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Moon Cycles affecting rituals?

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    Moon Cycles affecting rituals?

    Hi everyone! This is my first post here - I'm a new user, so forgive me if I've done something wrong (posted in the wrong section, asked the same question as someone else, etc).

    So the reason I've decided to join the forum today is primarily because I have a question I can't seem to find an answer to on my usually trust-worthy google search! That question is: Do moon cycles affect the way your spells or rituals work?

    I've been researching the draconic path for about half a year now, and I've decided to finally put that path into action and perform my first ritual. Problem is, with the very few rituals I've seen online, they state the exact phase the moon has to be in.
    I was planning on changing a few aspects of the rituals to add a personal touch to them, as I do with all my rituals, but I'm unsure of whether I'll get the same results if I perform during a different phase.

    The ritual is to summon a dragon companion, here's a quote from the site: "This meditation ritual should be started on the first night of the waxing moon, when the first crescent is visible. It should be repeated every night until the full moon (two weeks total), by which time you should feel the presence of your new friend. If you do not, don't be alarmed. Wait until the next waxing period and begin again. "

    Any thoughts? Advice?

    Re: Moon Cycles affecting rituals?

    I've found that really, when it comes down to it, day, time, place, phase of the moon, the color of your underwear, etc doesn't have any actual effect upon what you're trying to do, UNLESS YOU think it does. It's the same for ritual tools. Bells and whistles, that's all they are, to help you concentrate and get in the right frame of mind.

    I don't think Odin would get mad if I prayed to him on a Saturday afternoon instead of a Wednesday, nor do I really think Saturn cares if you give him an offering after Monday night football instead of on Saturday. But with that said, it's all about intent and what helps you focus and do your thing.


      Re: Moon Cycles affecting rituals?

      I suppose you're right. I think my uncertainty must come down to the fact that I'm still trying to break away from my strict follow-everything-to-a-T mindset. I really need to separate myself from that if I wish to advance!


        Re: Moon Cycles affecting rituals?

        I am curious about this supposed draconic pathway. Every time I stumble across people speaking about it, its usually a corrupted Wiccan ritual or such and many times based off D J Conway's writings. But seldom does any of it tie into a celestial movement or discuss celestial influences.

        I would ask what does lunar movement have to do with dragons? Western dragons tend to be earth based and focused and heavily fire associated. Eastern dragons tend to be air based and heavily focused against water and are more serpentine in form than their heavier western cousins. Well except for the Pan Lung which is an earth dragon itself. The hydra falls into the draconic realm but even in its western configuration is more water oriented though one head is associated with fire. Figure it is most often found in swampy areas where the elements of earth and water would meet and create the fusion elements of mud, murky earthen water, etc. One of the reasons it is suggested to guard one of the entrances into the underworld in some lore. Some people also include some of the Nagga's with draconic lore as they are snake or serpent like. Not something I personally would wish to summon or call forth.

        Being in England I personally wonder why you don't look into Arthurian lore and how Merlin spoke of summoning dragons. Figure the dragon is pretty well spoken of in Welsh lore though the Wyrm is probably the more known form in that area.

        But lunar that sounds to much like a Wiccan ritual / ceremony that was modified. Even when the old dragon college and language was being pushed a few decades ago the moon didn't tie into working with them.
        I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


          Re: Moon Cycles affecting rituals?

          I absolutely hate Conway's work; most of her stuff is written very patronisingly and it's more of a fantasy book than a spiritual one. But I agree, many people just take her word for granted and don't explore their own minds.
          I believe the lunar cycles don't have much to do with dragons, but with rituals and spells in general. The moon is, in my opinion, very important, and I do rituals dedicated to the waxing and waning of it. However, I was just asking whether it was absolutely necessary to use the moon for every ritual, and whether it affected the way they work.
          There is such a thing as Draconic Wicca, which is where this 'corrupted Wiccan ritual' side of it comes from. I don't actually see anything wrong with it, even though it's not for me.


            Re: Moon Cycles affecting rituals?

            I always coordinate my major spells around the moon, sometimes even around the star sign the moon or sun falls into that day. I believe that certain phases of the moon can alter or assist the magic of certain spells. It's mostly symbolic, but symbols still have power and power is how magic works. The person probably recommends the waxing moon because it's the "creating" period of the lunar cycle. The thought being that as the moon grows fuller, the magic grows stronger and more complete and this is found in many many different spells. Dragon magic is not my area of expertise and I'm unsure of how they connect to lunar energies, but in my opinion I don't see how it could hurt really. The repetition for the spell is probably more important as it would slowly bring the guide over, with the moon's phases serving as a useful time table.
            It's not necessary to use the moon in every ritual and if we were always waiting for the perfect alignment of heavenly bodies to do things, then we'd never get anything done. It is my opinion the position of heavenly bodies can effect spell work but in most cases they are in neutral positions for most spells.
            They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
            Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
            -Madeline Miller, Circe


              Re: Moon Cycles affecting rituals?

              Thank you very much for your answer Corvus! I think because I've asked this question, the moon actually IS important to me in this ritual - otherwise, why would I ask this question? I still have a 'while' to wait, but I'm going to follow the advice of the website!


                Re: Moon Cycles affecting rituals?

                For me and only for me.
                Rituals: Nope, never. Old Norse/Germanic mythology doesn't really have a moon god(dess). When messed about with Wicca for a while I always had "moon trouble", i.e. I just couldn't understand the fuss. Still can't to be honest. But I know I'm the odd one out here. Furthermore, due to my practice's mythological roots to me the moon is male and the sun female - so I'm really, really odd :XD:
                Spells: Almost never. There are a few situation where what the moon signifies for me makes its presence/phases/something-or-other relevant for the magic, but most of the time, nah. I'm more likely to draw on the sun if I'm going to draw on a celestial body at all.
                Warning: The above post may contain traces of sarcasm.

                An apostrophe is the difference between a business that knows its shit, and a business that knows it's shit.

                "Why is every object we don't understand always called a thing?" (McCoy. Star Trek: The Moive Picture)


                  Re: Moon Cycles affecting rituals?

                  Originally posted by Fire Nymph View Post
                  Do moon cycles affect the way your spells or rituals work?
                  I never attempt anything without first consulting my almanac to see what the Moonlore is up to.
                  To not do so would cause untold madness and mayhem...!


                    Re: Moon Cycles affecting rituals?

                    I've been doing this for 20+ years and the moon has never affected my rituals or spellwork unless I wanted it to...

                    Perception is Reality. If you let yourself be confined by something, you will be.
                    Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                      Re: Moon Cycles affecting rituals?

                      Our greatest limitation are the ones we place on ourselves.
                      If you are doing Lunar magik it would be reasonable to properly time the works around the moon.
                      Arratu does use a lunar calendar in the training periods but not to restrict or enhance the outcome.
                      The Dragon sees infinity and those it touches are forced to feel the reality of it.
                      I am his student and his partner. He is my guide and an ominous friend.

