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Which witch is which? (a discussion)

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    Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    Don't forget the most popular of witches. The Witch who is a bitch. I see those all over the place!
    Haha, I just did stage one of even trying to figure out what my image is. I'm so excited, I love new paths.
    No one tells the wind which way to blow.


      Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

      Originally posted by Rowanwood View Post
      I know there are other shamanistic practitioners here on PF, that probably have similar stories to tell, though they may not call themselves witches. Being the pantheist that I am, I don't think of this "place" as a "place" more as tapping into the greater wholeness that we are all part of. People you are close to in some way or another are bound to stand out to you, so if there is something that potentially they are struggling with -- especially something they are trying to deny/hide/cover up -- you might be able to see it in there. That's my theory on it anyway.

      The majority of the time (and I frankly don't do it too often, because it doesn't seem necessary) it's just checking in with my own mental health via a series of visualizations. Most self hypnosis techniques use guided visualizations; stairs, bridges, etc. to put your mind into the state you are aiming for. Over time, you will imagine a place, and it usually stays the same. If you state down this familiar path and suddenly things look wrong, it can be a sign you need to look at yourself a little closer and figure out what's going on.

      It's sort of like using dream symbolism but not in a "dream dictionary" sort of way, but a "what does this specific thing mean to you" sort of way. The only difference is that you are lucid for this, instead of asleep so its easier to keep your mind on the details. Interestingly, it is quite easy to actually fall asleep while doing some of these meditative exercises and that can lead to actual lucid dreaming. That's REALLY cool.

      I see the vast majority of it as traveling my own mental landscape. Occasionally weird stuff happens, and to be honest, I don't fret too much about where it comes from. I just do my best to act on it as is appropriate for the situation.
      I had a question for you, Rowanwood, which you've largely answered in this post, but I'll ask it anyway...

      I always considered Hedge Witchery to be more of an Innerworlds thing than an Otherworlds thing (Innerworlds being a term coined by an old friend of mine to describe all the shamanistic stuff that goes on in your own inner or mental landscape rather than in an external plane of existence... I loved it so I use it). What are your thoughts on that?

      Most Hedge Witches I know talk about being in the liminal spaces and everything that you said earlier, but don't actually have an shamanistic practice to speak of... and they also seem much more fluffy and neo-Wiccan-inspired than you do. I'm very interested to meet a Hedge Witch who actually does have some sort of shamanistic practice beyond the occasional astral travel story.


        Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

        Originally posted by Rae'ya View Post
        I had a question for you, Rowanwood, which you've largely answered in this post, but I'll ask it anyway...

        I always considered Hedge Witchery to be more of an Innerworlds thing than an Otherworlds thing (Innerworlds being a term coined by an old friend of mine to describe all the shamanistic stuff that goes on in your own inner or mental landscape rather than in an external plane of existence... I loved it so I use it). What are your thoughts on that?

        Most Hedge Witches I know talk about being in the liminal spaces and everything that you said earlier, but don't actually have an shamanistic practice to speak of... and they also seem much more fluffy and neo-Wiccan-inspired than you do. I'm very interested to meet a Hedge Witch who actually does have some sort of shamanistic practice beyond the occasional astral travel story.
        I think the primary "problem" with a lot of self-identifying hedge witches, is they read one of those damn Rae Beth hedge witch books, which is why everyone seems to think that hedge witches are hearth witches...because she certainly seems to think so. Her books are all "well, some people say its shamanistic, but lets ignore that for this whole book and here are some spells."

        I would say my practice is pretty much exclusively innerworlds, using your definition (and I like it) because I think that's the only place we have actual access to. Does my innerworld interact with the innerworld of everything else? Well, yes, that's my theory anyway considering my pantheism and experiences.

        I think where it tends to go fluffy is people watch too much TV, and they confuse self hypnosis for magic. They think astral travel works like on Supernatural. Except, of course, that's madness. You can't "go" anywhere. You might, in extraordinary circumstances, be able to see into someone else experience via the field of energy that connects us all, but if its happening all the time, frankly, you just have an overactive imagination.

        To me, the key to a practice defined as shamanistic is creating the altered state in yourself to access innate knowledge and allow for the opportunity for other interactions to arise. It took a very long time to sort out what was imaginary/wishful thinking and what was actually symbolic of my inner landscape. Sometimes it's still hard, because sometimes it feels like your brain doesn't want you in there. I tend to have lots of weird obstacles thrown in my way whenever I try to do anything and I have to sort them all out, every damn time, before I can get anywhere. I see a lot of people who want fast results and there's nothing fast about being a hedge witch. I have hardly even scratched the surface...and I took my first journey inadvertently when I was 14. (and I'm 38)


          Re: Which witch is which? (a discussion)

          Originally posted by Rowanwood View Post
          I think the primary "problem" with a lot of self-identifying hedge witches, is they read one of those damn Rae Beth hedge witch books, which is why everyone seems to think that hedge witches are hearth witches...because she certainly seems to think so. Her books are all "well, some people say its shamanistic, but lets ignore that for this whole book and here are some spells."

          This is my problem with Ann Moura and the Green Witch books...what I think a "green witch" is/ought to be and what she has made it are two totally different things...
          Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible

