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Describe your path

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    Re: Describe your path

    Aaauugghh... Slenderman.. eep.

    Erm, ahem. Hey, I believe that fictional gods exist! I just don't believe they have any significant impact on the world.

    That's not really Slenderman, is it D?
    夕方に急なにわか雨は「夕立」と呼ばれるなら、なぜ朝ににわか雨は「朝立ち」と呼ばれないの? ^^If a sudden rain shower in the evening is referred to as an 'evening stand', then why isn't a shower in the morning called 'morning stand'?


      Re: Describe your path

      There are more people on this planet that know about Superman than there are people who know about Tiamat, Susanoo, or Tengri.
      Trust is knowing someone or something well enough to have a good idea of their motivations and character, for good or for ill. People often say trust when they mean faith.


        Re: Describe your path

        That's kind of my point...
        夕方に急なにわか雨は「夕立」と呼ばれるなら、なぜ朝ににわか雨は「朝立ち」と呼ばれないの? ^^If a sudden rain shower in the evening is referred to as an 'evening stand', then why isn't a shower in the morning called 'morning stand'?


          Re: Describe your path

          Originally posted by Jembru View Post
          That's not really Slenderman, is it D?
          The white things are my tentacles, they are made of fog. I hear it is foggy in England.

          I am just kidding, it's foggy everywhere.
          Trust is knowing someone or something well enough to have a good idea of their motivations and character, for good or for ill. People often say trust when they mean faith.


            Re: Describe your path

            I've always done rituals for the different moon phases 99% of the time.
            My Goddess doesn't have a name as of yet. I tend to follow Scott Cunninghams teachings as well as others teaching such as Raven Digitalis.
            So yea my beliefs are I don't know wide I guess is the right word to describe me lol.


              Re: Describe your path

              Originally posted by TaiganPagan View Post
              What are basically your beliefs...

              Things like....
              What Gods or Pantheon do you believe in?
              What rituals do you practice and for what purpose?
              Do you believe in the Afterlife or Otherworld?
              I believe that all Gods, Goddesses, ect.. exist, but I generally only worship those from Greek and Japanese Lore, as well as deities that have made themselves present to me and have been confirmed by my Goddess Hecate.

              I practice the eight sabbats of Paganism, as well as four other holidays which I have created to serve my "Winter Traditions" of beautiful Canada. I recognize/celebrate the Maiden Goddess from the New Moon to the first half. The Mother Goddess is from the first half to the last half, and the Crone Goddess is from the last half to the Dark Moon. The Maiden's time is a time of light. The Mother's time is gray, neutral, balance... And the Crone's time is of darkness, shadow-work, ect.

              I believe that everyone will go to their proper 'subrealm' depending on their beliefs. If a person believes they will go to Heaven or Hell, they will go to the Christian Realm and be judged to go to either of those. If a person believes in reincarnation, they will be reincarnated. Personally, I believe in the concept of Summerland, and that I reincarnate repeatedly to gain knowledge and experience of all sorts of life, until I can become an 'enlightened' soul and rise to my deities.

              For a Hell/Underworld concept, I believe that "Lucifer" aids God in rehabilitating 'sinners' into better souls so they can try life again back on Earth and then ascend to Heaven.


                Re: Describe your path

                I'd like to think my beliefs are a harmony of science and paganistic ideal's. i believe science can explain magick, and the faith and help make sense of science. The way i see things, is that reality is built on belief, with regards to deities i believe there is a supreme consiousness somewhere, but that its so incredible that its beyond our anything we can concieve of. and that its made off the energy of everything, everything that is or was or will be, when something new is created a piece of this energy the taken and used to create the new object, and when that object dies or is destroyed the energy returns to the source. i also believe that the source is a product of creation and not its cause. and everything thats believed by a vast group of other people i believe its all real. i think that everything a person believes becomes real for them, so for all the christians that believe they are going to heaven or hell i think they will. i think those that believe in reincarnation will be, and so on. magic allows us to shape the universe to changes things, i think that however many people beliveing in, jehova, or jesus, or allah, khrisna or budda makes these things come into existance and that with enough concentration and effort of will, the world around us can be affected.

                theres more to it but thats the core of my beliefs i guess.


                  Re: Describe your path

                  Generally I focus on Norse gods/godesses now.

