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Dream Interpretation

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    Re: Dream interpretation

    Awesome dream. I won't presume to say what it may or may not indicate, but I tend to disagree with skinheads, too.

    "No, no, you're not thinking; you're just being logical." -- Niels Bohr


      Re: Dream interpretation

      It's safe to say that Odin sent you that dream. He even tells you to stay on your path. I think it speaks volumes on your commitment to and faith in your gods, as well. In my experience (I live in Idaho and we have multiple branches of the Aryan brotherhood) never agree with skinheads. They preach hate and violence and I, personally, don't believe that the gods/goddesses want us to hate. That dream is very intense, by the way. I can't honestly say I would've made it through that.
      (user formerly known as beckly_freckly)

      You are a little soul carrying around a corpse.


        Re: Dream Interpretation

        I'm massively into dreaming again. After discussing my ability to have lucid dreams, and the fact that many of my regular dreams are vivid and have recurring imagery, even following on from one another, I came to consider that my skills as a witch may be within the realm of dreaming. I do a lot of mediation work too, so the crossover seems quite natural. I've had some success already. They're small things, but we have to start somewhere. Like I had a dream that was reminding me that JP had started his new job within the same office a few weeks ago. He'd told me he was moving soon, but never mentioned it again. I had a vivid dream, woke up and quickly worked through the imagery in my head. It was then that I leaped out of bed, ran to the study to find JP had come home. I asked him proudly how his first day went, and gave myself a little mental high five that I'd 'remembered' to ask him. I had another dream that gave me an idea. When I suggested the idea to JP, expecting resistance, he told me he'd been thinking the same thing for a while but thought I'd scoff at it.

        So yeah, totally into dreaming right now.

        Anyway, I wanted to ask what method everyone uses for dream interpretation. I learnt the technique from a book called 'Radical Dreaming' The book advises against using dream dictionaries or getting others to translate for you, because everyone's frame of reference is so different. For example, I love zombies, so a zombie in a dream for me would be considerably different to someone who is scared of them. Same for someone who breeds snakes compared to someone who hates them.. religious symbolism, tastes.. life experiences.. you're translating your own subconscious messages, and only you know the specific code.

        I don't own the book, but the method is in my BoS, not that I'd forget. It used to take a little while to work through to begin with, but I can apply the method without pen and paper pretty quickly these days. I'd definitely encourage those with a serious interest in dream interpretation to take a look at the book.
        夕方に急なにわか雨は「夕立」と呼ばれるなら、なぜ朝ににわか雨は「朝立ち」と呼ばれないの? ^^If a sudden rain shower in the evening is referred to as an 'evening stand', then why isn't a shower in the morning called 'morning stand'?


          Re: Dream interpretation

          Personally i'd say it's all about how you see your self and your pathway.

          Three is a base number which some might suggest represents me, myself and I. That or the notion of who I am, who I might be and who I shall be. Even the usages of knives to me represents personal aspects in this in that they are close in weapons which means you have to get up close an personal. Which seems to suggest the battle you must face is going to be up close and personal. Yet the fact they push you into a narrow alley seems to suggest its an internal battle and to a great degree you feel trapped within the confines of something. A guess would be trapped by your pathway and what you see as options or difficulties that are trapping you and narrowing what you perceive you can do to respond. Yet you have to battle.

          The village to me is a jump to your own internal landscape and how you view things at the moment. Turmoil, unrest, destruction and specifically self doubt. Seem's to me the three men are manifestations of your own lingering doubts about things. Our gods seems to suggest they are speaking of all aspects of you. Not being there to help or aid seems to be some inner turmoil your having about it and you have to face the self doubts.

          Your equating Odin in a place where my thoughts say its not Odin but using him as a sense of revelation and casting light of reason upon something. His light banishing your doubts and perhaps enabling you to see the truth behind things. You go into berserker mode and imply a sense of death to things via the presence of the Valkyries. Yet the Valkyries are collectors of those who have been found worthy of acceptance into Valhalla. Yet it raises the question did Odin find you worthy or have you in some sense found yourself worthy? The Valkyries stories i've read always say one Valkyrie to one fallen hero, so why would you see more than one?

          You keep equating baldness to skinheads yet I seem to recall you having issues about Hindus things as well. Baldness I seem to recall also an aspect of the devotee yet also a sign of wisdom or such. So is the battle then between which set of gods / goddesses you are struggling to decide are calling you? Resulting in the confusion and sense of being trapped between the so called rock and a hard place. Granted might be recalling the wrong person with regards to the Hindu calling / influence.

