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Insulted for your beliefs?

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    Re: Insulted for your beliefs?

    Originally posted by Tylluan Penry View Post
    Well here's one to make you smile.... as many of you already know, one of my sons-in-law is from India. When he and my daughter married, some of his Indian friends gave them a coconut with a swastika on it - because to them it symbolised good luck and good fortune. He thought it was hilarious when people kept referring to it as his 'Nazi coconut'!
    "Nazi Coconut"... That right there might be the best thing I've read in a long time.


      Re: Insulted for your beliefs?

      Oh 'manji'?? 卍 ^^ I think it rotates the opposite way, but it does lead to quite a a lot of misunderstanding. It is used on maps in Japan to denote the location of a temple! I'm told it's a symbol of peace. I can sympathise with the Buddhists on this one, I used to worship Isis after all... :/

      For once my knowledge of this symbol isn't related to my infatuation with Japanese, but rather my long-term relationship with the character 'Yoshimitsu' from Tekken. I used to be a member of a fan site and we'd call ourselves the 'manjitou' which is written 卍党 in Japanese. Got me into trouble a few times that one..
      夕方に急なにわか雨は「夕立」と呼ばれるなら、なぜ朝ににわか雨は「朝立ち」と呼ばれないの? ^^If a sudden rain shower in the evening is referred to as an 'evening stand', then why isn't a shower in the morning called 'morning stand'?


        Re: Insulted for your beliefs?

        The librarian at my elementary school once marched in and told my class that we were all going to Hell then marched back out. Simply because we corrected her on a Bible verse. I basically ignored her but it's happened to me multiple times; sometimes people will see my pentacle or something and flip out. I always explain in a respectful manner.


          Re: Insulted for your beliefs?

          I can't say I've ever endured it for my Pagan beliefs. Though they aren't something I really advertise. I guess perhaps from dealing with my mother's reaction when I wanted to join a church at 17 that she didn't agree with. That was still Christian. We had our rounds, and at one point even told me my choice in what I believe wasn't just my decision. I've learned that while she is quite supportive in most areas, when it comes to religion it's best to avoid the topic. She is only more religious in recent years, and already knows I've gotten a lot less. I have a couple Christian-related things with crosses that my mum gave me. While they don't really mean anything to me, they mean something to her so I keep them. Funny, she also gets me things like bracelets with stones for different reasons. Protection, health, anxiety/depression. She can be quite open minded and accepting, it just seems when it comes to my beliefs, she seems to think I need to think more like her.
          To most, I generally just say I'm spiritual. I'll elaborate sometimes depending on the discussion. I don't mind telling people my beliefs, but with some I'd rather not get into it. I don't really like debating. I can get passionate sometimes though...I think my most heated discussion involved religious symbols and pictures of same sex partners in the workplace. -_- People sometimes. That's another discussion though. But basically, I prefer to not hide, but I don't shout.


            Re: Insulted for your beliefs?

            People generally don't directly insult me. Partly, I don't share information casually so normally there's little ammunition to fuel random acts of stupid and partly people just find better ways to spend their day than directly antagonizing me.
            Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

            Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

            "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

            John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

            "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

            Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


              Re: Insulted for your beliefs?

              I am a Christian and I get insulted for my beliefs ALL the time. lol ^.^ Not by other Christians of course, though sometimes if they know enough about me. I usually don't get insulted here either, but I think this is largely because of the culture the seniors members have worked really hard to maintain. It happens whatever you believe and wherever you go imo.


                Re: Insulted for your beliefs?

                Originally posted by Azvanna View Post
                I am a Christian and I get insulted for my beliefs ALL the time. lol ^.^ Not by other Christians of course, though sometimes if they know enough about me. I usually don't get insulted here either, but I think this is largely because of the culture the seniors members have worked really hard to maintain. It happens whatever you believe and wherever you go imo.
                We try not to insult others for their religious beliefs. But usually because of their tastes in music and or food.
                Satan is my spirit animal


                  Re: Insulted for your beliefs?

