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Do you think it's wrong?

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    Do you think it's wrong?

    Do you think it wrong of me to identify as Wiccan, really just to keeps others who aren't truly curious at bay.

    I live in a place where if I just say I'm a Wiccan, people tell me I'm going to hell then walk away. I've strayed away from Wiccan ways, but just call myself an eclective Wiccan really just so I can shrug off the brimstone warnings saying something witty like; "well at least I'll be warm."

    So is that wrong?

    Sidenote; long winded answer for what I believe, I'm a Pagan who believes in a Goddess(Earth) and God(The fauna.), I also believe in other dieties my main Patron being Athena. I use magick, but don't really see the need for the theatrics that Wiccans use. Also the Rede is to constricting for me, I need more freedom with my magick.
    By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.


    Re: Do you think it's wrong?

    I dont think it really matters what you say to people unless youre conning them out of money or something fraud like.

    Id be carefull where you say youre wiccan though if you do it in the presence of an alexandrian or a gardinarian theyll make a show of you - it is an initiatory tradition with specific rules. To them its like saying youre a freemason because you read the davinci code.


      Re: Do you think it's wrong?

      Go for it... There aren't all that many Gardnerians or Alexandrians in the states anyhow, and most of them know what eclectic Wicca is on the off chance of you running into one in a situation where a random stranger asks you about your religious beliefs. More likely is some random Christian, and lets face it, Wicca is the most well-known Pagan path. You wouldn't be the first person to do so.
      Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


        Re: Do you think it's wrong?

        Originally posted by TheTeddy View Post
        Do you think it wrong of me to identify as Wiccan, really just to keeps others who aren't truly curious at bay.

        I live in a place where if I just say I'm a Wiccan, people tell me I'm going to hell then walk away. I've strayed away from Wiccan ways, but just call myself an eclective Wiccan really just so I can shrug off the brimstone warnings saying something witty like; "well at least I'll be warm."

        So is that wrong?

        Sidenote; long winded answer for what I believe, I'm a Pagan who believes in a Goddess(Earth) and God(The fauna.), I also believe in other dieties my main Patron being Athena. I use magick, but don't really see the need for the theatrics that Wiccans use. Also the Rede is to constricting for me, I need more freedom with my magick.
        If the shoe fits, then wear it. Granted if it was me, and this is just my opinion, I'd take a little time to try and put a finer point onto what it is that I practice and believe in and how well that fits into the mold of general wiccan practice (by that I mean the standard outer-court stuff that you can learn by looking through a Cunningham book that anybody and their brother can grab a hold of). I say that because of an earlier point JamesByrne made, about other followers of a variety of Wicca coming up to you and saying "Hey! Glad to finally meet another wiccan!" and then they'll proceed to want to talk religious shop with you.

        But coming back from the mild tangent/expansion of my earlier response, it's not really wrong. If that is what makes you comfortable and keeps the rather rude naysayers off your back then go for it. Folks like the ones who tell you to take a relaxing dip in a lake of burning sulfur with El Diablo generally aren't ones to care for the details of what you honestly believe and practice. But you probably already know that.


          Re: Do you think it's wrong?

          To throw a different spin out there, I do have a problem with lying in all its aspects. Dishonesty breeds nothing but negativity in my experience. You may find that down the line, doing this may have an adverse effect (possibly, when you get called out on it). Refusing to discuss religion with others is your right, don't feel like you must give them a reason to walk away from them.


            Re: Do you think it's wrong?

            Rather than make something up or be untrue to yourself, just tell other people that your religion is personal and you believe they should keep their religions to themselves as well. I know proselytizers can be pushy - but it's ok for you to be firmly disinterested, too.
            The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


              Re: Do you think it's wrong?

              I understand what everyone is saying. I have tried the whole refusal thing, for a few years and moved onto just walking away to avoid arguement, it got repeditive. I don't see being called out a problem, I know enough of the other sects and why I don't agree with them to carry on a conversation. I don't see myself running into someone who even knows what Gardnerian and Alexadrian is, and if someone does I'd simply explain my eclective views.

              I just say Wiccan because it has become a generic word, no offense to Wiccans. But really, people give odd looks if you say Pagan at least around here.
              By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.



                Re: Do you think it's wrong?

                Originally posted by TheTeddy View Post
                I just say Wiccan because it has become a generic word, no offense to Wiccans.
                See, I'm not a Wiccan, but I think this is an issue. Wicca shouldn't be a generic word, and using it as such causes a lot of frustration and confusion for people. If you want a generic term, what's wrong with eclectic pagan?

                If it's just a quick answer to someone who isn't going to ask for details, I guess it doesn't really matter what you tell them - although personally I don't see how just telling them it's personal is any less repetitive than going through the whole going to hell thing each time, anyway... However, if you're talking to other pagans, or to someone who actually wants to discuss your religion beyond that, you really shouldn't use a label that actually doesn't describe you.
                Hearth and Hedge


                  Re: Do you think it's wrong?

                  Personally, I prefer Jedi or insane as answers through strange works too. They seem to generally entertain people while at the same time saying that you aren't interested in defining yourself in detail for them.

                  Servant of the God-Emperor is an option that should probably be avoided irl.
                  Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                  Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                  "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                  John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                  "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                  Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                    Re: Do you think it's wrong?

