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Which witch is which? (a discussion)

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    Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

    I grew up in a family of witches. They guarded their secrets very carefully but basically their philosophy was to hex, hex and hex again. It was way out of control. Because I didn't like this, (it seemed all such a waste to me, and rather boring) I struck out on my own, only to find that there wasn't really a path that suited. Plus of course, it being many decades ago, there wasn't really much information out there for guidance.

    in the end I stayed on my own path, which I called Seeking the Green. It was a form of solitary pagan witchcraft, and it suited me well. Eventually I wrote a book about it - called Seeking the Green. (No surprises there then )

    When people ask 'How can I tell whether I'm following a proper (i.e. valid) path or not?' I always say that a valid path leads something, an invalid one ends up slap against a brick wall. And even then, it's nothing to worry about, just backtrack a little bit, and find another path. Because IMHO, at the end of the day it's the journey, not the destination that is important. The seeking, not the finding.

    Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


      Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

      Originally posted by Tylluan Penry View Post
      When people ask 'How can I tell whether I'm following a proper (i.e. valid) path or not?' I always say that a valid path leads something, an invalid one ends up slap against a brick wall. And even then, it's nothing to worry about, just backtrack a little bit, and find another path. Because IMHO, at the end of the day it's the journey, not the destination that is important. The seeking, not the finding.
      ^This bit, right here.
      This should go in all beginners books about paganism. Tylluan, I hope you don't mind me quoting you on this becuase I will. You said it more eloquently than I ever could so this is going to be used every time I get that question. Thank you.
      Warning: The above post may contain traces of sarcasm.

      An apostrophe is the difference between a business that knows its shit, and a business that knows it's shit.

      "Why is every object we don't understand always called a thing?" (McCoy. Star Trek: The Moive Picture)


        Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

        Originally posted by Bjorn View Post
        Do you follow a particular routine in order to get to this place or is it more of a free-form experience?

        What do you do when you're in there?

        Is this hedge kind of like the concept of Schrodigner's cat?
        It helps in the beginning to follow a guided method for self hypnosis, though eventually it's easy to do and you don't need anything ritualistic to do it. I have never used the drug/ointment method, because I know I'm too easily distracted so I've always gone with the meditative method.

        And when you are in there? Well that depends. Once, I went in to see how my father in law was doing (he had be diagnosed with cancer but was being sort of closed lipped about it) and how I was doing with it. But instead, a coworker I hadn't seen in years came screaming at me, begging for help. It startled me so much I woke up. I contacted her IRL to find out her husband had also been diagnosed with cancer and she was struggling hard. I was able to help support her as he died...which oddly made it easier for me to support my father in law (and his son, my husband) as he died.

        So no, it's not like the cat at all.

        I know it's a hard thing to accept/believe/not think I'm a loony. I can say that what happened above that I used as an example is a RARE thing. Usually you go in, smell the roses, head back out and nothing happens at all.


          Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

          Thalassa's Totally Inappropriate Descriptions of Witchy Traditions:

          Kitchen Witch: Betty Crocker meets Mary Poppins
          Hearth Witch: Hestia-worshipping Betty Crocker meets Calypso from Pirates of the Caribbean
          Hedge Witch: Calypso (from Pirates) meets Radagast the Brown
          Green Witch: Arawen meets Tinkerbell meets Pippi Longstocking or maybe Annie
          Cottage Witch: Tinkerbell meets Betty Crocker
          Sea Witch: Calypso (from Pirates) meets Calypso (mythology) meets Silvermist (from Tinkerbell)

          ^that was a joke (before anyone gets huffy, and if they are still huffy knowing its a joke, I'm also making fun of myself up there)

          Really though, IMO (and in my observations) kitchen, hearth, and cottage witches are pretty much the same. The only differences that I can think of really, are that the two IRL persons I know that consider themselves "hearth witches" are also devotes of hearth deities. I've also seen the nuance that a cottage witch incorporates garden magic to in-the-home magic more than a kitchen witch or hearth witch would. All three though, focus on domestic magic--magic of the home, family, etc...anything else, IMO, is splitting hairs or individual preference.

          For example...a good chunk of my practice is "kitchen witchery", I also practice an equal amount of what could be considered "green witchcraft", but I really hate the term, because people think of Ann Moura, and I've read her stuff, and that isn't really what I do (she's a bit...erm..."fluffy" for me--too much "Mother Nature is my home girl and pink sparkly unicorns are my spirit guide...I hate to be a bitch about it, but that's how reading her feels to me. I'm more of a "nature is red in tooth and claw" sort of person...). I call myself a kichen witch because most people know what it is...but really I'm more of...a bioregional eco-witch. Which sort of makes me sound like I'm about to join ELF (which would be inaccurate since my conservation philosophy is what is known as reconciliation ecology)...

