issue, previous owners using lots of pesticide/herbicide type stuff to make the yard look good since they were selling it. Vet said that stuff can take a year or more to really go away.

    And when I talk about chicken and eggs, I mean I cook a chicken breast or boil an egg, sometimes add some veggie bits that are safe and that they like. I don't do that too often, but a couple times a month as a special thing for them. Our dogs are the spoiled kind. They get apple chunks, bites of cantaloupe, real meat, broccoli, sweet potato/yams, carrots. I try to spoil them in ways that are healthy though. Cheese is probably the worst thing I give them. But they get bits from whatever we're having that's puppy safe. Honestly, if I could afford it, and knew enough about puppy nutrition, I would make them fresh food, from real food ingredients, all the time.

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  • anubisa
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    My vet recommended Science Hill dog food. We usually use dry dog food instead of canned food. She also said not to use chicken, beef, or lamb. She recommended fish and bison dog food.

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  • Shahaku
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    My pup has/had an ear infection. I'm supposed to continue using the ear cleaning every few days, then weekly, etc and kind of wean her off it. But man she hates that stuff.

    My other dog has allergies too apparently. Been trying to figure out what's causing it cause he's never had an issue before. We've literally always fed him whatever was available. Sometimes my dad's girlfriend has extra bags of real good dog food because her dog is picky as hell and she's always trying to find a dry food he'll actually eat, so we give him that stuff a lot. And I usually pick up soft food for him to eat on occasion. And when I'm feeling generous I'll substitute a meal here and there with a boiled egg, chicken breast, etc. And then there's a potential of something on the lawn... cause we just moved here.

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  • anubisa
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    My three dogs; Trini Belle, Walter James, and Sabrina Elise, went to the vet last Thursday. They got their yearly shots. Poor Trini and Sabrina have ear infections. So hopefully that will be gone within the week. All of them are Yorkies, so they are pretty healthy other than that. Please pray for the girls if you will. Thanks.

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  • Rae'ya
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Originally posted by volcaniclastic View Post
    Blood results were normal, antibiotics for the rash but he's done his course. The rash is still hot to the touch, I keep calling the emergency vet, who sounds really nice and knowledgable, but is a bitch to get a hold of. Supposed to get him checked up tonight, but can't get ahold of the emergency vet.

    He's been eating. He's a bit warm, but not vomitting today. I don't really know whats up anymore.
    I'm a bit worried about that rash. You said it's on his back? How long did the meds go for and what were they called? Otherwise it's vomiting, lethargy and fever, right? And craving attention. How long has this all been going on for?

    Blood tests were normal... can I ask what it tested for? There are some things that don't show up in the baseline tests, but if his kidney and liver function is normal that's good.... that will have been on any baseline test.

    Keep on the bland food while you're getting him sorted... the tinned stuff from the vet is best (I assume it's RC Gastro or Recovery, or Hills i/d or something along those lines?) but honestly you can feed him some plain chicken or white fish in the short term if you need to. It doesn't have much in the way of vitamins and minerals but what we're going for at the moment is easily digestible and low residue.

    How old is he?

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  • volcaniclastic
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Originally posted by Rae'ya View Post
    Have you had his blood results back yet? And this rash on his back... what's going on with that? Is it being treated, do we know if it's related or not? What medications is he on?
    Blood results were normal, antibiotics for the rash but he's done his course. The rash is still hot to the touch, I keep calling the emergency vet, who sounds really nice and knowledgable, but is a bitch to get a hold of. Supposed to get him checked up tonight, but can't get ahold of the emergency vet.

    He's been eating. He's a bit warm, but not vomitting today. I don't really know whats up anymore.

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  • Rae'ya
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Originally posted by volcaniclastic View Post
    Lethargy, and licking of the rash on his back, yes. He is peeing fine, though.
    Have you had his blood results back yet? And this rash on his back... what's going on with that? Is it being treated, do we know if it's related or not? What medications is he on?

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  • volcaniclastic
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Originally posted by Bjorn View Post
    Have there been any troubles with his urination lately? Any excess licking or lethargy?
    Lethargy, and licking of the rash on his back, yes. He is peeing fine, though.

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  • Bjorn
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Originally posted by volcaniclastic View Post
    He threw up three times yesterday, ran a high fever and had the chills yesterday evening. I called the emergency vet and am supposed to bring him in this morning. Last night, he did nothing but cuddle, and requested food this morning like nothing was wrong.

    I don't even understand.
    Have there been any troubles with his urination lately? Any excess licking or lethargy?

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