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The Pagan Forum Gospel: What is YOUR Good News?

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    The Pagan Forum Gospel: What is YOUR Good News?

    Good News--everyone has it!

    What is yours?
    What do you consider the "good news" of your beliefs? I don't want to know *what* you believe, I want to know what you think the best part or your faith is. What does it foster in your life? What does it bring to others?
    Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible

    Re: The Pagan Forum Gospel: What is YOUR Good News?

    My religion gives me a great deal of acceptance in who and what I am. I do not need to fight against my own nature. I do not need to bend to fit into my religion. There is no compromising who I am in Satanism. The best thing about my religion is the control I have over my life. Every decision made is made on my own criteria and not because someone told me to. I love the fact my religion focuses on the here and now and to LIVE this life for this life's sake. Some might find that when I talk about what it brings to others, there would just be fear and distrust and malevolence. But what it brings to others is honesty. My honesty. My truthfulness. I also enjoy the sheer fun of being a Satanist. You just can't be that serious when your life is all about having a damn good time while you are here. Who wouldn't like that?
    Satan is my spirit animal


      Re: The Pagan Forum Gospel: What is YOUR Good News?

      The primal force which created the universe is still operating, still creating, still moving everywhere. When this force touches us, we call this "love."

      If you can learn to clear out the clutter, the misconceptions, the foolishness, and utter crap from your head, you can also learn to use this power.

      If a person can learn to do this, that person will become the self that they aways were, but could not be while living in confusion.

      It's all about love, baby.
      Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


        Re: The Pagan Forum Gospel: What is YOUR Good News?

        That things happen. It's actually scary, but some pretty "impossible" things have happened to/for me. Call it "miracles", call it "magick", call it "serendipity" - I call it pretty darn great.
        Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


          Re: The Pagan Forum Gospel: What is YOUR Good News?

          To quote the Lizard King: No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn. There is no sin, no eternal rewards or punishments.
          The soul is eternal and gets do-overs. Why worry about pearly gates or lakes of flames when the sun is rising in all its glory or the moon is riding high above us? Enjoy this life, these experiences, the here and now, as much as it can be enjoyed. Women are sacred, men are sacred, children are sacred, animals, plants, the little blue ball we live on - all are sacred, none more or less sacred than anything or anyone else. We are all united together in a great web of energy and experience. Dance a little.
          The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


            Re: The Pagan Forum Gospel: What is YOUR Good News?

            I have to finish my thoughts on this one in the morning because I'm just about to hit the sack, but the good news of my spirituality, focusing in this case on being a devotee of Dionysos, is that everyone has a right - even encouraged - to let loose every now and again (or maybe a little more often than that ^_^). Worshiping Dionysos is about finding freedom, in whatever sense that means to you - it doesn't necessarily require drunken orgies, although of course those are just fine!


              Re: The Pagan Forum Gospel: What is YOUR Good News?

              I love the fact that my path is just that.... a path. Which gives me freedom to go where I feel drawn, to take wrong turnings, to pause for a while if I'm tired or just enjoyed the spiritual view. My guides and deities are patient and yet enthusiastic. I may not know where I'm heading, but I trust that they do.

              And I'm not afraid. So many people are afraid of damnation, judgement and a whole host of what to me are unpleasant things, all wrapped up in the world 'religion.' I'm not afraid to be me. I'm not afraid to weigh up the pros and cons and then make a decision, even if it seems a bit risky to others.

              And I know that when doors close, the windows open.

              Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                Re: The Pagan Forum Gospel: What is YOUR Good News?

                Originally posted by Tylluan Penry View Post
                I love the fact that my path is just that.... a path. Which gives me freedom to go where I feel drawn, to take wrong turnings, to pause for a while if I'm tired or just enjoyed the spiritual view. My guides and deities are patient and yet enthusiastic. I may not know where I'm heading, but I trust that they do.

                And I'm not afraid. So many people are afraid of damnation, judgement and a whole host of what to me are unpleasant things, all wrapped up in the world 'religion.' I'm not afraid to be me. I'm not afraid to weigh up the pros and cons and then make a decision, even if it seems a bit risky to others.

                And I know that when doors close, the windows open.
                Tylluan I hope you don't mind, but there is no way I could have said it any better than you did. This is and has been my way of wandering down "My" path of life/religion/belief sets for years. Sometimes getting lost is half the fun of life!
                Last edited by Monk; 06 Sep 2011, 04:48.
                Gargoyles watch over me...I can hear them snicker in the dark.

                Pull the operating handle (which protrudes from the right side of the receiver) smartly to the rear and release it.


                  Re: The Pagan Forum Gospel: What is YOUR Good News?

                  Originally posted by Monk View Post
                  Tylluan I hope you don't mind, but there is no way I could have said it any better than you did. This is and has been my way of wandering down "My" path of life/religion/belief sets for years. Sometimes getting lost is half the fun of life!
                  That is so kind of you, Monk. Much appreciated.

