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M3: ONE: Foundation of the New Millennium

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    M3: ONE: Foundation of the New Millennium

    ---Magick, mysticism, and the mythologies of ancient days were once mankind's way of reconcilling itself with a mysterious cosmos and their equally mysterious place therein. The modern study of such things has been undertaken by a wide array of disciplines ranging from anthroplogy, psychology, socialolgy, archeology, philosophy, theology, cosmology, and even geology and biology. In short, almost every major discipline of note to present day academia has undertaken the task of deciphering the mysteries of mankind's ancestral religions and traditions in some way or another. Nearly all have concluded that they were, primarily, manifestations of mankind's inate curiousity, ingenuity, evolutionary problem solving capabilities and profundity. In order words, the modern world has deemed the beliefs and practices of our ancestors to be little more than highly imaginative fantasies intended to placate the primative, to sooth the savage, and to erroneously inform the ignorant.
    ---What other conclusion could the modern age allow for, however, being so tightly bound by the ideologies most suited to support our modern normalcies? Is the world in which we currently reside not defined, and therefore inadvertently limited, by the ideas of scientific idealism, Darwinism, materialism, genetics, and to a certain extent economic and social materialism? Has God not been dead for decades...? What else could the modern man be besides an atheist? Perhaps only what he seems so determined to be--whether knowingly or not: An individualist in every sense of the word.
    --The great and terrible I AM is the foundation of our modern spiritualism. A monotheistic divinity unto each man, and thus the everyday commonalities that permeate our experiences are nothing but ceremonies celebrating the ONE amidst the all...


    ---We come to the first requirement of any functional belief system--the very thing that allows for the edifice in its totality to stand atop the cosmic ocean of abyssal chaos: ONE. Coincidently, we also come to the first fundamental error that renders the perspective of the modern majority so dangerously flawed.
    ---Where to go from here, though? First, a history. Then, a modern commentary. Lastly, a conclusion, which is to be within itself the foundational synthesis.

    ---In the beginning, therefore, was God, and the word was with God and the word was God. Behold, the Logos: that from which all other things arise. And why should it be so that the beginning--the origin--of all things should be the word? Because the word is what enables man to formulate, prescribe, and transmit meaning. From a "bottom up" hierarchy, meaning is the top of the pyramid and thus the final step, for a stone can be said to be a great many things--and indeed appears so without the necessity of anything being said about it at all--before one ever comes to proclaim what the meaning of a stone is (it should be noted that meaning is in this sense is different from purpose). The difficulty that modern mankind thus has with meaning is that such a thing implies, not necessarily a reason, but that mankind itself, being unique among the creatures of the Earth in its ability to conceptualize meaning, is rendered imperative to all creation by the mere suggestion of it.
    ---To put it more succinctly, from an evolutionary perspective as commonly understood, the universe was devoid of complex organisms capable of denoting meaning to anything at all for the vast majority of the universe's existence. Therefore, meaning is a byproduct of the highly developed intellectual faculties that characterize creatures such a mankind (of which mankind is the only such creature currently known with any degree of certainty to exist). Thus meaning cannot be foundational. Bottom-up.
    ---From a top-down, hierarchy, though...everything derives from meaning, which is to say that because a thing has meaning that is why it exists. And why, from a top-down hierarchical perspective must meaning being paramount? Because meaning is formulated, prescribed, and transmitted via the Logos, or the word...

    ---You see then how they rob you of your dignity? Your inherent divinity? Your meaning...?

    ---I had not intended for this thread to unfold along these lines, as initially I had thought to discuss the aether, of that cosmic sea of energy from which all things derive, which I suppose is itself the physical element, or force, behind the Logos...Nevertheless, one does not object when inspiration arises--when the Gods directly guide the whims of mankind...
    ---You understand, then, simply from little has been said here, the incredible difficulty one faces when attempting to establish the foundation upon which the New Aeon is to rise...? Problems not in any way initially apparent manifest themselves rapidly...but they are not impossible to address and overcome.
    --The first step in establishing a new spiritual order then is to enlighten the majority to their inherent divinity, which has been buried within them by the unrelenting claims of the vulgar, or rather those who believe in nothing...

    ---The story of God and the creation of the cosmos through the Logos is not one that suggests the Judeo-Christian God of Abraham--the Tetragrammaton--to be the Alpha and Omega in truth, but rather it is a single culture's revelation of the fact that existence derives from the top down: From the Platonic world of Forms in their eternal perfection, or from a place in which the meaning behind the existence of all things is first established within the consciousness of existence itself, and only after such establishments are things manifested into physical form...From Heaven down to Earth, and through the actions of mankind back unto the Heavens (the hexagram).
    ---To recognize the ONE is necessary even before a person can discuss that which is not generally contested even by the masses--that being the two, or the duality of all things.
    ---Is it necessary to go through each step--each number--one at a time, then? No...but what is necessary for the establishment of the New Age--the New Spiritual Aeon that will form the foundation of all that is to come--is for mankind to recognize, or rather remember, its own divinity. To know in truth what it is to say that existence derived from meaning--that the mind of all things is the mind of mankind, and just as mankind is a creator unto itself, so to was the universe a creator of man.

    ---That universe has a name: Novus Ordo Empyrean, the NOE of Gnosis and the mystery that reveals the forward path of the New EON, as well as the truth...of the ONE.
    Last edited by iamonarch; 31 Mar 2020, 12:17.

    Re: M3: ONE: Foundation of the New Millennium

    What in the entire hell are you saying
    They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
    Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
    -Madeline Miller, Circe


      Re: M3: ONE: Foundation of the New Millennium

      So you're saying there's going to be a New Order of belief system, one that's based on all the previous systems, religions, spiritual paths, etc?

      Where are you deriving this from? Got any books related to this subject you can recommend?

      Also, can you explain why you're using so many dashes in your post? Visually speaking, your post is difficult to read.
      �Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer.�
      ― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
      Sneak Attack
      Avatar picture by the wonderful and talented TJSGrimm.


        Re: M3: ONE: Foundation of the New Millennium

        This was a read.

        Check out my blog! The Daily Satanist


          Re: M3: ONE: Foundation of the New Millennium

          Originally posted by Corvus View Post
          What in the entire hell are you saying
          XD "Well, if you have to ask..."


            Re: M3: ONE: Foundation of the New Millennium

            Originally posted by iamonarch View Post
            XD "Well, if you have to ask..."
            Which would mean:
            A. The speaker is unclear
            B. The listener is not grasping the complexity
            C. Both A and B
            D. The statements made do not convey coherent meaning

            Which is it?
            Last edited by B. de Corbin; 01 Apr 2020, 08:42.
            Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


              Re: M3: ONE: Foundation of the New Millennium

              Originally posted by Juniper View Post
              So you're saying there's going to be a New Order of belief system, one that's based on all the previous systems, religions, spiritual paths, etc?

              Where are you deriving this from? Got any books related to this subject you can recommend?

              Also, can you explain why you're using so many dashes in your post? Visually speaking, your post is difficult to read.
              ---To address the last question first, the dashes are used to indicate "indentation," which is typically used to signify the onset of a distinct paragraph. The dashes would thus not be necessary if the forum supported the use of the "tab" key to indent the paragraph, but sadly that does not seem to be the case. Therefore, rather then have no indentation, I have used the dash as a substitute, as not even merely hitting the "space" key repeatedly allows for such a thing. If you have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated.

              ---To begin in earnest now, yes, for the most part your summary of my composition is accurate: I am indeed saying that there will be a New Order of belief system, as you put it, which will be a synthesis of all manner of similar systems constructed prior.

              --As for where I'm getting this from, that is perhaps a more difficult question to answer then you might suspect, but I will do my best to tell you what I am able to:

