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Pet Fox/Wolf Hybrids

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    Re: Pet Fox/Wolf Hybrids

    IMHO - this I one of those times when a person needs to take a long, honest, and (if done correctly) painful look at one's self and ask "What is going on in my psychology that leads me to believe I want a wild animal for a pet?"

    If "because it is cool" is the answer, bang your head on something very hard, like concrete.

    Perhaps there is another way to fill that need which does not require inflicting unhappiness on another living entity.

    Now THAT'S real buzz-kill...
    Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


      Re: Pet Fox/Wolf Hybrids

      Originally posted by B. de Corbin View Post
      IMHO - this I one of those times when a person needs to take a long, honest, and (if done correctly) painful look at one's self and ask "What is going on in my psychology that leads me to believe I want a wild animal for a pet?"

      If "because it is cool" is the answer, bang your head on something very hard, like concrete.

      Perhaps there is another way to fill that need which does not require inflicting unhappiness on another living entity.

      Now THAT'S real buzz-kill...
      OMG YES.

      Err... sorry...

      But yes. I find it kind of crazy that in the US you can purchase and own all sorts of wild creatures as pets. Over here, you can purchase some exotic birds and reptiles but otherwise if you end up with a pet possum or roo it's because you hand reared an orphan baby who would otherwise have died (or in my case, you hand reared orphan baby birds who were then not suitable for release). The idea of going out and purchasing a wild species animal to keep as a pet is completely alien to me.


        Re: Pet Fox/Wolf Hybrids

        Originally posted by Hawkfeathers View Post
        ^^^ I agree. I share my life with an African Grey parrot. I do not think these creatures should be pets. My bird is doing great at age 26 but most are not, because the owners don't do their homework.
        We had a sun conure for a short time because the previous owners got stationed in Japan. It was dreadfully stressed from the whole ordeal (it went from a relatively dark and quite adult only home to a bright, noisy, kid infested home) and we tried pretty much everything...we even took it outside on a daily basis (the one thing the bird loved). I started looking for a rescue when the poor thing started overgrooming, but the last straw was when the bird attacked Sharkbait who was taking a nap and required him to get stiches about an inch from his eye.

        Nature has a great documentary on why these birds aren't pet material, anytime I hear someone (like at the pet store) cooing over the conures, etc, I tell people to watch it. When Chickadee wanted to get "our own bird" (not a bird that had already bonded and been essentially abandoned), I made her watch it.

        Originally posted by Rae'ya View Post

        But yes. I find it kind of crazy that in the US you can purchase and own all sorts of wild creatures as pets. Over here, you can purchase some exotic birds and reptiles but otherwise if you end up with a pet possum or roo it's because you hand reared an orphan baby who would otherwise have died (or in my case, you hand reared orphan baby birds who were then not suitable for release). The idea of going out and purchasing a wild species animal to keep as a pet is completely alien to me.
        Its quite a result of the exotic pet trade, we have a sanctuary system for these animals...and invasive species issues. There are a number of documentaries on the subject....but the results are almost always quite heartbreaking. Especially with the big cats.
        Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


          Re: Pet Fox/Wolf Hybrids

          If a person is looking for companionship, or unconditional positive regard, or something along those lines, I recommend the two standard critters - dogs and cats. Both provide all of that a person could ever want, even with only half-way decent care (which, in a way, is pretty sad...).

          Both types of animals provide companionship in their own particular way - especially dogs. Because of their loooooong association with humans, I do not think that dogs are (generally) content without a human (is it in their genes?). And, because there are so many varieties of "dog," each with their own bred-in "personalities," no matter what one is looking for, one can find it in some kind of dog. Cute little lap dog? Got 'em. Fierce protector? Got 'em.

          But the unfortunate part of this is that dogs are far more loyal and trustworthy than are many people - which leaves a lot of dogs without homes (it got too big, it requires too much attention, it drools, we're having kids, we're tired of it, we liked it as a puppy, etc.), and if they really can't be content without a human (as I suspect), homeless dogs are condemned to being unhappy.

