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Rune of the Month

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    Originally posted by Rae'ya View Post
    This is probably a good place to ask ourselves a question...

    Why do you use the Futhark/orc that you use? Is there something deeper than 'that's the one in all the books'? Do you chose based on your cultural framework (Anglo Saxon vs Viking Scandinavia) or language? Or is it something more intuitive?
    I think I started with elder for the same reason everyone else does. I havent moved on partly because I dont know enough, and partly because elder feels right.
    ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


    I have never been across the way
    Seen the desert and the birds
    You cut your hair short
    Like a shush to an insult
    The world had been yelling
    Since the day you were born
    Revolting with anger
    While it smiled like it was cute
    That everything was shit.

    - J. Wylder


      Re: Rune of the Month

      Originally posted by Rae'ya View Post
      This is probably a good place to ask ourselves a question...

      Why do you use the Futhark/orc that you use? Is there something deeper than 'that's the one in all the books'? Do you chose based on your cultural framework (Anglo Saxon vs Viking Scandinavia) or language? Or is it something more intuitive?
      Personally I use the Elder Futhark because it sings to me on a level that the others don't. The Anglo Saxon Futhorc feels too... Anglo Saxon, and the Younger Futhark feels incomplete. The Younger Futhark was the one that was in use during most of the Viking Age and while Old Norse was spoken (though we know that it doesn't have the phonetic range to cover Old Norse properly), but it just feels... unfinished. Honestly I can't really articulate WHY the AS Futhark doesn't feel appropriate for my own use... I've considered it a lot and consciously tried it out, but it just doesn't click for me. The time period feels uncomfortable, the rune poems feel uncomfortable, the language feels uncomfortable... which is a bit ironic considering that I am certainly NOT a purist or reconstructionist in any sense of the terms. There is just something that herds me away from the Anglo Saxon end of the Heathenry spectrum every time I explore it... I wouldn't call it a geas or taboo exactly, because I've never been explicitly told not to do it... I just have an overwhelming feeling of discomfort and 'this is not right for you' when I delve into those practices (and it's more than just the runes).

      Honestly, I'm sometimes a little bit disappointed by that, because the extra runes seem as though they have something valuable to add and include some intriguing concepts... they just wont connect with me and I get this feeling of 'you don't need those, you have us'.


        Re: Rune of the Month

        Originally posted by Rae'ya View Post
        Personally I use the Elder Futhark because it sings to me on a level that the others don't. The Anglo Saxon Futhorc feels too... Anglo Saxon, and the Younger Futhark feels incomplete. The Younger Futhark was the one that was in use during most of the Viking Age and while Old Norse was spoken (though we know that it doesn't have the phonetic range to cover Old Norse properly), but it just feels... unfinished. Honestly I can't really articulate WHY the AS Futhark doesn't feel appropriate for my own use... I've considered it a lot and consciously tried it out, but it just doesn't click for me. The time period feels uncomfortable, the rune poems feel uncomfortable, the language feels uncomfortable... which is a bit ironic considering that I am certainly NOT a purist or reconstructionist in any sense of the terms. There is just something that herds me away from the Anglo Saxon end of the Heathenry spectrum every time I explore it... I wouldn't call it a geas or taboo exactly, because I've never been explicitly told not to do it... I just have an overwhelming feeling of discomfort and 'this is not right for you' when I delve into those practices (and it's more than just the runes).

        Honestly, I'm sometimes a little bit disappointed by that, because the extra runes seem as though they have something valuable to add and include some intriguing concepts... they just wont connect with me and I get this feeling of 'you don't need those, you have us'.
        You know that's pretty much how I used to feel too. The extra runes used to really turn me off. But eventually I think I became more immersed in Anglo-Saxon poetry and especially the general humour of the period too. Because the Anglo-Saxons are so gloriously funny and inventive, and of course there's the amazing artwork too.
        I think what IS important is to go with whatever feels right to us at the time.

        Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


          Re: Rune of the Month

          I started out using the Elder Futhark. It seemed to be the standard for runes. It was also hard to find an Anglo Saxon set. I don't use the runes for divination just spell work and I found myself looking at the Anglo set for the extra ump on some of the spells I did. So when I made my first set I made an Anglo Saxon one. It just seemed right. I was first drawn to runes due to my Heathenry but other than that I don't think it has to be present for anyone to use them. I think the symbols are just that but the runes themselves are spirit like plants have spirit. I think they work in different ways with different people. Some can divine with them and I have a really hard time. My cards give off great energy and I have no problem with them.