              --Perhaps what you're anticipating, or rather what would be the most beneficial to your understanding, is the revelation that I am but one of many individuals currently working to bring about the system in question. We are an eclectic group, loosely organized and bound perhaps more by circumstance or synchronicity than direct affiliation. Our conclusions regarding the nature of reality and how best to contribute our unique talents towards the betterment of human existence derive from different sources, but are the same in essence. Thus, we have decided to work collectively yet independently to establish the foundation of what will be the culmination of our many long and strenuous efforts.
              --Theologians, historians, professionals in the entertainment industry, and those concerned with civil and economic matters are all involved, for the general method to be employed is this: First, establish a system of belief or series of ideas that form a coherent and highly resilient foundation upon which to progress; Second, arrange a platform of adherents who generally understand and agree with the principles of that foundational system and, utilizing their unique talents and resources, permeate culture with a vast array of materials that propagate the system's core ideology; Third, after culminating a series of "stages" through which the platform is to evolve towards the end goal of being a fully integrated unity consisting of isolated yet ideologically harmonious cells--a "stand alone complex"--progress towards the complete saturation of the "host" cultures to the point of generating enough human resources to accomplish that which will legitimize the system from a scientific and historical standpoint. This "legitimization" will come, as I've already suggested, in the form of a synthesis of the twin pillars--the right and left, material and spiritual, logical and belief based--into a single monolith capable of demonstrating predictable, repeatable effects on locations/objects/individuals within physical reality or otherwise the undeniable existence of conscious entities beyond what can be considered "embodied creatures."
              --I myself have over fifteen years of dedicated education, experience, and expertise in the philosophies, theologies, and mythologies of various cultures throughout human history, through my primary field of practice has been esotericism in the form of ceremonial, talismanic, shamanic, and invocational/evocational occultism, both from a historical, social, and private perspective. That being said, I am welled versed in many of the other fields that will prove necessary for the fulfillment of our goal, those centering primarily on sociology, marketing, and the creation/distribution of original intellectual properties, i.e. entertainment in multiple forms.
              --I myself have also chosen this forum as one of the many places in which to examine individual reaction to the initial conceptualization, development, and implementation of our systematic objectives, though many others--both known and unknown to me personally--have decided to operate in different locations and with different methods and means.

              --All of that is--much like my original composition--but a staggeringly small aspect of all that can be said, but it serves more or less to answer your question in perhaps the best way I am able to.
              --Where am I getting all this from?
              --We are actively doing exactly what I've suggested is necessary and indeed inevitable even as I type this reply. I got it from myself and those with whom I associate.

              --As for books or resources...They are many and multi-varied to the point of over abundance. It has been foretold, for example, by nearly every culture throughout history, and further--and perhaps more note worthy--history itself, upon study of its cyclic nature, has proven it to be for all intents and purposes unavoidable.
              --It is the way that all things were, and in some sense are, and therefore without question will be. The only element of consideration is the intensity with which the system of which I speak is, for lack of a better word, "present," or perhaps rather "front and center."

              --Read Revelation within the hollowed "Holy Bible," or consult Snorri on the Twilight of the Aesir, or Nietzsche and Twentieth Century history on the Reich of the Overman, but no that we are not talking about the "apocalypse" or the Battle to be held on the Plain of Megiddo. We are not talking about the end of all things, but rather the unveiling of the truth of all things. Indeed, there will be an end of some sort, just as an end characterized the culmination of the Reign of Terror or the setting sail of the Mayflower. More over, however, we are...well, as I've already said, talking about the election of the New Aristocracy, the erection of the New Renaissance, and the elevation of the New Age. It is rehabilitation, it is revolution, it is revelation, and it is, I assure you, already under way, and therefore I feel no great apprehension in telling you.

              --If you still wish to know more, I would suggest you start with that which would enable you to better comprehend the principles that lie at the foundation of the true and final New Age, which are of course the facts regarding the nature of reality in general. For that, I would direct you to Agrippa, Levi, Bruno, Dee, Crowley, Simon the Magus, Solomon the Wise, and to Jerome and Joachim, to Origin and Augustus, to Confucius and Gautama, Krishna and Zoroaster, to the Book of the Dead of Tibet and of Egypt, and indeed even to Hall, Kierkegaard, Yung, and that titan among men himself, who's words have shaped so much of our modern age that his name is visible in nearly every aspect of modern culture.

              --...In short...It's derived from the way things were, the way things are, and is the way things will be.
              --Blessed be...and so, as it is spoken...
              --So it is.

              - - - Updated - - -

              Originally posted by Sean R. R. View Post
              This was a read.


                Re: M3: ONE: Foundation of the New Millennium

                Sounds like you're advocating for brainwashing. That's a lot of words that don't really communicate a lot of information. Vague notions about "groups" aren't going to convince anyone. You really need to get to the point of your arguments faster because for such a talented member of a secret society it sure is hard to parse what you actually mean. Here's the thing, you sound like a conspiracy theorist except you think you're part of the conspiracy. Also don't try to say it's not a conspiracy when there's these secret people in important positions of culture and politics trying to use propaganda to establish a new world order.