                  What Gods or Pantheon do you believe in?
                  Norse, I mainly focus on Odin.
                  What rituals do you practice and for what purpose?
                  Every night a simple dedication ritual to Odin, followed by a simple "Chat" with him, for guidance.
                  Do you believe in the Afterlife or Otherworld?
                  White and Red 'till I'm cold and dead.
                  In Days of yore,
                  From Britain's shore
                  Wolfe the dauntless hero came
                  And planted firm Britannia's flag
                  On Canada's fair domain.
                  Here may it wave,
                  Our boast, our pride
                  And joined in love together,
                  The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined,
                  The Maple Leaf Forever.


                    Re: Describe your path

                    My path is Theistic Satanism and Demonolatry. I try to avoid stating it in such a way as it insinuates that I follow two separate paths, but they are both interchangeable with one another in the broader sense.

                    Which gods do I believe in? Frankly, I believe in all gods, but I venerate and work with particular individuals. Satan, quite obviously, is my Patron deity. I work, secondly, with my Guardian - Glasya-Labolas (those who are familiar with Ceremonial/Grimoire Magick will probably know Him). Beyond that, I work with a rather vast number of Demons from various pantheons, if you will. I work closest with those of the Goetia in addition to the Demon Queens of Lilith, Agerath, Naamah, Isheth Zenunim and Machaloth.

                    As far as what my beliefs are - they are not set in stone, so to speak. I do not believe in any concept of Karma, but I believe in human beings holding themselves responsible for their actions. I believe in self-gratification to a point - that it does not unnecessarily harm others. I believe that the human soul is God-like - I believe that we are not and should not be subservient to any gods, but should consider ourselves to be on par with Them (this is highly generalised, but the basis of my belief is such).

                    Ritually, I do not have specific rituals that I adhere to religiously. I have rituals for honouring my gods - I have rituals that are spontaneous rather than scripted. I do not cast a circle for my magickal workings.

                    I employ techniques used by Neo-Shamanists in some circumstances such as Journey Work. My relationship with my gods is something akin to a student-teacher interaction vs. a god-servant relationship.


                      Re: Describe your path

                      I guess the best way to describe my path would be to paraphrase someone that once told me this.

                      Most people are born as human and try to find their way as a spiritual being. I on the other hand was born as a spiritual entity, trying to learn how to be human. (as i'm sure is the case with many of you).

                      I've been meditating since I was a child, and brought forth my practice of psychic mediumship (from which i've retired, it's tiring), where I served over 300 clients. This of course is the abridged version. After that i had my entire life turned upside down, and am now re-discovering myself spiritually. And wouldn't you know it, it lead me to become somewhat of an eclectic witch, though i don't yet feel worthy of that term, as I've only been really researching for a couple months. Right now i'm studying the religion of Wicca, but i'm not sure if i'll define myself as Wiccan, or as an eclectic witch. Being an Eclectic Witch, I can take whatever feels right from whatever culture I desire. But if I peg myself as Wiccan, that serves to limit me to that religion. So, I think I'll take a lot from Wicca, but in the end I'll be an Eclectic Witch, as I don't want to limit myself or my spirituality. I take things from all sorts of spiritual belief systems... so after researching Wicca for a good year, I think I'll then be worthy of calling myself an Eclectic Witch, or Wiccan, whichever it may be.


                        Re: Describe your path

                        What Gods or Pantheon do you believe in?
                        I worship mainly Shiva,Shakti, Ganesha of the Hindu tradition/ Odin, Thunor, Frigga, Freyja (soon to incorporate more Norse deities). I regard Shiva and Woden as one and the same Deity. I also think that Thunor and Indra (of the hindu Tradition) are the same Deity.

                        I also am slowly working with house spirits and soon land spirits.

                        In all I believe that everything is the Goddess as Consciousness. I invoke Supreme Consciousness as Shiva/Shakti and Odin/Frigga.

                        What rituals do you practice and for what purpose?

                        Meditations such as Self inquiry, energy practices (similar to Qigong), and many breath techniques.
                        Simple offerings of incense and sometimes food or other items. I also enjoy the practice of offering something from my daily life to the Gods, such as a good meal or the pleasure of some experience. I like to dedicate it to the Gods.

                        Do you believe in the Afterlife or Otherworld?

