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Medusa's Question Du Jour *the millenium edition!*

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    Re: Medusa's Question Du Jour *the millenium edition!*

    [quote author=magusjinx link=topic=62.msg10723#msg10723 date=1289180263]
    You can be over protective ... Exposure to facts of life are necessary for good development ... I hear all too often about people who want to make "the playing field" even for kids in school ... BS ... If a kid is smart then push him ... If he needs help then help him ... The adult world has no even playing field ... Competition is everywhere ...

    The thing about it is, though - the smart kids who do strive for good grades are usually the ones being bullied. Obvious displays of intelligence single kids out, and the lesson that becomes learned time & time again is that it doesn't matter how smart you are, or what you know - it's how popular you are and who you know. To a degree, that does carry over into the adult world - networking is very important once you're grown, being popular and good-looking helps you make connections for higher paying employment and a wider variety of potential mates.

    Everyone does need to develop some sense of self-confidence and self-esteem. You do have to learn to communicate, which may involve having a sense of humor and the ability to give and take constructive criticism. Everyone gets teased at some point in their lives, ranging from 'good-natured ribbing' to emotionally scarring verbal abuse, and it's important to learn how to stick up for yourself.

    In elementary school, I was one of those 'gifted' children who was pushed to get good grades and perform well in school, which meant I got teased. Up to about 2nd grade, that was mostly verbal - there were better targets for the physical stuff, like the smelly kids. As I got older, though, the teasing turned to physical harm. By the time I hit middle school (6th grade) I decided that I didn't give a rat's ass about my grades at all because I was too busy avoiding people who tried to physically attack me. I was in elementary schools in decent middle-class neighborhoods, too - not poverty stricken inner city schools.

    In 6th grade, who almost ended up expelled & had extensive counseling for 'anger management issues' after I retaliated and fought back? Not the kid who had been tormenting me for almost 6 months - no, it was me, because once I did retaliate I put him in the hospital. What was truly funny about the whole thing was that even though he was older than me, and a boy, I was all of a sudden 'the bully' because I was a foot taller than him.

    I only had one class with the kid, so I don't think it was about competition - for what, exactly, was I competing with him? I wasn't a threat to him, I wasn't trying to move into his circle of friends. I was just a fat, quiet girl with glasses and bad skin. I provided free entertainment because when he would back me into a corner & slap, pinch, kick or punch me his buddies would laugh. The day he kicked my crutches out from under me & kicked me in the ribs when I fell was the day my entertainment value ended, because when I got up & went after him, all his friends ran.

    I have no doubt that if a teacher or administrator had been nearby that he wouldn't have attempted to kick my crutches away. He might have still said something to me, he may have tried to do something more subversive during class, or one of his buddies, or even someone else - but I doubt that he would have ended up with a couple of busted teeth and stitches in his head (or a ruptured testicle). I also didn't learn anything valuable about 'sticking up for myself'. What I learned was that fighting back gets you into more trouble than just taking continual abuse or dishing abuse out - not the greatest of lessons for anyone to learn, much less a girl living in an abusive household to begin with.
    The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


      Re: Medusa's Question Du Jour *the millenium edition!*

      [quote author=Medusa link=topic=62.msg10583#msg10583 date=1289120018]
      What can be done to promote tolerance and stop bullying in schools?

      This is a tough one, but maybe teaching psychology at a younger age and what the psychological consequences of bullying might be. Mind you, this isn't a prefect solution, but it's a step in the right direction.


        Re: Medusa's Question Du Jour *the millenium edition!*

        So I don't exactly have a very pc answer to this. I will just give my practical story. When I was younger (about 8 or so) I was bullied by a boy in my apartment complex. He threw rocks at me and my friend sitting on my front porch. My father took me by the hand and walked me to his apartment. My father explained to his father that if his son is gonna hit a girl, well he should be prepared for the girl to hit him back and not run away. So he told the kid to hit me and that after that I could hit him. My father was a WWII Marine. And he had taught me a wee bit of self defense. So the parent of the kid was sorta embarrassed. And the kid never bullied me again. just got to hit the bully back. Once. In the testicles. Ala Bobby Hill.
        Satan is my spirit animal


          Re: Medusa's Question Du Jour *the millenium edition!*

          [quote author=Medusa link=topic=62.msg10583#msg10583 date=1289120018]
          What can be done to promote tolerance and stop bullying in schools?

          Not much. Parents and environment f**k kids up, not schools.

          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." - Khalil Gibran


            Re: Medusa's Question Du Jour *the millenium edition!*

            [quote author=Simon Slade link=topic=62.msg11052#msg11052 date=1289261029]
            Not much. Parents and environment f**k kids up, not schools.

            That kinda depends on what other little monsters or monstrous teachers inhabit that school with the kid in question....a friend of my family who grew up in small-town Utah had his shirt stapled to his back because he was a pacifist.