                The assumptions this argument makes just plain do not hold up to scrutiny. When asked for sources you say there's so many, it almost seems like you think it's stupid we don't see it. Then you say it is known to nearly all cultures, but you make zero concrete claims on what you're actually saying. If you vaguely imply that old things are replaced by new things, congratulations you understand how time works. It is straight up incorrect to say all religions have an end of days myth. Perhaps most telling of that is your examples (Revelations, ect) are all Western sources. Snorri was a Christian who was known to have altered the myths he wrote of and it's long been hypothesized that the end of the Aesir was influenced by Christianity. The language you use the "hallowed holy bible" does not help your supposed stance of panspiritual enlightenment.

                Are you just talking about Thelema and the new aeon? It's okay to just say that instead of dancing around it. The list of occultists and philosophers is completely useless. I've read basically all of them and I think you're pretentious. What does Confucius have to do with Crowley? What does a noted hedonist obsessed with personal pleasure have to do with the Buddha who preached that rejection of the physical would eliminate suffering? This means nothing without specific examples. You can't just list the works of learned people or religious teachers and expect people will draw a connection.

                What does the Egyptian book of the dead, a scroll of spells for. Passing through the duat have to do with moral philosophy? These works have themes and lessons in direct opposition to one another! There is no grand unified spirituality. Every cult and every young person thinks they'll change the world, why should this be special? If all these teachers understood then why hasn't this new age already happened? How is this different from Thelema or any other millennium religious movement?

                "It is rehabilitation, it is revolution, it is revelation" it is a culty phrase that makes bold claims without a lot of substance behind them. There's a reason that there are no countries that are majority Thelema, there's a reason that no one outside occult circles or Supernatural fan sites knows who Crowley is, how about all those end of days Christian movements in the 19th century? None of them did anything practical and none managed lasting political change. Secret societies aren't great at inspiring the masses, if only because they're culty and untrustworthy. There is no one religious truth.

                If you want actual discourse get off your high horse, buckle down, and make some arguments with substance. If not then pitch your new age to someone more impressionable.
                They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
                Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
                -Madeline Miller, Circe


                  Re: M3: ONE: Foundation of the New Millennium

                  Originally posted by iamonarch View Post
                  ---To address the last question first, the dashes are used to indicate "indentation," which is typically used to signify the onset of a distinct paragraph. The dashes would thus not be necessary if the forum supported the use of the "tab" key to indent the paragraph, but sadly that does not seem to be the case. Therefore, rather then have no indentation, I have used the dash as a substitute, as not even merely hitting the "space" key repeatedly allows for such a thing. If you have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated.
                  I presume you probably use the advanced editor when you type up your posts? If not, there is a button at the bottom of your reply text box, between "Post Quick Reply" and "Cancel", labeled "Go Advanced". This will take you to a new screen with more editing options. You can do this at any point of your post, and you won't lose progress. The button you'd be interested in is in the middle row, directly to the left of the link icon (I'll attach a picture). Highlight your paragraph, then click that "Increase Indent" button and voila, you have your tab.

                  I'm not going to quote the rest of your post because my follow up question is a simple one.

                  How much do you think the invention and implementation of the world wide web, with it's access to vast and abundant knowledge and information, has been contributing to your New Age belief system?
                  A side note, you used the term "Novus Ordo Empyrean" in your opening post. Does 'Novus Ordo' not translate to New Order? Empyrean would denote the heavens or sky, which many religions and beliefs look to the heavens, or the celestial bodies as a divine plane, so it just made sense to think of it as a New Order belief system. If there is a different way to interpret this, please do enlighten me.
                  �Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer.�
                  ― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
                  Sneak Attack
                  Avatar picture by the wonderful and talented TJSGrimm.


                    Re: M3: ONE: Foundation of the New Millennium

                    i now use a little writing program that has spell checking among many more features and it is free and i think open source named docpad
                    great for offline composing.
                    DocPad is a free alternative to Notepad. Its arsenal of text editing tools make it highly useful.

                    i guess ou can upgrade it or maybe donate to it?