          Why take animals out of the wild, or breed special mixes - creating all kinds of new problems - when there are so many dogs, and cats, alive already who would LOVE to be living in your home?
          Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


            Re: Pet Fox/Wolf Hybrids

            I have a feeling that I've raised some concerns for my companion but you're all too "nice" to confront me about it. My particular dog has perhaps 10% of a wolf in his bloodline. He acts a bit more wild than a regular dog but he is a dog. I've had him for ten years already and I took him from a bad situation in which he was going to be put down as a 5 week old puppy. He has never been mistreated nor has he ever been poorly cared for. I'm very careful to research what he needs and I pay very close attention to him.

            I did not want him because he was "cool." I wanted him because of who he is. I don't think of him as being "just" a dog--he's my friend. He's a soulmate and I will never have another companion in my life like him.


              Re: Pet Fox/Wolf Hybrids

              Originally posted by amsawtell View Post
              ...I've had him for ten years already and I took him from a bad situation in which he was going to be put down as a 5 week old puppy. He has never been mistreated nor has he ever been poorly cared for. I'm very careful to research what he needs and I pay very close attention to him...
              Details of context change things. Rescue is good.
              Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                Re: Pet Fox/Wolf Hybrids

                I didn't think I would need to explain or justify myself to you or to anyone else here. I think this is a good indication that there won't be any answers here for me. I wish you all the best.


                  Re: Pet Fox/Wolf Hybrids

                  Originally posted by amsawtell View Post
                  I have a feeling that I've raised some concerns for my companion but you're all too "nice" to confront me about it. My particular dog has perhaps 10% of a wolf in his bloodline. He acts a bit more wild than a regular dog but he is a dog. I've had him for ten years already and I took him from a bad situation in which he was going to be put down as a 5 week old puppy. He has never been mistreated nor has he ever been poorly cared for. I'm very careful to research what he needs and I pay very close attention to him.

                  I did not want him because he was "cool." I wanted him because of who he is. I don't think of him as being "just" a dog--he's my friend. He's a soulmate and I will never have another companion in my life like him.
                  You re-activated a thread that pre-dates you joining the forum and that thread picked up pretty much exactly where it left off. You are free to take the positions expressed in a thread that predates you and that pop up the same way every couple months personally but most of the involved members barely notice your existence at this point. They sure as hell aren't tip-toeing around an issue for your sake. Your four days and eight posts don't get you that type of reaction unless the subject is deeply sensitive enough that compassionate individuals will approach it with care because they're compassionate people and everyone else will approach it with care because they know by now that mods are watching.

                  TL;DR, the discussion at hand has zilch to do with you individually beyond the fact that you stuck it back at the top of several unread lists. If people aren't addressing you directly then it's likely that they either don't care or they don't have sufficient data to form an opinion and don't care enough to go get it. Grow a thicker skin.
                  Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                  Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                  "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                  John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                  "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                  Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                    Re: Pet Fox/Wolf Hybrids

                    Originally posted by thalassa View Post
                    We had a sun conure for a short time because the previous owners got stationed in Japan. It was dreadfully stressed from the whole ordeal (it went from a relatively dark and quite adult only home to a bright, noisy, kid infested home) and we tried pretty much everything...we even took it outside on a daily basis (the one thing the bird loved). I started looking for a rescue when the poor thing started overgrooming, but the last straw was when the bird attacked Sharkbait who was taking a nap and required him to get stiches about an inch from his eye.

                    Nature has a great documentary on why these birds aren't pet material, anytime I hear someone (like at the pet store) cooing over the conures, etc, I tell people to watch it. When Chickadee wanted to get "our own bird" (not a bird that had already bonded and been essentially abandoned), I made her watch it.

