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What is the recommended way for contactifn Satan or Demons ? For beginers

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    What is the recommended way for contactifn Satan or Demons ? For beginers

    I don't know much about Satan however after drinking heavily I feel he has contacted me and may have had a hand in my conception l also i can connect to him as I feel he doesn't judge me for being human I want to know a way to speak to Satan or demons whatever can help me ?

    Re: What is the recommended way for contactifn Satan or Demons ? For beginers

    I think you should wait to see if he contacts you when you are sober.
    Just sayin..
    Satan is my spirit animal


      Re: What is the recommended way for contactifn Satan or Demons ? For beginers

      First, this

      Originally posted by Medusa View Post
      I think you should wait to see if he contacts you when you are sober.
      Just sayin..
      Is often a good plan in anything.

      Second, I'm not entirely sure how active our Theistic Satanists are atm. I know one of them has been distracted by real life concerns for the past few weeks and I'm not entirely sure on some others so don't be too surprised if this takes a few days before one of them gets back to you.
      Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

      Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

      "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

      John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

      "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

      Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


        Re: What is the recommended way for contactifn Satan or Demons ? For beginers

        Depending on the demons, I fooled around a bit with necromancy with one of my friends. With that being said, you can contact demons, and even death, but it does take time; and experience. The best thing is to realize that you must be contacted first.
        My friend and I both took a large amount of hallucinogens, and made our way to an older cemetery. Now, this part is quite F'd up, but we ended up breaking into two different crypts, and staying the night separately, in the company of its residence. The older crypts had open coffins, which was surprising, and my trip ended up going into a very foul direction, as death took it over. I learned a lot about myself through it though, a lot about death, and near the end, right before the sky started to brighten, I felt Deaths presence encircle me, and whisper in my ear "welcome." After that, I felt very tranquil, as the sun started to rise.
        The most amazing part about the end was, my friend ended up having the same experience.
        That was my initiation into necromancy and dealing with demons or people through the dead. I stopped doing this a couple years ago, for fear of retribution from my Gods, even if I was doing it in Loki's name, I still felt guilty.
        "In the shade now tall forms are advancing,
        And their wan hands like snowflakes in the moonlight are gleaming;
        They beckon, they whisper, 'Oh! strong armed in valor,
        The pale guests await thee - mead foams in Valhalla.'"
        - Finn's Saga


          Re: What is the recommended way for contactifn Satan or Demons ? For beginers

          Originally posted by Medusa View Post
          I think you should wait to see if he contacts you when you are sober.
          Just sayin..
          I probably shouldn't internet when I'm drunk, but its so fun Rum, Tequila, Beer and Google you cant go wrong there....

          Originally posted by Norse_Angel View Post
          Depending on the demons, I fooled around a bit with necromancy with one of my friends. With that being said, you can contact demons, and even death, but it does take time; and experience. The best thing is to realize that you must be contacted first.
          My friend and I both took a large amount of hallucinogens, and made our way to an older cemetery. Now, this part is quite F'd up, but we ended up breaking into two different crypts, and staying the night separately, in the company of its residence. The older crypts had open coffins, which was surprising, and my trip ended up going into a very foul direction, as death took it over. I learned a lot about myself through it though, a lot about death, and near the end, right before the sky started to brighten, I felt Deaths presence encircle me, and whisper in my ear "welcome." After that, I felt very tranquil, as the sun started to rise.
          The most amazing part about the end was, my friend ended up having the same experience.
          That was my initiation into necromancy and dealing with demons or people through the dead. I stopped doing this a couple years ago, for fear of retribution from my Gods, even if I was doing it in Loki's name, I still felt guilty.
          That sounds scary I would rather find a deity or deities to worship also If I was going to worship Satan theistic-ally I'd probably view him as a separate entity than the dead or ghosts. For now i'm just an atheist with skeptical views of the other world.

