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Butterfly Magic?

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    Butterfly Magic?

    I've always known that butterflies are very magical, and often take on the role of messengers. I've also been in awe of their transformative characteristics since I was little as well. Lately I have been doing a lot of gardening for the butterflies, and I've even been raising some from eggs and caterpillars in my home (to protect them from predators). Primarily I raise Zebra Longwings, black and yellow striped butterflies that are pretty easygoing and tend to hover when they fly, and Gulf Fritillaries, bright orange and black butterflies that are fast and strong fliers.

    My wife and I do not life together right now because of financial reasons... but I still try to help her out as much as I can. When I heard that the place she was staying had become borderline abusive, I was worried sick. I had heard a long time ago that if you whisper a wish to a butterfly, and then release the butterfly, it will take your wish to the heavens/deities to be granted.

    Since I had been raising butterflies, I thought this was worth a shot. I held a Gulf Fritillary gently in both hands; I could feel it moving around inside of my hands, and I asked it to help her before letting go.

    What happened next left me absolutely floored.... I was looking directly at my hands and saw a flash of orange wings, and then... nothing. Simply nothing. I looked all around, thinking that I was crazy and it had somehow gotten above my head without my eyes bothering to do their job, but it was nowhere in the sky, or in our yard. I searched for about fifteen minutes... and when I had just about given up, I spotted what felt like the same butterfly at the complete opposite end of my yard, reappeared seemingly out of nowhere.

    I was shocked enough to see that, since I truly felt the butterfly had simply flown out of this world as if it was as simple as breathing. But right after that happened, I checked the craigslist housing section with fragile hope, and saw a brand new listing. There was no price in the title, but when I clicked the link, it was easily a hundred cheaper than any of the others and two blocks away from my wife's old residence. Sure enough, within a couple of days, she moved in... and things have been a whole lot better for her since then.

    Needless to say I redoubled my effort planting flowers and host plants for the butterflies after that. But I wanted to know what you guys think? Has anyone else had any magical experiences with butterflies? Do you think it did just fly out of this world? I can't think of any other explanation, since I was looking directly at it when it disappeared.


    Re: Butterfly Magic?

    Butterflies were seen by the Greeks as representative of the soul or inner mind. sometimes even being considered souls of the dead. Psyche, Eros's lover and wife, has butterflies as her symbol and is often depicted with butterfly wings. Eros is the god of love and desire who causes people to fall in love and Psyche has the distinction of being the only one he's ever loved.

    The only other mythological significance of butterflies I can think of is Itzpapalotl, who's name means obsidian butterfly. She's an Aztex goddess that rules Tamoanchan, the place where humans were created, and is one of the star demons. However, it's debated if the butterfly part of her name is a metaphor for bats or not. Sometimes she is depicted with butterfly wings, but usually with bat wings if she has wings.

    I'm sorry I can't think of anything that relates specifically to your experiences.
    They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
    Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
    -Madeline Miller, Circe


      Re: Butterfly Magic?

      Thanks for the input, Corvus! It is definitely a lot to think about, and very interesting about Itzpapalotl. I might try meditating on it a bit to see if I can get any clarity in the matter.


        Re: Butterfly Magic?

        Certainly sounds like a beautiful moment. When I was little (think 6/7) I equated butterflies with fairies. I don't think that anymore but I do think they're amazing and a little bit magical. The way they go from these weird squishy tubes into something so pretty, like they just turn into a completely different creature... But I think just about anything is magical if you see it that way.

        I did a little digging... pulled up only one link on this unfortunately. This one actually mentions that in Ireland its believed butterflies can pass between this world and the next. So maybe the butterfly delivered that message for you!


          Re: Butterfly Magic?

          That's interesting
          Amarres de Amor


            Re: Butterfly Magic?

            I still do associate butterflies with faeries. But not sure why, perhaps its because of their wings. Although in my knowledge faeries are connected with the angelic energies though not all of their energies are angelic. Sure you do come across the good ones and then you get the more mischievous ones in with the good energies. However, butterflies I've also seen as signs from spirit as well, someone thinking of you from a loved one's perspective.


              Re: Butterfly Magic?

              Originally posted by RosaBelle View Post
              I still do associate butterflies with faeries. But not sure why, perhaps its because of their wings. Although in my knowledge faeries are connected with the angelic energies though not all of their energies are angelic. Sure you do come across the good ones and then you get the more mischievous ones in with the good energies. However, butterflies I've also seen as signs from spirit as well, someone thinking of you from a loved one's perspective.
              The whole tinkerbell pixies with wings thing is modern. Prior to the 1800s fairies rarely had wings, much less butterfly wings. They were more or less normal looking in many cases, but with certain unnatural characteristics such as inhuman beauty, an animal tail, or a hollow back. Animal aspects were extremely common, but insect parts on fae is almost unheard of in older stories.

              It's interesting for you to say that fae feel angelic. While the notion of fairy creatures inhabiting the wild predates Christian occupation of Europe, the belief persisted for many hundreds of years. Christian Europeans explained the origins of the fae as being angelic. Various myths trace the fairies back to angels. One story goes that after the angels rebellion the gates of heaven and hell were closed, separating the angels of heaven, the demons of hell, and those trapped between (on earth) became the fairies. Another is that the fae are offspring of demons who breed with angels (I honestly just don't understand this one since demons are literally angels. It's like saying you become a different being if you move houses). Of course, it was also very common to just outright consider them demons, meaning they would be fallen angels.

              The most common of the beliefs regarding the fairies in Christian Europe was that they were spirits of the dead caught between heaven and hell.
              They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
              Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
              -Madeline Miller, Circe


                Re: Butterfly Magic?

                I am very aware that the whole Tinkerbelle perspective is indeed modern idea of which might be brought in by JM Barrie perhaps in terms of references or fictional stories. Its only been later in recent years that the concept of delving into darker stories of inspiration that they take on more of a darker approach. They are not entirely like the folk as portrayed in fairytales. Personally I prefer Brian Froud's version of Faeries are more subject to the Truthfully connections to the Fae Realm. However, I'm not even going to begin speculating over the many duality entities or energies that are out there either, that subject it far, far too mind-boggling to even begin to comprehend with. Just that that is going a touch way off topic since this is about butterflies not faeries. As far as I know though, bringing back on topic, butterflies when they go over what some might call the Rainbow Bridge for animal spirits or energies can come back as spiritual signs or significant signs from visiting loved ones. But Corvus, thanks for your insights there. Excellent stuff, kudos.