                    - - - Updated - - -

                    the buy in the menu goes to other programs

                    - - - Updated - - -

                    great little text program
                    Last edited by anunitu; 02 Apr 2020, 05:07.
                    MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                    all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                    NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                    don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                    my new page here,let me know what you think.

                    nothing but the shadow of what was



                      Re: M3: ONE: Foundation of the New Millennium

                      Thank you for reviewing my post and replies, Corvus, and for your constructive, albeit seemingly condescending, criticism. Your reaction is perfectly understandable and to a certain extent expected. I had the slightest of apprehensions in saying as much as I said because I know how such things can sound when delivered in such a contracted manner. Nevertheless, these first threads of what I hope to a braided strand of deeply stimulating and beneficial conversations are just as much a--how best to say it--"statement of purpose" as they are inquires into the opinions of others. By that I mean I found it beneficial if not necessary to reveal our true motivations early on...because once a thing is known, it cannot be unknown, and so it is to a certain extent made real by the mere knowledge of it.

                      Now to address your various statements:

                      There is a grand unified spirituality, and that of course would be the true spirituality, which as I've stated is yet to be discovered in full. That is the point of our operations, which I've already explained:

                      One: Formulate a system of belief that withstands scrutiny.
                      --As you so accurately stated, there doesn't appear to be any one belief system that can unquestionably be defined as "the one religious truth." A great many thinkers throughout history have tried their hand at discovering it and we in the present age are left with the results of their efforts, which of course are in no way insubstantial. Their efforts have not, however, lead to an overwhelming consensus regarding the true nature of spiritual reality and its relation to the material world. What we can say, though, is that whatever that true nature may prove to be will consist of a combination of but a few specific things (for there are only so many elements constituting mankind to be considered): It will be emotional, psychological, and physical--thus, spiritual.
                      --The Egyptian Book of the Dead was a means of navigating the afterlife as conceptualized by ancient Egyptian culture and consisted primarily of spells--you are absolutely right in this. Egyptian culture was in large part based in its entirety around spells, for they seemed to have recognized very early on that to a very "real" extent the world is shaped by the perceptions of mankind (which is not to say it ends at perception). These spells thus served as a means of continuing life as it was on Earth well into the afterlife (though of course Egyptian "mythology" varied and evolved over time, so it's difficult to suggest a particular element of what is known as "the entire truth"), and indeed it seems the two were not seen as being wholly distinct. Much like the Celtic peoples who looked upon the statues of the Roman Gods in horror, they felt as though the material and the spiritual were in more than one sense one and the same. In essence, Heka, or the ritual practices of the Black Land, was the Egyptian operation of manipulating mankind's collective understand of external reality via the power of action and the spoken word, and thus transforming external reality itself. What we seek to understand is the degree to which this transformative power is capable of doing exactly that, and not as many would assume whether or not its capable of doing anything at all. We hold it to be self evident that it is.

                      These things are so rich in complexity that you must understand the somewhat deficient nature of these hasty summaries, for the overall point being made is this: We know from one of the earliest and most well documented civilizations in human history that the spiritual aspect of the individual as well as their culture comprise of--when executed properly--nearly every creative endeavor mankind is capable of undertaking. Be it architecture, social custom, religious ceremony, common law--everything a culture is, in part, is a product of their deepest spiritual convictions. Thus, I do not find it "pretentious" to suggest a commonality between Crowley and Confucius, or Nietzsche and Christ. Belief is mankind's inner most poignant suppositions regarding reality and man's place therein, and so belief of course is in part psychological, and thus partly how a people's psychology informs their cultural development and expression, be it architecture or art, and so ultimately the spirit of any distinct group, however large or small, is everything that group can be said to be.

                      It is not a conspiracy or great surprise, then, that those who are intent to bring about a New Age of spiritual rehabilitation, revolution, and revelation would be involved in all aspects of operations or professions within the culture in which they operate. It is not a secret, either, as, well, I told you, and yet you do not believe. That is because you mistake the shadows for the truth, or rather because the notion of any group of like minded people motivated enough to affect change within their culture via the working of their own hands has been demonized. Why would anyone want to change anything? The state is perfect: To say otherwise is to make one everything except a patriot, and if you're not a patriot there is no place for you here...

                      I think your mistake--which I do not hold against you--is in judging the nature of my character and of the statements I've made too harshly and with too much haste. I know that not every culture has a documented "End of Days" prophecy, and I also know the details of the life of Snorri Struluson. We are not arguing about who has the most knowledge of details, though, are we? You seem to be dismissing if not outright attacking my person, means of articulation, and indeed even that which has been articulated itself, and you do so without need, I assure you. There is very little you we could discuss that I would not be versed in well enough to hold my own, and I mean that as a compliment just as much as a defense.

                      And...a New Age based upon a realignment of the twin pillars of existence is, like I said, difficult to reference as the details of such a thing are being actively worked out by my associates and I in this current moment--indeed, for some time now. We are not, however, a secret society or conspiracy theorists, we are simply a group of people who recognize the need for change and believe based on our evaluation of our talents and accomplishments that we can bring about that change. That change can also be long lasting and world altering, but in order for that to be the case a great deal of preparation must first be made, which we've been actively doing for over a decade. This does not make assumptions...It's simply true. I might add that even if one is not aware of actively participating in such an endeavor, people are doing so all the time. Anytime anyone acts in accordance with a set of beliefs that others are likewise acting under, they do exactly what we are doing, and any time their efforts influence others to do the same they are contributing to the formation of "new age." The only difference here is, by examining the sociological and economic elements, among other things, of how these changes are propagated one can better ensure the successive dissemination of their ideals. This is simply how things are done--only those without sight or power believe the rise, fall, and above all sustainment of any one idea or ideology over another to be the result of anything different.

                      Would you, with your knowledge of the "unknown"--of all that your studies into paganism have revealed--have it be that you should possess within yourself alone the understanding you've acquired? Would you stand to become the "individual" who shapes their own unique principles and moral dictums yet shuns any who, believing there to be utility in your presuppositions, seeks to follow in pursuit of equal benefit?

                      Thelema and the New Aeon of Horus is, like the God of the Christian West, dead, for what was Horus, whose prophet was--as you put it--a hedonist obsessed with personal pleasure, except an idol that did indeed come to influence the modern age? God is dead...and so in the absence of God we the people--the unworthy murderers--have sought to claim the Throne of Heaven for ourselves, for the prophet of Zarathustra proclaimed that one would rise among us who, in their perfection, would be worthy of such an honor. We offered up our sacrifices to our own fallen ideals: The Stars of the Silver Screen, the Black Bishops of Wall Street, the Red and Blue Ecclesia of Capital Hill...and when like Icarus they rose to heights equaling that of the sun, they were revealed in its all revealing light to be, in fact, unworthy...yet they ascended anyway, and so the Halls of the Holiest of Holies is occupied by the profane idols of a corrupt spirituality. Seeing this, the citizens themselves have deemed themselves just as worthy as anyone else and thus the gates surrounding the Heavenly Court have been torn down, and now all is seemingly lost in the conflagration of confusion...

                      That is a new vision of the end--the end of our age, which is not to come but is occurring right now, and so, like God, the Son--Horus of the New Aeon, Christ of the Millennium--is dead...and who will save his killers from condemnation...?

                      Do you understand?

                      We, the American West, sought after the fall of religion to install a substitute that would provide order. We looked to the state, and we looked to the greatest among us as the guides that would lead us by example of their perfection, which would be crafted by themselves and shown to be sufficient by confrontation with the world. These guides were the heroes of our Goddesses--of Freedom, Liberty, and Justice--and so the entertainment star, the business man, and the politician rose to prominence. The example of perfection by which they were to lead others as the heroes of our modern age was hopelessly flawed, however, and seeing that their idols were so unworthy of the positions of glory given to them, the people now do not see why they should follow any of them...Why should the people not lead? A country unto each individual...and thus everyone seeks acceptance, seeks grandeur and fame and fortune and followers...As I said, the Gates of the Heavenly Court have been torn down, and the "Son of God," or the system that would replace the foundational religious structure of our nation and culture, has been killed in so much as it has failed to fill the void--to push back against the piercing and relentless gaze of the abyss.

                      There is no high horse...We are completely serious, and we have for over a decade been planning the steps that we will take to rebuild all that was so carelessly cast away before it is too late. Like I said--though you seem to have missed it--we seek to establish a New Aristocracy, and by that we mean we seek to identify, support, and promote people who are able through their actions, creations, and character to embody a belief system worthy of carrying the nation of the United States--indeed of the world--into the next generation. Permeate the culture, then the institutions, then the communities, then, from the single individual and back upwards, the entire edifice. The New Renaissance will support the Aristocracy, and through what we are able to engender via our impact on the internal and external world of mankind, we will establish the New Age, not through preaching or prophecy, but through the simple reality of our presence. They will see, and they will know...