          What do these feelings of contact feel like are you supposed to hear voices or are you supposed to feel the answers and communication intrinsically ? ( as a scientific minded person I find it hard to believe in hearing voices aside from the insane, but whatever works )


            Re: What is the recommended way for contactifn Satan or Demons ? For beginers

            Well, mind you, this was a summers night. Must have been in the mid 80s, and when the presence came, it was a very cold, Very real grip on my body. Almost as if a vice was bound around my chest. And everything felt extremely still for that moment, but then, a voice came. It wasn't just one voice, but of thousands, simultaneously whispering faintly into my ear "welcome." Right after I heard it, the coldness ceased, and my body was filled with a very calm relief, extremely tranquil. I stayed in that crypt for maybe another hour or so, filled with the relaxed feeling, until I could see the small glare of dawn coming through the cracks of entry. Both my friend and I exited almost at the same exact time. His crypt was a couple burials away, and he was just coming out as I was closing mine.
            And he explained the exact same feeling as I had experienced, and the same exact thousands of voices, and the one word "welcome."
            I ended up becoming more and more engaged into the things I could do with this new contact, and this initiation. We soon to get more into astral projections, and would go into the different gates of that world. We made a designated area, one in a forest, right next to a slow turning stream, and only on clear nights, either on the full or new moon, would we light a candle upon our stone altar in that spot, and begin to relinquish our bodies to get into contact with that spirit of death.
            It's been a long time since I've done any of this. Firstly, my friend moved to New Mexico. Secondly, like I said, I felt extremely guilty after awhile, and I could feel my gods trepidation at what I was doing. Even Loki seemed to start relinquishing his enthusiasm on me, and so, I stopped cold turkey.

            My advice, is if you are actually interested in becoming and initiate into that world, you must make it through the night with the dead. And I'm not talking about simply setting up a blanket near a grave. Do some research into it, they say the best way is to actually be in the presence of a corpse, unveiled, and unshrouded. Now, I do not condone breaking any laws, and if you do follow this tidbit, be extremely careful, and courteous. Respect is key in dealing with the dead, in contacting those types of spirits, or death itself. I feel if there is a "satan" for I am a heathen, and Satan is not one in our faith, that satan as an entity would be one you could contact through the art of necromancy. But again, I am not telling you to go breaking into a cemetery and desecrate those laid to rest. My story is one of immense planning in finding a cemetery that was old enough to have open coffins in their crypts. Do some research if it inspires you.
            Last edited by Norse_Angel; 05 Apr 2015, 10:22.
            "In the shade now tall forms are advancing,
            And their wan hands like snowflakes in the moonlight are gleaming;
            They beckon, they whisper, 'Oh! strong armed in valor,
            The pale guests await thee - mead foams in Valhalla.'"
            - Finn's Saga



              Re: What is the recommended way for contactifn Satan or Demons ? For beginers

              Originally posted by Sith View Post
              I don't know much about Satan however after drinking heavily I feel he has contacted me and may have had a hand in my conception l also i can connect to him as I feel he doesn't judge me for being human I want to know a way to speak to Satan or demons whatever can help me ?
              If you say that you feel He has "contacted you" - then what more exactly do you want to know? He has either contacted you or He hasn't. You say that you feel that He doesn't judge you - so obviously, you believe that you are communicating with Him in some way already.


                Re: What is the recommended way for contactifn Satan or Demons ? For beginers

                Originally posted by Torey View Post
                If you say that you feel He has "contacted you" - then what more exactly do you want to know? He has either contacted you or He hasn't. You say that you feel that He doesn't judge you - so obviously, you believe that you are communicating with Him in some way already.
                I just got a weird feeling it felt like it was right or that Satan was making me feel his presence, actually alcohol helps loosen up my rigid atheistic mind it helps me believe in things that I ordinarily would shrug aside as unscientific I actually drink in an attempt to get into a state off mind where I can feel spiritual presences and be more open to contacting spiritual world. When I'm sober I simply read about satanism in my interest in anti-abrahamic religion from an atheist perspective but also a slightly spiritual perspective. However I mostly focus on Pagan gods from my ethnic history the Nordic/Germanic/Celtic gods since those are my ancestry however I'm not sure about Satanism as a whole it is interesting to me and I have prayed deeply to Satan a few times as well as other gods I felt the same during all of the prayers. However this one time I drank I felt more open to Satan it just popped into my head and I went with it.