                        I accept Reincarnation and astral realms. After death I believe we go to astral realms and also have experiences and then eventually if we still are in ignorance we will be reborn into many different realms including ours or other planets.


                          Re: Describe your path

                          I believe in Nature that all things are connected in the web of life, I Believe in the five elements Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and Spirit. I personally align with Fire
                          I Believe in many gods, but the two that must be listed are my lord and my lady, The Lord is the Father of all things, He is the sun, but he is also so much more and my Lady, Mother earth, She is the mother of all things and she to is also so much more.
                          my rituals and pratices are hard for me to list because I never know when or if I will next preform them I simply do as the knowlege comes to me.
                          I believe in a afterlife, but it is not forever it is simply the reward or punishment that preseeds the next life I also believe in the otherworld and the underworld(Not the one ruled by hades) the underworld is merly a diffrent version of the otherworld and yet they are so closely connected.
                          I am a Druid.


                            Re: Describe your path

                            It's hard to put into words what I believe, because I'm still figuring it out.

                            I don't really believe in God/esses. I believe that the source of energy for our universe can be see god-like, but it isn't a divine being and can not be personified in any way. It's just energy, and it's all around us. I believe we as advanced beings can harness this energy, manipulate, absorb and use this energy, so long as we practise. I believe that all energy is only borrowed and eventually we have to give it back. I believe that when we die, we die. Our bodies rot away, giving the energy we once borrowed back to the Earth, and our flesh is used to feed others, to allow them to grow and thrive.
                            However, I do believe that a fraction of our energy is left over which allows the progress to another life, borrowing that energy and continuing the cycle of life. It doesn't have to be human, and I think someone's personality can tell a lot about their past life. I believe if you'd made a strong connection with someone in one life, that bond will cause you to meet again in a next life. If you fall in love with someone in the present, you may not be lovers again, but they might just cross you path in the next life, which causes you to turn onto the right path/make a huge decision. If you were best friends in a past life, you may become mother and daughter in the next. The energy you had created a bond with someone else's so much, that your 'souls' (remaining energy) are just drawn to each others.


                              Re: Describe your path

                              Upon further introspection and various health issues, my path has changed- immensely. It just got a whole lot simpler (but not easier, that's for sure).

                              What Gods or Pantheon do you believe in?

                              I believe all gods exist in their own way, some are very ancient and some are human made (egregors), either way, they are powerful to the extent we give them power. I will not say the spirit world is worthless or unreal, but I no longer consciously interact with it. I am slowly stepping away from spirit work all together. I am not sure how my closest guides and other beings and what not will react, but this is a necessary step in my spiritual evolution and over all health.

                              What rituals do you practice and for what purpose?

                              I am getting back into my qigong practice and categorizing, creating and editing my personal philosophy through my mental, physical and magical trips I have had through the years and continue to go through. Writing has always been a form of ritual for me, I just never realized how amazing and spiritually uplifting it really is until recently. Not only philosophy but writing stories, songs and poems as well (mainly for myself, well, the songs I do play for others when a chance presents itself). Writing in general is my best magical act because it transforms and comforts me in its own unique way. I think about doing more 'traditional' magic here and there, but it has been a while. When I do perform ritual, it's usually on the fly.

                              Do you believe in the Afterlife or Otherworld?

                              Yes, but I think it is a stepping stone until we reach a state of enlightenment where we no longer have to go through the cycles of birth-life-death-rebirth.


                                Re: Describe your path

                                1. I'm Shinto and believe that all the Kami do exist and in everything. Event he smallest pebble has a Kami in my view. That said i'm finding myself more and more drawn to the oceans and storms rather than the sun Kami (She is the chief Kami of the heavenly Kami). Ryujin the dragon Kami of the Sea, Fuijin the Kami of Wind and Raijin the Kami of Thunder all seem to call to me more than the sun or the ground I walk on. I feel very drawn to them. It's strange because Fuijin and Raijin aren't considered the type of Kami that benefit people, or may even be seen as being harmful to them.

                                I usually pray to Sarutohiko (Head of the Earthly Kami) for protection, but as shown above, that might change as time goes on.

                                I believe that all things have Kami (including humans) but bodies can be corrupted and as such the practice ritual purification exists. I believe that when one dies they become Kami that look over their ancestors and aid greater Kami in their functions and duties.