                      ...I realize there is so much you said that I was not able to touch on. There is--as I've stated--a great deal involved in this. I know that my replies are...long, but if you limit your responses to one or two questions or statements that will make conversation easier as I feel I have not adequately addressed all that you said. I do, however, thank you for the opportunity once again to engage with you in discourse.

                      I have too much to do to proof read, though perhaps I will update this at a later date.

                      Really, though...It's a statement of intent, which seemed necessary as what I was originally discussing was what the people of this forum thought to be the foundational principle of any functioning belief system...That's really it in essence.

                      My suggestion for such a foundation...was that it was an understanding of the fact that, essentially, consciousness is paramount. Not just any consciousness, though, a consciousness that we can either interact with to affect change, or a consciousness that can demonstrate in and of itself to be distinct and incorporeal in nature...That's the end, though, not the beginning. And that, in a single statement, is the "substance."

                      - - - Updated - - -

                      I did not, actually, use the "advanced editor," though I did look into it after reading your reply. I feel, however, that simply "doing as the Romans do" is perhaps the best option. I will simply create spaces between groups of statements and let the blank space indicate the beginning and end of distinct paragraphs.

                      I took longer than expected answering Corvus, so I regret that I am not able to answer in much detail as I have a great many pressing issues to attend to, but the internet will be a very, very important contribution to our endeavors, as indeed it already has been. The internet has in some sense shaped the modern age, at least since the turn of the millennium, so I don't see how or why it should be any other way. We are, after all, starting here, on the internet, with the first exploratory steps towards gauging public reaction and opinion to our multitudinous ideas and objectives. We are also not, as I do not wish to suggest, fully settled upon the details of our primarily system as of yet. We know what such a system must be, and perhaps that what it should be structurally would be better stated then what it should include contextually. We will consider this in future threads.

                      And yes...that is the meaning of the NOE, because in some sense spirituality has always been the central pillar connecting mankind to the Heavens, or at least has always been the expression and examination of that connection. I simply found it amusing, which is why I said "as you put it," that you phrased it as a "New Order of belief system," and indeed was perhaps giving you a hard time regarding your grammar as I see you've corrected it (omitting the "of").

                      It is, in totality, the New Order of the Heavens. Because the Heavens were, as you said, the place many religions and belief systems focused their attention and considered divine and thus responsible in some sense for organizing or at least influencing mankind's existence, we choose that name to signify that through a new understanding of the Heavens--one informed by modern scientific discovery and investigation--the Heavens themselves would be reordered. Being as how the Heavens were thought in the past to order things on Earth, though, a reordering of the Heavens would also be a reordering of the Earth.

                      Descension and ascension, coagula et solve, as above, so below...up, down, in, out...As it is spoken...

                      So it is.
                      Last edited by iamonarch; 02 Apr 2020, 14:35.


                        Re: M3: ONE: Foundation of the New Millennium

                        Originally posted by iamonarch View Post

                        Thelema and the New Aeon of Horus is, like the God of the Christian West, dead, for what was Horus, whose prophet was--as you put it--a hedonist obsessed with personal pleasure, except an idol that did indeed come to influence the modern age? God is dead...and so in the absence of God we the people--the unworthy murderers--have sought to claim the Throne of Heaven for ourselves, for the prophet of Zarathustra proclaimed that one would rise among us who, in their perfection, would be worthy of such an honor.
                        Where in the Avesta does Zarathustra mention someone claiming the Throne of Heaven?
                        Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                        Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                        "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                        John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                        "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                        Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                          Re: M3: ONE: Foundation of the New Millennium

                          Originally posted by iamonarch View Post
                          It is not a secret, either, as, well, I told you, and yet you do not believe. That is because you mistake the shadows for the truth, or rather because the notion of any group of like minded people motivated enough to affect change within their culture via the working of their own hands has been demonized. Why would anyone want to change anything? The state is perfect: To say otherwise is to make one everything except a patriot, and if you're not a patriot there is no place for you here...
                          Yeah. I'm sure that was it...
                          Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                            Re: M3: ONE: Foundation of the New Millennium

                            Originally posted by MaskedOne View Post
                            Where in the Avesta does Zarathustra mention someone claiming the Throne of Heaven?
                            "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" is a book by Friedrich Nietzsche; thus...

                            The reference is not to the Avesta, as Zoroaster had no prophet but was a prophet himself...