                  Re: What is the recommended way for contactifn Satan or Demons ? For beginers

                  Does the fact that you feel Satan is attempting contact with you, not make you agnostic, rather than atheist? Alternatively, if you really don't feel there is any theistic truth in what you're experiencing, have you considered that this pull towards 'Satan' is actually a part of your own mind, your subconscious if you can stomach such a concept, trying to grab your attention? In which case, I wonder if you've considered LaVayan Satanism yet? We have a pretty comprehensive thread on the topic. Maybe you've checked it out already, but if not, you can check it out here;

                  Of course, I'd never claim to know what is going on inside another person's mind, so maybe theistic Satanism will end up being for you after all. Still, I think knowledge is power, so it doesn't hurt to learn as much as you can about the various options out there, before you decide on a path.

                  (lol.. this from a girl who never wondered very far from the first pagan/wiccan books she read way back in her teens ^^)
                  夕方に急なにわか雨は「夕立」と呼ばれるなら、なぜ朝ににわか雨は「朝立ち」と呼ばれないの? ^^If a sudden rain shower in the evening is referred to as an 'evening stand', then why isn't a shower in the morning called 'morning stand'?


                    Re: What is the recommended way for contactifn Satan or Demons ? For beginers

                    Originally posted by Sith View Post
                    I don't know much about Satan however after drinking heavily I feel he has contacted me and may have had a hand in my conception l also i can connect to him as I feel he doesn't judge me for being human I want to know a way to speak to Satan or demons whatever can help me ?
                    The short answer is... the same way you'd attempt to contact any other deity.

                    The easiest way for a beginner to attempt to contact a Demon would be to sleep with their sigil under your pillow. BUT... that comes with the caveat that you should do thorough groundwork first. The chances of a Demon responding to your attempts are directly proportional to the amount of hard work you've put into the attempt. They are not a group of beings who tend to interact with dabblers and casual practitioners. However, they are a group of beings who tends to be impersonated... a lot. There are a great many astral nasties who'll throw around well known Demon names in an attempt to hook you... and these are often the entities who are responsible for the stereotypical 'dabbler is being haunted by a demon' type stories.

                    In general, reaching out to Demons is not something that should be attempted by complete beginners. At the very least you should be skilled in astral hygiene, shielding and warding of some kind. You need a high level of discernment, and unfortunately reaching an altered state of consciousness using drugs or alcohol (while it works) is a good way to lose whatever discernment you normally have. Demons tend to have a low tolerance for dabblers and poseurs... now I'm not saying that I think you are either of these, just that you usually need to prove your dedication, respect and seriousness before you'll get a meaningful response. That takes time, consistency and groundwork. It wont happen overnight.


                      Re: What is the recommended way for contactifn Satan or Demons ? For beginers

                      all i know is froma achristian perspective that demons are servants of satan and they all want to lord over all the universe and the human race we are worms to them and must bow in seervicce to the dark lord.


                        Re: What is the recommended way for contactifn Satan or Demons ? For beginers

                        Originally posted by Sith View Post
                        all i know is froma achristian perspective that demons are servants of satan and they all want to lord over all the universe and the human race we are worms to them and must bow in seervicce to the dark lord.
                        *looks around*
                        his name is...
                        his name is Voldemort
                        *shudders horribly*
                        "In the shade now tall forms are advancing,
                        And their wan hands like snowflakes in the moonlight are gleaming;
                        They beckon, they whisper, 'Oh! strong armed in valor,
                        The pale guests await thee - mead foams in Valhalla.'"
                        - Finn's Saga



                          Re: What is the recommended way for contactifn Satan or Demons ? For beginers

                          Dammit Norse_Angel. My lungs are collapsing from laughter.

                          Check out my blog! The Daily Satanist


                            Re: What is the recommended way for contactifn Satan or Demons ? For beginers

                            I thought you were the Dark Lord Sean....ether that or you were the dork lord...could not clearly read the writing on the wall.....Yeh, sue me....
                            MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                            all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                            NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                            don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                            my new page here,let me know what you think.

                            nothing but the shadow of what was



                              Re: What is the recommended way for contactifn Satan or Demons ? For beginers

                              *picks up receiver.
                              The dark lord is busy at the moment. He's getting his claws done.
                              I'll have him return the call at his leisure.
                              Satan is my spirit animal