          But Odin could be more of a deeper mental call from yourself stating that in your own mind and logical system Heathenism is the correct pathway for you and by staying the course you will find reward and be claimed as worthy and welcomed into Valhalla and brought forth upon the mount of a horse maiden.

          Of course just how it strikes me at the moment. Use or disregard as it suits you or speaks to you.
          I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


            Re: Dream interpretation

            Monsno, you're confusing members. Thorbjorn is caught between Hinduism and Heathenry. Pretty sure Norse Angel isn't dealing with that concern.
            Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

            Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

            "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

            John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

            "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

            Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


              Re: Dream interpretation

              Originally posted by MaskedOne View Post
              Monsno, you're confusing members. Thorbjorn is caught between Hinduism and Heathenry. Pretty sure Norse Angel isn't dealing with that concern.
              Sorry couldn't recall just who it was other than the ref to Hinduism what I wrote still applies though. Figure if one substitutes Odinism and how the skin heads use it versus how the OP uses it it still applies. Unfortunately I can't go back and delete that reference.
              I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                Re: Dream interpretation

                That was quite an in depth interpretation Monsno. I went back to where I wrote the dream out in my diary, and there were three Valkyries as well. So three may have a lot to go with the whole vision or dream itself. I'm aware of the one for one, but in the dream there were three. Three can mean a lot of things, but I don't think it has a lot to do with doubts. I haven't had any doubts on my path since I started upon it. I feel extremely content with the passage I have taken, and I know the Gods guide my hands.
                The corner may relate to the trapness of my life right at the time. That corner may show the rut I've been in with relationship problems blocking my workings and practices. Those two have since been seperated from my significant other, as she at first did not respect the boundaries of what I did, making it difficult to find the right amount of consentration. But this has since been corrected.
                Looking back at my dream diary, I have dreamt about Odin since then. The most recent was a fleeting image of the battlegrounds of Vallahla, standing over numerous amounts of fallen men, with Odin smiling at me from across the fields.
                I do think Odin himself comes to me. Every time he does, I go straight into my altar room and sit meditating upon his altar. I can always feel his presence after those dreams.
                "In the shade now tall forms are advancing,
                And their wan hands like snowflakes in the moonlight are gleaming;
                They beckon, they whisper, 'Oh! strong armed in valor,
                The pale guests await thee - mead foams in Valhalla.'"
                - Finn's Saga



                  Re: Dream Interpretation

                  I had a dream in which I was in a university campus, and they were giving me a tour around the place. Everything was quite normal, until we arrived at a big plaza with a white statue of an octopus-like creature with many eyes arranged in a random way, on a pedestal. Behind the statue and also above the pedestal were various large, irregular red pinnacles. When I asked what that was all about, the answer was "This is a depiction of our god." The thing also had a very odd name, but I can't remember it.

                  What does this all mean?


                    Re: Dream Interpretation

                    Originally posted by Ebervalius Ahau View Post
                    I had a dream in which I was in a university campus, and they were giving me a tour around the place. Everything was quite normal, until we arrived at a big plaza with a white statue of an octopus-like creature with many eyes arranged in a random way, on a pedestal. Behind the statue and also above the pedestal were various large, irregular red pinnacles. When I asked what that was all about, the answer was "This is a depiction of our god." The thing also had a very odd name, but I can't remember it.

                    What does this all mean?
                    This depends on you. We could offer what it would mean to us, but we're all different. So for example, someone who is afraid of snakes, would have a very different subconscious reaction to a snake dream, compared to someone who breeds them professionally.

                    If I had had this dream; school dreams tell me the dream is talking to me about my studies. My hobby is studying Japanese, so it can be this (in which case this usually my old high school), or it can be my spiritual/religious studies (a recurring dream in which I've gone back to uni to re-take my zoology degree to try to get a 1st, but I keep slacking off and think I'll get a worse grade than last time), often both aspects of learning are hinted at in the same dream though.

                    So you're at uni.. so I'd say this is about my spiritual studies. You see an octopus-like creature. I'd see this are indicating that I'm at a crossroads (seeing the tentacles as the different paths I could take), the irregularity simply suggesting that on the surface, different paths appear very unique from one another. Cephalopods are highly intelligent, so the fact my subconscious chose that, rather than say, a spider, tells me that there isn't actually a wrong road, but I should study (the eyes speak to me of research. the many eyes telling me to look at lots of different sources), and find out which path speaks to me most on an intellectual level.