            In a case like that, school can mess you up more then home.
            Great Grandmother's Kitchen


              Re: Medusa's Question Du Jour *the millenium edition!*

              Chain, you quoted Simon, before censoring his post, so it still says f*ck on your quote box. :P
              Cogito ergo sum.

              My blog type thing:


                Re: Medusa's Question Du Jour *the millenium edition!*

                How do memories influence the decisions you make? Is it better to embrace memories, even the painful ones, or cast them off?
                Satan is my spirit animal


                  Re: Medusa's Question Du Jour *the millenium edition!*

                  [quote author=Medusa link=topic=62.msg12186#msg12186 date=1289513869]
                  How do memories influence the decisions you make? Is it better to embrace memories, even the painful ones, or cast them off?

                  I think you should accept them and use them to move forward. Cherish the ones that are treasured, and learn from both. But I don't think its an either or. You can accept a painful and traumatic memory as a defining moment, without letting it define you.
                  Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                    Re: Medusa's Question Du Jour *the millenium edition!*

                    I love, love what Thal said, and I agree, it's tricky. Either ignoring or becoming obsessed with troubling things in your past lets them rule you.
                    Great Grandmother's Kitchen


                      Re: Medusa's Question Du Jour *the millenium edition!*

                      [quote author=Medusa link=topic=62.msg12186#msg12186 date=1289513869]
                      [b]How do memories influence the decisions you make?

                      I learn from experience, and experience is only helpful if you remember it. Remembering the nasty burn on my arm from coming into contact with a hot barbecue grill while blindfolded for whacking a pinata as a child has convinced me that blindfolds & barbecues don't mix.

                      Is it better to embrace memories, even the painful ones, or cast them off?
                      If you could fully cast off memories, they wouldn't be memories. There are disorders and conditions out there that cause memory loss - which means chunks of your experiences are just poof, gone, out the window. Can you imagine not remembering being harmed by doing something like placing your hand on a hot stove burner, over & over again?

                      There are some therapies & drugs being worked on that separate the emotional response to memories, which will help people who have PTSD and obsessive-compulsive disorders. I think that will be far more helpful than a drug that wiped the memory of a traumatic event from a person's life.
                      The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


                        Re: Medusa's Question Du Jour *the millenium edition!*

                        [quote author=Medusa link=topic=62.msg12186#msg12186 date=1289513869]
                        How do memories influence the decisions you make? Is it better to embrace memories, even the painful ones, or cast them off?
                        Everything, my memory is a library of experience, I would not like to repeat mistakes and accidents over and over again! It is also what I bring with myself when I shall pass on, it also defines who I am.

                        Like I keep saying: A tree is still a tree in the afterlife, because it was born a tree in life, it grew like a tree, his memories are those of a tree, and when it passes on, it's memories will still be those of a tree, thus in the afterlife it will be a tree. And anyone who connects with the memories of that tree, shall only percieve the tree.


                          Re: Medusa's Question Du Jour *the millenium edition!*

                          [quote author=Medusa link=topic=62.msg12186#msg12186 date=1289513869]
                          How do memories influence the decisions you make? Is it better to embrace memories, even the painful ones, or cast them off?

                          If you ignore past experience, you can't learn.

                          Memories influence everything I do - but that's a different thing from wallowing in unhappy past events.

                          Learn and go forward. Don't get stuck in the past, but, also, don't forget it.
                          Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                            Re: Medusa's Question Du Jour *the millenium edition!*

                            what's that saying? "those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it"

                            memories always influence my decisions, what is the point of memories if we don't learn from them?

                            but is fun to close your eyes and jump in with both feet ;D
                            What you see depends on what you are looking for.


                              Re: Medusa's Question Du Jour *the millenium edition!*

                              [quote author=Celest link=topic=62.msg12612#msg12612 date=1289617367]
                              what's that saying? "those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it"

                              memories always influence my decisions, what is the point of memories if we don't learn from them?

                              but is fun to close your eyes and jump in with both feet ;D

                              This ^ X
                              "You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me"- CS Lewis



                                Re: Medusa's Question Du Jour *the millenium edition!*

                                [quote author=Medusa link=topic=62.msg12186#msg12186 date=1289513869]
                                How do memories influence the decisions you make? Is it better to embrace memories, even the painful ones, or cast them off?

                                I think they probably influence my decisions every day without my even knowing it. Who I have become has been shaped out of my past experiences: it is such that helps me remember that, "Oh yeah, don't sleep with people willy-nilly," or "You don't like country music." This is growing from your past and moving on so that history doesn't repeat itself. "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

                                However one can live too much in the past. Looking back can be good for many things but I usually employ it only to reflect, analyze, and remember what a blessed life I hae actually lived, or the trials I have overcome.
                                No one tells the wind which way to blow.