                    Its quite a result of the exotic pet trade, we have a sanctuary system for these animals...and invasive species issues. There are a number of documentaries on the subject....but the results are almost always quite heartbreaking. Especially with the big cats.
                    Exotic or wild species birds... sigh.

                    Responsible bird custodianship is something very important to me, and while I wouldn't quite call myself a 'bird person', I've ended up owning, rescuing and rehabilitating a number of birds. It takes a special sort of person to truly appreciate the needs of certain bird species, particularly psittacine species. I love my Rainbow Lorikeet, but he takes an enormous amount of work to keep clean, fed and happy... and most people just aren't geared up to be able to provide that properly. They think you can stick a bird in a cage with a toy and he'll be happy. No. I have seen some truly tragic cage set ups for birds ranging from canaries to Sulfur Crested Cockatoos that essentially amount to the same as chaining a dog up at his kennel 24/7. Add into that kids, televisions blaring at 10pm, crazy day/night schedules, kitchen cooking fumes, fly spray and unpredictable personal schedules and you just have a recipe for stress and an unhealthy bird. Ironically enough, outdoor community aviary birds are generally happier and healthier that most lone indoor cage birds.

                    As an animal person (spiritually, personally and vocationally) I find the whole 'pets' thing bittersweet... I see everything from the most responsible to the most irresponsible of pet ownerships and everything in between. I am a devoted pet owner myself, but I have a love-hate relationship with the concept of people owning pets of any species. People's good intentions just often don't translate well into day to day practice, which is actually to be expected when you consider today's society. That's why I'm a fan of the idea of mandatory registration and/or licensing for ALL animal species, not that it will ever happen. I just think that if more people knew what actually needed to be done to give that animal the best possible life, they wouldn't buy it in the first place.


                      Re: Pet Fox/Wolf Hybrids

                      Originally posted by MaskedOne View Post
                      You re-activated a thread that pre-dates you joining the forum and that thread picked up pretty much exactly where it left off. You are free to take the positions expressed in a thread that predates you and that pop up the same way every couple months personally but most of the involved members barely notice your existence at this point. They sure as hell aren't tip-toeing around an issue for your sake. Your four days and eight posts don't get you that type of reaction unless the subject is deeply sensitive enough that compassionate individuals will approach it with care because they're compassionate people and everyone else will approach it with care because they know by now that mods are watching.

                      TL;DR, the discussion at hand has zilch to do with you individually beyond the fact that you stuck it back at the top of several unread lists. If people aren't addressing you directly then it's likely that they either don't care or they don't have sufficient data to form an opinion and don't care enough to go get it. Grow a thicker skin.
                      I am quite well aware that my eight posts and four days doesn't grant me any sort of special status. I've been looking around this forum in those four days and I've decided that the reception here is decidedly chilly and the forum insular. I was trying to be nice about pointing out that the general scope of the way I was being spoken to was patronizing. None of these have particularly endeared this forum to me.


                        Re: Pet Fox/Wolf Hybrids

                        Oh well.

                        Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                          Re: Pet Fox/Wolf Hybrids

                          Originally posted by amsawtell View Post
                          I am quite well aware that my eight posts and four days doesn't grant me any sort of special status. I've been looking around this forum in those four days and I've decided that the reception here is decidedly chilly and the forum insular. I was trying to be nice about pointing out that the general scope of the way I was being spoken to was patronizing. None of these have particularly endeared this forum to me.
                 one was commenting on your comment in particular. and honestly, we'd already addressed the idea that not everyone sucks as a pet owner. When people speak in generalities, it doesnt mean that they don't understand or appreciate the exceptions. I'm fairly sure that many of us that have commented that we dont think these animals should be pets have in fact have, at one time or another owned one or had other experiences with them.

