I'm wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction here. I've had a massive revelation of sorts over the past few days and I understand now what this weird attraction I have to zombies is all about. I'm actually scared of death. I don't even like to clear away dead flies, and part of the reason I'm vegetarian is that the idea of eating a dead body creeps me out. This always made the zombie attraction all the weirder. It's not necessarily zombies, but anything wraith-like. I've had various wraith-like characters in my inner world, and always have a particularly close relationship with them, with these beings taking up more of my attention even than my guides.
It seems they have two roles; one is that they represent my shadow self, and indicate that I have a close connection with, and acceptance of this part of my ego. The other role, is to connect me with the world of the dead. At the moment, this scares me still, but when I was in high school, I used to want to be an undertaker (the other girl who works nights at my place, had the same interest oddly enough). Now, I am thinking of changing careers and working in palliative care. I already work in the care sector, and one of the people I support is in the later stages of alzeimers. I've never nursed someone before, in fact we've all had to adapt and learn new skills in order to keep this lady in her home right to the end, but it feels natural to me. I think my role in life may actually be to ease souls through the transition from life to death. Even my spirit animal, Magpie, which I've identified with for around 13 years now, has a connection to the world of the dead, and funerary rites (a quality I always chose to ignore, again, due to my fear of death).
Before I go handing in my notice (and I wouldn't do it until the lady in question has successfully made the journey), I'd like to learn what is needed of me, and how I can develop myself so I'm able to assist these individuals. I'd like to align myself with a deity to guide me through this process, but I'm not aware of any local deities of death.
Has anyone come across such a deity? I know there is the Cailleach, but she isn't specifically Brythonic (but wide-spread enough to make the leap that she may have been acknowledged in Northumberland), and she doesn't seem to be specifically linked to death. I also came by Ankou (sometimes the Ankou), who seems like an early grim reaper. I'd rather not go rushing in and contacting a being like that before I know what I'm doing.
So any ideas of who I should be looking towards? Or if you have any advise on how I should be developing myself, that would be appreciated too.
Oh and before anyone worries about me, I've already been told I have to work on spiritual protection before I go any further. I'm thinking of taking a look at Mrs Penry's book on the subject. I'm not going to be diving in head-first.
It seems they have two roles; one is that they represent my shadow self, and indicate that I have a close connection with, and acceptance of this part of my ego. The other role, is to connect me with the world of the dead. At the moment, this scares me still, but when I was in high school, I used to want to be an undertaker (the other girl who works nights at my place, had the same interest oddly enough). Now, I am thinking of changing careers and working in palliative care. I already work in the care sector, and one of the people I support is in the later stages of alzeimers. I've never nursed someone before, in fact we've all had to adapt and learn new skills in order to keep this lady in her home right to the end, but it feels natural to me. I think my role in life may actually be to ease souls through the transition from life to death. Even my spirit animal, Magpie, which I've identified with for around 13 years now, has a connection to the world of the dead, and funerary rites (a quality I always chose to ignore, again, due to my fear of death).
Before I go handing in my notice (and I wouldn't do it until the lady in question has successfully made the journey), I'd like to learn what is needed of me, and how I can develop myself so I'm able to assist these individuals. I'd like to align myself with a deity to guide me through this process, but I'm not aware of any local deities of death.
Has anyone come across such a deity? I know there is the Cailleach, but she isn't specifically Brythonic (but wide-spread enough to make the leap that she may have been acknowledged in Northumberland), and she doesn't seem to be specifically linked to death. I also came by Ankou (sometimes the Ankou), who seems like an early grim reaper. I'd rather not go rushing in and contacting a being like that before I know what I'm doing.
So any ideas of who I should be looking towards? Or if you have any advise on how I should be developing myself, that would be appreciated too.
Oh and before anyone worries about me, I've already been told I have to work on spiritual protection before I go any further. I'm thinking of taking a look at Mrs Penry's book on the subject. I'm not going to be diving in head-first.