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Hard Polytheist Cosmology

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    Re: Hard Polytheist Cosmology

    Originally posted by Rae'ya View Post
    Ah well that's boring! But you aren't too lazy for trolling, MO... you just don't have the time to do it properly. World domination is time consuming work.
    It's not the domination. Any young horror can take a planet of Earth's relatively limited defensive abilities in under 24 hours. It's keeping the planet in fit shape to produce proper pizza and attempting to spur its somewhat slow inhabitants to producing pizza faster so that the back log doesn't get worse than it already is.
    life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

    Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

    "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

    John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

    "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

    Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


      Re: Hard Polytheist Cosmology

      Originally posted by MaskedOne View Post
      It's not the domination. Any young horror can take a planet of Earth's relatively limited defensive abilities in under 24 hours. It's keeping the planet in fit shape to produce proper pizza and attempting to spur its somewhat slow inhabitants to producing pizza faster so that the back log doesn't get worse than it already is.
      It always comes down to people management, doesn't it? Human productivity and efficiency... we just aren't that economic of a business to go into.


        Re: Hard Polytheist Cosmology

        Originally posted by Rae'ya View Post
        It always comes down to people management, doesn't it? Human productivity and efficiency... we just aren't that economic of a business to go into.
        Ehh, you provide pizza and pizza ingredients. This would make you profitable if I were the type of Horror to share.
        life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

        Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

        "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

        John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

        "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

        Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


          Re: When people tell you about your own religion.

          Originally posted by Rae'ya View Post
          lol I can actually trace my ancestry back to Ragnar Lothbrok. Well, to Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye, anyway (plus via two lines to apparent daughters). We have no historical 'proof' that Ragnar was an actual historical person, though we can 'prove' several of his sons. Once you get that far back, though, you are tracing based on lore and obscure history rather than actual legit documentation, so I'm sure that wouldn't stand up in court
          That is really cool you can go back to that time period, whether he was real or legendary. We cannot get further back than my paternal and maternal grandparents because they were from small villages in Sicily and Italy, respectively. Records were apparently not well kept. Even to this day, with relatives having gone to Sicily, they've gotten stonewalled. People who may very well be our relatives don't even know anything about their ancestry, and they live there!

          I don't think actual bloodline ancestry is a necessary thing when working with the Northern gods. Some Heathen groups think that it is, but there are enough Heathens that don't have direct Northern descent to tell us it's not necessary.
          No, I don't think so either... I'm not of the Folkish School of Thought. Without intending to pontificate, I don't think "folkish" is the right word... it's more like "elitist" or "exclusive". I don't see why anyone can't work with any culture's or ethnicity's deities.

          You must be traveling in the right Heathen circles Hardcore recons take these things very seriously and would be aghast at being told all they have is UPG. You are absolutely right, of course... our primary sources were oral stories and traditions written down by Christian monks several hundreds years after the conversion (the Edda and the Sagas); 'first-hand' accounts of foreigners observing a very small proportion of Germanic warriors and Rus traders (Tacitus and Ibn Fadlan); a single Danish historian (Saxo Grammaticus); and a series of rune stones and artifacts that didn't come with explanatory manuals (about which we can speculate, at best). Not exactly an accurate and complete picture of what went on in the Viking Age North. Realistically, recon Heathenry is pieced together from the primary sources, from secondary sources (anthropologists and historians, like HR Ellis Davidson, Simek etc) and from a bit of modern ingenuity that many Heathens like to think is not UPG but which essentially is.
          Don't misunderstand... I have no direct knowledge of anything I say, it's just observations from reading and piecing things together, and a lot of making-it-up-as-I-go-along. I learn new things every day about Northern Traditions and Heathenism. Some things I find I'm right about, other things I find I'm way off the mark about.
          śivāya vishnu rūpaya śivaḥ rūpaya vishnave
          śivasya hridayam viṣṇur viṣṇoscha hridayam śivaḥ


            Re: Hard Polytheist Cosmology

            Originally posted by Thorbjorn View Post
            Disclaimer: No desire to hijack thread, just curious.

            Do you find any conflict between Hel and Ereshkigal as being the goddess rulers of the underworld? Or is Ereshkigal the form of the goddess ruler of the underworld that speaks to you more than Hel does? Though as a hard polytheist I suppose the idea of "forms" of a god(dess) isn't accepted. Which brings me to my second question: if all deities are individual real entities, how do we explain so many that rule over aspects of the universe, i.e. solar deities, deities of the underworld? Multiple fertility god/desses makes sense. A lot of this is new to me.
            (Firstly, I created an account just to reply to this! Digging the site, looking forward to meeting some interesting folk)

            To answer your question, each culture had their own perspective on life and the cosmos. So when speaking of solar, lunar, etc. deities each culture would acknowledge that, yes, there is divinity there. However it would get filtered through their own cultural views leading to the differences and similarities present across the world. The Monguls of the steppes had a vastly different environment then the Teuton's, which influenced their values, language, cultural moors, and eventually who and what their gods were. The deity behind the 'faces' of their gods (let's say the animating energy) is the same across the world, simply interpreted differently.

            It's similar to how, in different social situations, you are viewed. Group A sees the facet of you that more closely fits within their group dynamic, Group B sees another facet, and Group C sees yet another. In no way does that mean one group or culture is wrong in their views, simply that their perspective on life, and thus how the view the external world, is different from each other. The gods are a little more complex than us, of course, so each deity that is viewed within the celestial potential is born once they are found and made into their own distinct being. We have Jaguars and Cougars and both are large predatory cats, different in natural biome and expression.

            Saying all that, I'm more of a philosophical Pagan than a hard polytheist and these are my own thoughts. So take from it what you will.