          We also have these two threads on the topic, that I thought would be good to mention in this one:
          I barely know much about either one, and the more I read on Kitchen Witches, the more I am confused...I don't know what Kitchen Witches cook...I researched and found simple vegetarian recipes...:=S:I heard simply that Hedge Witches connect to the Otherworld...I'm trying to figure out what witch mainly is outdoors, growing their

          I am reading a book by Rae Beth called The Hedge Witch's Way and it says a Hedge Witch is just a solitary witch. I was just curious what other people's views were of how they define it.
          Last edited by thalassa; 13 Dec 2013, 07:00.
          Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


            Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

            Originally posted by MoonRaven View Post
            ^This bit, right here.
            This should go in all beginners books about paganism. Tylluan, I hope you don't mind me quoting you on this becuase I will. You said it more eloquently than I ever could so this is going to be used every time I get that question. Thank you.
            Thanks, MoonRaven. Actually it's something I did write in Seeking the Green and it's the same advice that I've given so many times now - because it seems to work. Spiritual paths - whatever they happen to be - aren't about success or failure. They're about doing. About trying. And above all, they're about love.

            Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


              Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

              I'm totally okay with being Calypso meets Radagast.


                Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

                Originally posted by Rowanwood View Post
                I'm totally okay with being Calypso meets Radagast.
                But I hope you wash your hair a bit more often


                  Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

                  Originally posted by Aeran View Post
                  But I hope you wash your hair a bit more often

                  Fabulously weird hair is required. I look like this; so sort of?


                    Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

                    Fabulous and weird is fine, as long as it's sans bird poop.


                      Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

                      Originally posted by Aeran View Post
                      Fabulous and weird is fine, as long as it's sans bird poop.
                      I cannot 100% guarantee that at all times. I have this dove that likes to sit on my head. I try NOT to though. Does that count?


                        Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

                        Originally posted by Rowanwood View Post
                        I know it's a hard thing to accept/believe/not think I'm a loony. I can say that what happened above that I used as an example is a RARE thing. Usually you go in, smell the roses, head back out and nothing happens at all.
                        I don't think you're a loony, I'm fascinated. I believe you're probably going to a real place as well (I am not on this forum to spew my agnosticism all over people, only in that one thread), or at least a real enough place -- coincidences like the one you describe with your friend don't JUST happen. At least I don't believe that they do, the sheer chances have got to be 1 in a million so the logical side of my braid is allowed to be quiet since it knows it can't contribute to the conversation with facts.

                        This sounds amazing to me, actually, even if it's just smelling the roses.
                        No one tells the wind which way to blow.


                          Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

                          Originally posted by Bjorn View Post
                          I don't think you're a loony, I'm fascinated. I believe you're probably going to a real place as well (I am not on this forum to spew my agnosticism all over people, only in that one thread), or at least a real enough place -- coincidences like the one you describe with your friend don't JUST happen. At least I don't believe that they do, the sheer chances have got to be 1 in a million so the logical side of my braid is allowed to be quiet since it knows it can't contribute to the conversation with facts.

                          This sounds amazing to me, actually, even if it's just smelling the roses.
                          I know there are other shamanistic practitioners here on PF, that probably have similar stories to tell, though they may not call themselves witches. Being the pantheist that I am, I don't think of this "place" as a "place" more as tapping into the greater wholeness that we are all part of. People you are close to in some way or another are bound to stand out to you, so if there is something that potentially they are struggling with -- especially something they are trying to deny/hide/cover up -- you might be able to see it in there. That's my theory on it anyway.

                          The majority of the time (and I frankly don't do it too often, because it doesn't seem necessary) it's just checking in with my own mental health via a series of visualizations. Most self hypnosis techniques use guided visualizations; stairs, bridges, etc. to put your mind into the state you are aiming for. Over time, you will imagine a place, and it usually stays the same. If you state down this familiar path and suddenly things look wrong, it can be a sign you need to look at yourself a little closer and figure out what's going on.

                          It's sort of like using dream symbolism but not in a "dream dictionary" sort of way, but a "what does this specific thing mean to you" sort of way. The only difference is that you are lucid for this, instead of asleep so its easier to keep your mind on the details. Interestingly, it is quite easy to actually fall asleep while doing some of these meditative exercises and that can lead to actual lucid dreaming. That's REALLY cool.

                          I see the vast majority of it as traveling my own mental landscape. Occasionally weird stuff happens, and to be honest, I don't fret too much about where it comes from. I just do my best to act on it as is appropriate for the situation.


                            Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

                            Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                            The Satanic Witch. It's an actual book. And I've reccommended it many times to women who were in need of taking their power back.
                            TTHIS IS A SAFE PDF OF THE BOOK FOR FREE

                            Here is a bullet point of what I believe a Satanic Witch is:
                            ~One who uses her natural talents to sway the outcome of events. There is no 'magic' involved. It's probably closer in description to the following: Hedgewitch, kitchen witch, midwives, Latin Catholic women. (oh you have no idea what we can do with potatoes for a fever!) Anyways.

                            Examples: We know how to read the LaVeyan Clock. A system of matching a mate that is attracted to your opposite attributes. Knowing how a man likes his meat cooked gives you an advantage to how to treat him. Knowing if he hold in his urine or goes right away let's you find out how dominate or submisive he is. Knowing how to 'accidentally' show a bit of thigh when getting out of a car. Knowing how to find your true version of yourself and play it up. I would say Mrs Penry does a fine example of this. Her avatar reminds me of an Earthly Mother witch. While mine is a bit more..devlish. If you are a geek, you play up that part to your advantage etc etc. It's why I look the way I look. Talk the way I talk, etc. It teaches you how to have others treat you the way you desire. To change yourself by changing how others view and approach you. It's a great read!

                            Now atheism and Satanism. How do they differ. How do they interact. They are two pieces of the same pie. In my belief system of deities I am an atheist. It says only one thing about me. I have no belief in deities. At all. That is ALL atheism can truly say about a person.

                            Satanism is how I navigate through my life. It tells you how I believe. How I live. My morals. My goals. My sexual identity. My responsibilities. How I view punishment. How I view politics. How I view religion in general.

                            atheism is my non belief in deities. Satanism is my moral and ethical code.

                            Satanic witches and other witches. We have similar and different attributes. We both use our own forces and outside forces. Though some witches will use the outside force of deities, we will use the outside force of natural norms. Some witches make satchels to wear of herbs etc that mean something symbolically. We make satchels of menstrual blood to trick the male into pheromone seeking behavior. I am not egotistical enough to say one works over the other. Whatever a gals gotta do, I say!

                            Some LaVeyan witches have rituals, symbols, altars etc. I did at one time. But my hard atheism prohibits me from gaining anything from these. I have moved beyond them. At least in an overt way. I do have symbols though. My tattoos. I have my Medusa for a very symbolic statement of my witchyness *for lack of a better word at 11pm at night) I also do have a tattoo of Baphomet with the 666 around it. It is, however, hidden in the open. Only I and a few others can identify it as a Satanic symbol. Because Satanism isn't about speaking my mind about my religion. It's about living it. But here I speak about it, because people are curious.

                            Feel free to ask anything else about it. Like I said, this forum is the one place I talk about my Satanism. Mostly because I don't want the headache of having to explain I don't kill kittens or worship the Devil. But it doesn't help I am a metal head girl I guess.

                            I am positively devouring this book and I WILL employ the techniques spoken of (I am not skipping ahead. I am not skimming. I am spending time with this one because I have the feeling it could be life changing). I love, obviously, the idea of indulgence and pride. All my life I've butted heads with men because of my untamed and "up yours" mentality, the way I shameless boss people around, the way I can clear a room with a look alone and I realize all along that they've either resented me for being as strong (if not stronger) than them, or feared me for me emotional punishments.

                            I NEED MORE OF THIS <3
                            No one tells the wind which way to blow.


                              Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

                              Don't forget the most popular of witches. The Witch who is a bitch. I see those all over the place!
                              Satan is my spirit animal


                                Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

                                Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                                Don't forget the most popular of witches. The Witch who is a bitch. I see those all over the place!
                                Nah, the most popular witch is one with cold ti... er, um, hands...
                                I often wish that I had done drugs in the '70s. At least there'd be a reason for the flashbacks. - Rick the Runesinger

                                Blood and Country

                                Tribe of my Tribe
                                Clan of my Clan
                                Kin of my Kin
                                Blood of my Blood

                                For the Yule was upon them, the Yule; and they quaffed from the skulls of the slain,
                                And shouted loud oaths in hoarse wit, and long quaffing swore laughing again.