            Re: Rune of the Month

            Originally posted by Ula View Post
            I started out using the Elder Futhark. It seemed to be the standard for runes. It was also hard to find an Anglo Saxon set. I don't use the runes for divination just spell work and I found myself looking at the Anglo set for the extra ump on some of the spells I did. So when I made my first set I made an Anglo Saxon one. It just seemed right. I was first drawn to runes due to my Heathenry but other than that I don't think it has to be present for anyone to use them. I think the symbols are just that but the runes themselves are spirit like plants have spirit. I think they work in different ways with different people. Some can divine with them and I have a really hard time. My cards give off great energy and I have no problem with them.
            So what are your thoughts an Ac, Ula?

            (As an aside, I also experience the runes as spirits... but there are comparatively few of us around.)


              Re: Rune of the Month

              Originally posted by Rae'ya View Post
              So what are your thoughts an Ac, Ula?

              (As an aside, I also experience the runes as spirits... but there are comparatively few of us around.)
              I'm sorry what do you mean by Ac? I am not getting the reference.


                Re: Rune of the Month

                Originally posted by Ula View Post
                I'm sorry what do you mean by Ac? I am not getting the reference.


                  Re: Rune of the Month

                  Oops sorry, lol. I went back to where the rune was posted and read the replies. I look at this rune as symbolic of the link between men and gods, and different than the world tree which would be Ash. Personally I see it as the wood used for stangs in traditional craft, when brought into the circle it the center and focus for travel between the worlds. I also think of sacrifices that were hung from trees (usually male people and animals). Hanging seems like a way of sacrificing to Odin or the Asa in my mind since Nerthus requires drowning. Oaks tend to get stuck by lightning a bit more than others again making my think of Thor (connecting with his mother Jord). The ideas mentioned of the acorns feeing the animals and the wood used for boats also says to me the oak reflects the gifts of the gods in the way of husbandry and fishing, again that link between us and them. As far as spell work this would be rune a I would use on a stang or a weapon/ knife used for processing offerings to the Asa. On statues of the gods and spells or rituals where you want the gods to be present. It's the rainbow bridge in rune form via the symbol of the Oak.


                    Re: Rune of the Month


                    Elder Futhark: Wunjō, Proto Germanic, meaning 'joy'
                    Younger Futhark: doesn't have a similar rune
                    Anglo Saxon Futhorc: Wynn, Old English, meaning 'joy'

                    Phonetic value: 'v' (Wunjo) or 'w' (Wynn)

                    Pronunciation: Now you all reply and add your insights...


                      Re: Rune of the Month

                      Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                      Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                      "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                      John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                      "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                      Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                        Re: Rune of the Month

                        I'd be interested to hear if anyone has other interpretations for this rune than "joy". To me it is one of the more straightforward runes, I've only ever thought of it and used it as a positivity/happiness rune. (As opposed to several other runes that I feel have multiple aspects and interpretations.)


                          Re: Rune of the Month

                          Originally posted by Odahviing View Post
                          I'd be interested to hear if anyone has other interpretations for this rune than "joy". To me it is one of the more straightforward runes, I've only ever thought of it and used it as a positivity/happiness rune. (As opposed to several other runes that I feel have multiple aspects and interpretations.)
                          the book I refer to names it as the rune of harmony as well, though that is not far off from joy.
                          You remind me of the babe
                          What babe?
                          The babe with the power
                          What power?
                          The Power of voodoo
                          Who do?
                          You do!
                          Do what?
                          Remind me of the babe!

                          Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat


                            Re: Rune of the Month

                            I think of it as: sense of accomplishment at achieving your goals and victory (as well as joy).


                              Re: Rune of the Month

                              Linguistically, this rune is more closely associated to wish (German wunsch) rather than joy (German freude). Most of us are joyful if our wishes come true... well, there is that old saw about 'be careful what you wish for'... but if we've wished carefully and wisely, we should be happy if our wishes are fulfilled. In that sense, this rune is the antithesis of Nauthiz; if we are in need, our wishes are probably unfulfilled. From its shape, like a pendant or flag, Wunjo has also been associated with representing one's kin/clan/tribe. The shape might also lend itself to represent claiming of something (as in 'planting the flag'). These may be modern kennings, though.
                              I often wish that I had done drugs in the '70s. At least there'd be a reason for the flashbacks. - Rick the Runesinger

                              Blood and Country

                              Tribe of my Tribe
                              Clan of my Clan
                              Kin of my Kin
                              Blood of my Blood

                              For the Yule was upon them, the Yule; and they quaffed from the skulls of the slain,
                              And shouted loud oaths in hoarse wit, and long quaffing swore laughing again.


                                Re: Rune of the Month

                                Wunjo is like a flag planted in the future. You set your goal and then do what you can to reach it. It's about moving forward, always. Once you have your flag plant it somewhere else. Don't be stagnant.

