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Your favorite form of divintation?

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    Your favorite form of divintation?

    Whats your favorite method of divintation?
    Mine is alomancy(divintation by salt), because I have had good accuracy with it.

    Re: Your favorite form of divintation?

    I've actually never heard of divination by salt, how does it work?

    I'm not very big on divination, but I have a tarot deck which I've used a few times when I needed to cast a little light on things, and had good results with it.


      Re: Your favorite form of divintation?

      My favorite form is my cheap little tarot deck. It is the only one I can readily do without much extreme effort.
      Kemetic Blog -

      Bring your grains of Salt.


        Re: Your favorite form of divintation?

        I use tarot. By far the divination method with the best learning time to actual results relation.

        Check out my blog! The Daily Satanist


          Re: Your favorite form of divintation?

          I use Tarot cards. I get pretty good results from them. My favorite deck is the Tarot of the Vampyres deck. I use it about 90% of the time.


            Re: Your favorite form of divintation?

            I use meditation and tarot. (nothing fancy like with a spread or anything, just a single draw.)

            But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
            ~Jim Butcher


              Re: Your favorite form of divintation?

              Tarot for me too, though I am going to move on to runes once I've finished working through all my cards


                Re: Your favorite form of divintation?

                Lenormand and Kipperkarten.


                  Re: Your favorite form of divintation?

                  Extispicy. Nothing sets the mood quite like cutting open the belly of a sacrificed goat and fondling its insides.
                  Trust is knowing someone or something well enough to have a good idea of their motivations and character, for good or for ill. People often say trust when they mean faith.


                    Re: Your favorite form of divintation?

                    Any type of cards. I've used regular playing cards, runes, tarot and my personal favorite Clow cards. In high school I could tell how my day was going to go using a bag of chex mix based on the frequency of some ingredients . I think I'm a little less weird now than I was in high school.


                      Re: Your favorite form of divintation?

                      I love using lithomancy (divination using gemstones). Not only because I absolutely adore gemstones and the way lithomancy works, but because I'm fairly good at this form of divination. Tarot and oracle, however, I use much more often. There is also the pendulum... But that is generally only for checking the chakras/energy centers of a friend.


                        Re: Your favorite form of divintation?

                        Right now I'd say tarot because it's the only one I've done. And I've never done a tarot card reading that was wrong. I am trying to get into crystal divination because it seems like it would be interesting to do.


                          Re: Your favorite form of divintation?

                          Originally posted by Plenilunium View Post
                          Right now I'd say tarot because it's the only one I've done. And I've never done a tarot card reading that was wrong. I am trying to get into crystal divination because it seems like it would be interesting to do.
                          Exactly, I've always wanted to but idk what stones to get or what to look for.


                            Re: Your favorite form of divintation?

                            Runes. We get along very well.
                            ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


                            I have never been across the way
                            Seen the desert and the birds
                            You cut your hair short
                            Like a shush to an insult
                            The world had been yelling
                            Since the day you were born
                            Revolting with anger
                            While it smiled like it was cute
                            That everything was shit.

                            - J. Wylder


                              Re: Your favorite form of divintation?

                              I'm skilled most in tarot and necromancy. I've been told I'm extraordinarily accurate with tarot and it has to be my favorite, my old rider waite deck is much loved. Necromancy to actually get answers about the future can be tricky since most shades know only a little more about the future than they did when they were alive. It's usually not worth the effort to find one that is prophetic enough and they're exhausting to persuade anyway.
                              They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
                              Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
                              -Madeline Miller, Circe