                  Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                    Re: The Pagan Forum Gospel: What is YOUR Good News?

                    I have to be silly about this (you don't know how hard I fought this):

                    Osiris died for your crops.

                    Now the serious stuff...

                    Like Medusa's beliefs mine are about personal accountability. Hence the only religious scriptures are actually ones devoted to ritual. That means that while it's easy to surmise from those texts what what acceptable behavior I'm on my own and have to own up to it (even when it means admitting to something unpleasant on my part :P). The gods all play a part in that balance, but I play a part in it too. Everything, from my experience, is leading to balance in one aspect or another and all has the force that balances. It doesn't make me divine or special, but it means I have a role to play in it too. There's no "sin", but that doesn't mean I am free to do whatever; it just means that what I do is my doing.
                    my etsy store
                    My blog

                    "...leave me curled up in my ball,
                    surrounded by plush, downy things,
                    ill prepared, but willing,
                    to descend."


                      Re: The Pagan Forum Gospel: What is YOUR Good News?

                      I want to know what you think the best part or your faith is. What does it foster in your life? What does it bring to others?

                      The best part of my faith is the endless amount of awe it keeps me in. The bounty of the Earth Mother is ever fruitful, and it inspires my mind to be free and refreshing like the Air.

                      My awe of life is what gives birth to the philosophy in me. The Earth Mother provides my mind with a plethora of things to reflect about. The Animists knew well the Psychology of Mother Earth herself, having a piece of her soul present in all her creations. The humans could foresee her anger when Poseidon takes the oceans to swell, and her lust when the aroma of Persephone dances across the nose of lovers. We humans have not yet lost our connection to nature, for She is present everywhere and in all things. Her beauty is the morning sky of a new day, her love the warmth of the sun. Her subtly is the blade of grass breaking through the concrete.

                      To others I would say it brings the ability the have faith as well. We are more like Fire than we realize: our personal warmth spreads warmth to those who are near, and igniting those with the same passion who touch us. When two flames meet they become one flame burning brightly, and even when they separate the fire is still alive inside both of them.
                      ADF Dedicant of .

                      "Good humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keep friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment." -Greenville Kleiser


                        Re: The Pagan Forum Gospel: What is YOUR Good News?

                        My good news? It would take me awhile to describe where it all comes from. There are stories with pagan roots in Eastern Europe with many versions and variations, and collectively they contribute to my religious philosophy and framework. One type of tale from Slavic (and occasionally in Baltic) folklore describes how man was created from the sweat or saliva of "God". This story is very pervasive; it shows up from Lithuania to Slovenia, and the Chronicles of Nestor even put it in the mouths of pagan priests. It seems to be very old, certainly pre-Christian.

                        In some stories this act is unintentional, but it clearly portrays mankind as being part divine. This story, I think, highlights the close relationship between Gods and men. (both descended from the common progenitor deity described by Helmold.) Gods may appear human, and humans may appear Godlike, precisely because of this close relationship. One story says that because we were made from sweat, we must work hard ourselves- which I find motivating.

                        For me, this puts more emphasis on looking within for strength, wisdom, and for morality. Deities may help us to pursue these things, especially the traits that they embody, but they exist naturally inside of most of us, I believe.

                        I could go on, but I think that's the best news about my path. There is some idea of an afterlife, but I don't think that's the Gospel I would preach, especially to people today- probably because most religious people focus so much more on the afterlife than I do.
                        If you want to be thought intelligent, just agree with everyone.


                          Re: The Pagan Forum Gospel: What is YOUR Good News?

                          My good news? That a deity's primary function is to teach and comfort, not to judge. I can handle that.... I think.

                          Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                            Re: The Pagan Forum Gospel: What is YOUR Good News?

                            My religion gives me a sense of comfort. I feel like it sort of strengthens who I am, and it just makes me feel better. Does that make sense? I feel like without it, something would just
                            It's a really, really cool thing, to be able to show people that you can be yourself, and you should be proud of yourself, and you should own who you are and what you're about, and never make apologies for it.
                            -Adam Lambert

                            Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools


                              Re: The Pagan Forum Gospel: What is YOUR Good News?

                              Adaptation is the key to life. If you learn from your mistakes and make a conscious effort to change, you cannot be held back by regret and stubbornness. No one knows what is to come when we die, but if we can say that we always tried to be the best possible person, not for the sake of religion or fear of retribution but for ourselves and those affected by our actions, what could we have to fear?

                              When we do make mistakes, we are always able to adapt to what is caused. I think that we overlook this ability alot. All life that exists owes its existence to adaptation. To me, it is one of our greatest gifts.
                              Last edited by babyfyrefly; 07 Dec 2011, 14:00.