                    I've found my path, so I doubt I'd get this dream, and I have long since graduated so being at uni in my dreams is quite different to being at uni for someone who is still there, but I think you can see how the process works.
                    夕方に急なにわか雨は「夕立」と呼ばれるなら、なぜ朝ににわか雨は「朝立ち」と呼ばれないの? ^^If a sudden rain shower in the evening is referred to as an 'evening stand', then why isn't a shower in the morning called 'morning stand'?


                      Re: Dream Interpretation

                      So I had a weird dream, or a pseudo-dream because it felt like I was almost halfway between sleeping and waking, like in state you get when you have sleep paralysis or something. It's a fairly short dream, but the imagery stuck with me.

                      So I'm a room or space of sorts, and I walk (or float?) towards the center and see a piece of ancient Greek red-figure pottery. The vase has two images on it; the first image I see is a woman seated on a throne or chair with lion directly in front of her, facing her. Then the vase turns to other side and I see the second image; the lion has moved closer and now has it's mouth around the woman's neck.

                      Fairly short; but it feels like it means something. Any thoughts would be much appreciated!


                        Re: Dream Interpretation

                        Sounds like the 'strength' card from tarot. Cool dream.
                        夕方に急なにわか雨は「夕立」と呼ばれるなら、なぜ朝ににわか雨は「朝立ち」と呼ばれないの? ^^If a sudden rain shower in the evening is referred to as an 'evening stand', then why isn't a shower in the morning called 'morning stand'?


                          Re: Dream Interpretation

                          Oh yeah! Great connection! Thanks for the input.

                          That now also made me think of the astrological signs, Leo and Virgo.


                            Re: Dream Interpretation

                            In the last few months i've had multiple dreams involving vampires, always one per dream, always male, a different man in each dream, varying in age and in attraction. In every dream the "vampire" has been trying to discreetly recruit me, not in the sense of to turn me, but to make me a partner (in what business I do not know) none of the dreams involve any bloodsucking, fangs, or any typical modern ideology of a vampire, just a non sexual sort of lusting appeal and I just somehow knew what they were though it was never mentioned. All dreams also involved very old buildings and at some poing the same deep wooded area.

                            Now I know of a few reasons for dreaming of vampires, but I just get a waking feeling that there's more too it than the dream interpretations that i've dound both in books and online. But although I have an insanely strong feeling, I really don't have a clue


                              Re: Dream Interpretation

                              Originally posted by Nicola View Post
                              In the last few months i've had multiple dreams involving vampires, always one per dream, always male, a different man in each dream, varying in age and in attraction. In every dream the "vampire" has been trying to discreetly recruit me, not in the sense of to turn me, but to make me a partner (in what business I do not know) none of the dreams involve any bloodsucking, fangs, or any typical modern ideology of a vampire, just a non sexual sort of lusting appeal and I just somehow knew what they were though it was never mentioned. All dreams also involved very old buildings and at some poing the same deep wooded area.

                              Now I know of a few reasons for dreaming of vampires, but I just get a waking feeling that there's more too it than the dream interpretations that i've dound both in books and online. But although I have an insanely strong feeling, I really don't have a clue
                              I once dreamt of a vampire and it turned out that it sort of resembled a person I hung out with who was claiming all of my energy and attention. I broke contact with her and the dreams didn't return. But of course that was my own situation, so I don't know if that's very helpful for your own.
                              Maybe there is someone in your life who wishes to work with you? Or it could be a spirit trying to contact you?
                              Also, does the vampire scare you or is he sort of threatening you to follow him or work with him? What does the vampire make you feel?
                              (Sorry, lots of questions :P but just for reflection)


                                Re: Dream Interpretation

                                There are people who want my help working on various projects but currently i'm unable to even contact them, but the dream felt very vivid, like it meant more than that.

                                The vampires have always been friendly, teaching me about the word around me, I only realise they're a vampire from the overpowering but strangely non sexual lust I feel, plus the scared reactions of the people around us. They always have a human friend who I overhear talking and discover the vampire wants to keep me there

                                - - - Updated - - -

                                There are people who want my help working on various projects but currently i'm unable to even contact them, but the dream felt very vivid, like it meant more than that.

                                The vampires have always been friendly, teaching me about the word around me, I only realise they're a vampire from the overpowering but strangely non sexual lust I feel, plus the scared reactions of the people around us. They always have a human friend who I overhear talking and discover the vampire wants to keep me there