                  So, Today, I was talking to my cousin, who is quite young. She was at Sunday school for her church, and asked me what I believed in. I told her I was a Norse pagan, and explained a little bit of what it was. But, She wanted to learn more, and ended up asking her priest. Her priest told her that I was a sinner, and that I would only lead her down a path of destruction if she were to continue to talk to me. Well, I just got a call from her father, (my uncle) telling me that I am no longer allowed to have communication with her. This all happened in the last two hours, and I'm astonished. You're really going to drop communications with me because I have different beliefs than you? Wow.
                  "In the shade now tall forms are advancing,
                  And their wan hands like snowflakes in the moonlight are gleaming;
                  They beckon, they whisper, 'Oh! strong armed in valor,
                  The pale guests await thee - mead foams in Valhalla.'"
                  - Finn's Saga



                    Re: Insulted for your beliefs?

                    It's a shame for your cousin. Sorry to hear that. But people.

                    Check out my blog! The Daily Satanist


                      Re: Insulted for your beliefs?

                      I had a bit of a go-round last night with a facebook friend - one of VERY few on there who I do NOT know in person , but through someone I know in person. My bet's pretty much on me unfriending her pretty soon, although I'm not going to allow her to engage me in her nonsense. I posted a meme comparing Phil Robertson to Osama Bin Laden (long beard, wears camo, likes guns, hates gays) and got lectured about the bible, etc.
                      Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


                        Re: Insulted for your beliefs?

                        Originally posted by Hawkfeathers View Post
                        I had a bit of a go-round last night with a facebook friend - one of VERY few on there who I do NOT know in person , but through someone I know in person. My bet's pretty much on me unfriending her pretty soon, although I'm not going to allow her to engage me in her nonsense. I posted a meme comparing Phil Robertson to Osama Bin Laden (long beard, wears camo, likes guns, hates gays) and got lectured about the bible, etc.
                        You mean the part of the Bible that Jesus fulfilled?

                        I can't even take these people seriously as Christians any more. I mean, if they truly believed in the words of Jesus, they'd toss the OT, the Pauline commentary, and the dude huffing cave gas for 20 years in exile.
                        Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                          Re: Insulted for your beliefs?

                          Originally posted by Norse_Angel View Post
                          So, Today, I was talking to my cousin, who is quite young. She was at Sunday school for her church, and asked me what I believed in. I told her I was a Norse pagan, and explained a little bit of what it was. But, She wanted to learn more, and ended up asking her priest. Her priest told her that I was a sinner, and that I would only lead her down a path of destruction if she were to continue to talk to me. Well, I just got a call from her father, (my uncle) telling me that I am no longer allowed to have communication with her. This all happened in the last two hours, and I'm astonished. You're really going to drop communications with me because I have different beliefs than you? Wow.
                          That's awful. I'm sorry to hear that.
                          Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat

                          Honorary Nord.

                          Habbalah Vlogs


                            Re: Insulted for your beliefs?

                            Originally posted by thalassa View Post
                            You mean the part of the Bible that Jesus fulfilled?

                            I can't even take these people seriously as Christians any more. I mean, if they truly believed in the words of Jesus, they'd toss the OT, the Pauline commentary, and the dude huffing cave gas for 20 years in exile.
                            She was going on about how the Bible is proven to be fact because 500 prophecies came true. I just let it go.
                            Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


                              Re: Insulted for your beliefs?

                              I'm sorry about your cousin. Sigh. Again...well...People. Sadly.

                              Ah facebook. That makes for some fun topics. I have an uncle who I never realized was quite so judgmental. I always got along great with him. But wow. He's told me my bf needs to be sent to a conservative thought camp. I really just laughed at that. I couldn't help it. (The bf used to have fun replying to his crazy posts.)


                                Re: Insulted for your beliefs?

                                Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                                We try not to insult others for their religious beliefs. But usually because of their tastes in music and or food.
                                yeah... I still haven't quite got the courage to say I don't actually like pizza that much. MO might unfriend me

                                As to how I deal with being insulted, I take it as a badge of honour or I write the person off. If someone feels they have to attack me for my beliefs, then I'm either challenging their way of living somehow or they have their own issues they need to work out. Either way, their words say a lot more about who they are than they do me.