                    I kinda get where you are going with this. I used to respond "pagan" myself, but after I realized a few of the people who had asked me were under the impression that I was referring to the motorcycle gang, I stopped using the term. (Yep I found out that members of my Military Police unit were trying to have my clearance revoked cause they thought I was in a gang...) One of the things I have noticed with the whole witch/wicca thing is that I get the impression that the terms were meant to be interchangable by the people who coined them. There are some older people in my area who think that the whole argument is stupid cause they are the same thing.. ("older" i.e. adults in the 60s, I know, I'm a child...) It is a view that no longer holds true though, so I think its up to you. Wicca is generally considered an initiatory tradition but most people know that if you don't know anyone who can initiate you, thats not going to stop young people from using the term. I think in the long run it does'nt matter what you tell people to get them off your back, I imagine telling them you are a purple panda would be effective too, to be honest. I work in a place where a large majority of the people who work here are eigther catholic or another brand of Christian, so my catch-all answer is "I was raised presbyterian" it deflects all sorts of questions about local diocese and popes and saints and does'nt say anything thats gonna get me lynched, (big fan of not being lynched.) but it also is'nt lying, I was raised presbyterian, I was even ordained into the church as a deacon, and thats all most people care about, I don't have to elaborate that my current belief structure has bunk to do with what was raised, and since I'm telling the truth I can even discuss it. Does'nt turn the JW's or LDS around, but they are mostly nice people, who hand you their piles of literature and smile and are willing to leave since I'm working.

                    - - - Updated - - -

                    Wow looking at this, I'm sorry the post was so bloody long, and a little tangent-y.

                    But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                    ~Jim Butcher


                      Re: Do you think it's wrong?

                      Originally posted by Maria de Luna View Post
                      One of the things I have noticed with the whole witch/wicca thing is that I get the impression that the terms were meant to be interchangable by the people who coined them. There are some older people in my area who think that the whole argument is stupid cause they are the same thing.. ("older" i.e. adults in the 60s, I know, I'm a child...
                      I've always thought this was strange, myself... Yeah, a lot of early Wiccans did use the two interchangeably (and many still do), which can make sense in the context of Wicca alone since Wiccans are witches. However, even by the early 50's you already had groups of witches trying to distance themselves from Wicca, since their practices were quite different, so it's not like the concept is something that younger pagans just made up.
                      Hearth and Hedge


                        Re: Do you think it's wrong?

                        eh I refer to anyone under 60 as younger, and include myself in that group! but no I definately agree that it isnt a new concept at all. Most proper wicca I do know, however do understand the nature of the term and are not so defensive about it. I know I'm not speaking for everyone or maybe even the majority but I thyink that what the term has evolved into and the differentiation is fairly accepted, or at the very least tolerated. I'd be more worried about the people that don't understand any of it, and the responses of the younger people than the older ones.

                        - - - Updated - - -

                        ...But to be clear to the OP. I don't think it's "wrong" to identify as wicca, just confusing within the pagan community... wheee short answer!

                        But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                        ~Jim Butcher


                          Re: Do you think it's wrong?

                          Originally posted by Gardenia View Post
                          See, I'm not a Wiccan, but I think this is an issue. Wicca shouldn't be a generic word, and using it as such causes a lot of frustration and confusion for people. If you want a generic term, what's wrong with eclectic pagan?
                          Because Wicca is more familiar of a term.

                          If you want to be spared long winded conversations about the minutia of religious belief, "Wiccan" is the easiest descriptor. Pagan isn't as familiar of a term to people, unless they happen to be Pagan or actually knowledgeable about religion (and even here its iffy). For example, when I was in the military, the DoD recognizes "Wicca" AND in the Chaplain's handbook, there is even a section on "Wicca"--their description of Wicca (originating from the late 80's, and developed with a number of
                          BNPs) is a description of Paganism, not of Wicca. When I was Wiccan, I rarely had to explain my beliefs (and this was over 10 years ago), but if I say I'm Pagan, I almost always have to explain it, unless I'm with UUs or other Pagans. Also, what many Christian faiths discuss as "paganism" has little to do with Paganism, and can lead to some problems in overcoming preconceptions.

                          I'm not saying its not a worthwhile endeavor, or that their isn't a flaw...but some people don't want to have to practice a 5 min speech every time someone asks about their religion! And, as someone that doesn't usually mind giving a dissertation when the subject comes us, sometimes I'm not even in the mood...where I've unfortunately discovered "I don't talk about religion" actually can cause more problems.
                          Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                            Re: Do you think it's wrong?

                            Originally posted by thalassa View Post
                            If you want to be spared long winded conversations about the minutia of religious belief, "Wiccan" is the easiest descriptor.
                            Like I said, if one is just answering a person who isn't going to want to discuss it very much beyond the one word (or one doesn't want to discuss it beyond that), then there's not much of an issue. It's only a problem when one calls their religion Wicca, and then goes on to describe something that doesn't resemble Wicca at all that I think there's a problem.
                            Hearth and Hedge


                              Re: Do you think it's wrong?

                              I had a similar issue with this when I first started out. Since I live in a small town the word 'Wicca' means nothing to most people so I mistakenly used the term 'Witch' to make it easier for someone I believed to be a friend to understand. It was a mistake I don't repeat, since that got round my entire school and it wasn't pleasant to deal with all the 'can you turn me into a frog' nonsense that ensued. These days I say Eclectic Wiccan or sometimes Eclectic Pagan as a shorthand for 'I'm still working it out'

                              Personally I think it's fine to use Wiccan as a quick way to get people to leave you alone. As long as you can handle the 'going to hell' lark which you've already said you can. There are plenty of people who say they're Catholic but don't follow it to the letter. My mother wrote C of E on all my school forms but I wasn't christened and the only time any of us set foot in a church was for weddings, funerals and fetes. If it makes you feel more comfortable/confident, then do it.

                              "The very young do not always do as they are told."