                          I've owned several exotic animals over the the "rescue" owner. I pride myself on giving those animals as good af an exerience as possible, but I'd never buy one commercially or breed one. I've been around a number of dogs with wolf bloodlines, and yeah, some of them do quite well and have lovely owners...most don't. Wearen't talking about the exceptions here. If that makes you feel defensive and unwelcome, I'm sorry...but no one here was singling your experience Out.
                          Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                            Re: Pet Fox/Wolf Hybrids

                            Originally posted by amsawtell View Post
                            I am quite well aware that my eight posts and four days doesn't grant me any sort of special status. I've been looking around this forum in those four days and I've decided that the reception here is decidedly chilly and the forum insular. I was trying to be nice about pointing out that the general scope of the way I was being spoken to was patronizing. None of these have particularly endeared this forum to me.
                            My and (to my eyes) the other posts on this thread have been aimed pretty specifically toward exotic species and their challenges/irresponsible owners as a whole; not actually toward anyone. When I see this thread pop up, all I think is that thank the forces (whatever they may be) that I'm not the only one who feels this way about preserving the wildness of pets that are not domesticated. You will never see me purchasing a pet from a breeder or a puppy mill either, because I simply refuse to pay into that ruthlessly cruel system. I do have a preference for certain breeds/types of dogs, but I am perfectly happy with a mutt.

                            While I do have an exotic fur baby, I spent a long time researching how to care for him before I ever took him home. And I made sure that if anything came up that I didn't know how to handle, I had resources (i.e. a good vet and other owners and caretakers) to handle it or to bring him to someone who could. While my hedgehog is not technically domesticated, he's also not of the same "caliber" as his wild counterparts and would not survive on his own in the wild. But he still retains a good deal of his "wildness" and it took a long time for us to bond to where we're at right now. This is about as far as I would ever go into the exotic species list, however. I'm also kind of wondering if hedgehogs are allowed to be pets in Australia... but that's aside the point.

                            Birds, reptiles, fish are pretty much off my pet list. And if I could afford and care for a dog properly, that's what I would be bringing home.

                            As for the forum... There are a lot of strong, intelligent, and confident people here and it's a virtual space like no ever I've ever encountered. Respect gets you respect, and I find it's a great place to be. But that's just me, and we are all unique after all.


                              Re: Pet Fox/Wolf Hybrids

                              When did my post become a war zone? Come on people, no need to insult anyone for how long they've been here vs your own opinions vs "I am better than you with this stuff" type of attitudes. Not necessary.
                              Anyways, I went to my God Fathers yesterday, and he has domesticated a group of flying squirrels. Not even kidding, they are just the cutest little things you'll ever see. You'll hold a nut up to the tree, and one or two will come down, and slowly take it from you. They'll sit there and let you pet them, where they make these adorable queuing sounds.
                              I shouldn't say domesticated, he's made friends with a group of flying squirrels. They must be going on in generations. He's lived there for the last 30 years, and they've been in the tree since. Haven't Renested or anything.
                              "In the shade now tall forms are advancing,
                              And their wan hands like snowflakes in the moonlight are gleaming;
                              They beckon, they whisper, 'Oh! strong armed in valor,
                              The pale guests await thee - mead foams in Valhalla.'"
                              - Finn's Saga



                                Re: Pet Fox/Wolf Hybrids

                                Originally posted by Norse_Angel View Post
                                When did my post become a war zone? Come on people, no need to insult anyone for how long they've been here vs your own opinions vs "I am better than you with this stuff" type of attitudes. Not necessary.
                                Anyways, I went to my God Fathers yesterday, and he has domesticated a group of flying squirrels. Not even kidding, they are just the cutest little things you'll ever see. You'll hold a nut up to the tree, and one or two will come down, and slowly take it from you. They'll sit there and let you pet them, where they make these adorable queuing sounds.
                                I shouldn't say domesticated, he's made friends with a group of flying squirrels. They must be going on in generations. He's lived there for the last 30 years, and they've been in the tree since. Haven't Renested or anything.
                                Did you get photos??

