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Spiritual Satanism.

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    Spiritual Satanism.

    I am a Spiritual Satanist. I have been for more than a few years now.
    Spiritual Satanism is humanity's original religion, we are a form of Paganism. We acknowledge the Gods and Goddesses of old to be real and existing along with the demons to be these Gods and Goddesses that many of you (probably) worship.

    For further information on Spiritual Satanism please seek this website:

    Cerutu4d Merupakan situs toto togel 4d online menyediakan banyak pasaran terbesar hadiah 10 juta dan bet 100 perak indonesia.

    Re: Spiritual Satanism.

    I severely dislike this site for the fact it is ridden with Nazism and hatred. It's saddening to see members of my age group and older getting into something like this; it's just not good for one mentally. :| If there is anything I don't understand about this branch of Satanism, this particular website, it's the believe that Satan = Enki. I'm certainly not against the belief of Lucifer being an old deity but I don't understand how Satan is such and how Satan is Enki, whom is a Sumerian deity. They have no actual connections... so why?
    Wild Witchy Dusk | TwitterMy Art Blog | My Deviantart


      Re: Spiritual Satanism.

      What is with the Joy Of Satan peeps popping up here? I already dealt with them on 3 other forums. So I'll just hang out in the resident Satanic lounge while these people pop in and out.

      *reads Daily Satanic Times and sips my tea
      Satan is my spirit animal


        Re: Spiritual Satanism.

        The joy of satan(JoS for short) is a brainwashing nazi cult.Mrs.Maxine and the jos clergies twisted and corrupted the humanity truth to fit their agenda of nazism and ant-jews.Enki doesn't hate any jews or any human race.We are all his "childrens".JOS claim that the halocaust never exist while their are hundreds of evidence out there that prove that the halocaust did actually existed.Basically maxine and the rest of the neonazis red a book about enkism and she decided to use enkism to her advantage by twisting the truth and make it fit her agenda of nazism,brainwashing rebellious teenagers into nazi "satanist".The jos cult kick me out bcuz im chinese so thats how i found the other enkism site and forum.I prefered Enkiea over jos.

        Joyofsatan exposed!
        Last edited by Satansoul666; 19 Feb 2011, 16:53.
        "Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law.Love under will."-Aleister Crowley


          Re: Spiritual Satanism.

          Originally posted by LuciaStar View Post
          I severely dislike this site for the fact it is ridden with Nazism and hatred. It's saddening to see members of my age group and older getting into something like this; it's just not good for one mentally. :| If there is anything I don't understand about this branch of Satanism, this particular website, it's the believe that Satan = Enki. I'm certainly not against the belief of Lucifer being an old deity but I don't understand how Satan is such and how Satan is Enki, whom is a Sumerian deity. They have no actual connections... so why?
          Another thing is, Enki and Yahweh DO have connections. Yahweh/Yah is related to Ea, which is the Akkadian version of the Sumerian Enki. The Assyro-Babylonian religion, which was heavily influenced by Sumerian, is in turn related to the Hebrew one, and also heavily influenced by it.
          I was Hadad2008 when I joined Feb 2008.
          I became Abdishtar this spring.
          Then, after the Great Crash, I was reborn as Spartacandream!


            Re: Spiritual Satanism.

            Soooo, I was brainwashed into a cult? whats going on, i'm still confused... Is hitler bad, are jews good, is christianity a hoax and is it evil????????:wtf: Please help, i'm only a kid!!!! I still belive Satan is the father, and that i'm his child...


              Re: Spiritual Satanism.

              Originally posted by small-fry666 View Post
              Soooo, I was brainwashed into a cult? whats going on, i'm still confused... Is hitler bad, are jews good, is christianity a hoax and is it evil????????:wtf: Please help, i'm only a kid!!!! I still belive Satan is the father, and that i'm his child...
              Jews are people. Some are pretty decent, some are rather annoying, many are just sort of there. Same rule applies to the rest of humanity. Christianity is a religion (or group of them since there are many branches) sincerely believed by over 2 billion people. Hitler was honorless scum whose policies led to a painful death for millions of men, women and children and the ravaging of his own nation before the f***-ing coward suicided to avoid capture. The only regrettable things about his death are

              1) he died at his own hand rather than being held accountable for his deeds
              2) it was far too swift and involved far too little agony
              Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

              Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

              "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

              John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

              "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

              Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                Re: Spiritual Satanism.

                So, thats one lie joS told me, i'm sure there will be more coming. I always F**k up in some way. I'm just afraid if i've REALLY screwed the pooch on my soul.


                  Re: Spiritual Satanism.

                  Originally posted by small-fry666 View Post
                  Soooo, I was brainwashed into a cult? whats going on, i'm still confused... Is hitler bad, are jews good, is christianity a hoax and is it evil????????:wtf: Please help, i'm only a kid!!!! I still belive Satan is the father, and that i'm his child...
                  That's a rather funny set of questions... What do you know about Hitler? What would make you define someone as good or bad? What is a hoax in your view? And no, I'm not being facetious here.... if you say 'I'm only a kid' what does that imply? That you need more help making decisions? Because if so I would strongly advise you to stay well away from the internet for a while until you at least understand what it is you might be getting involved in. Any decision made from the point of view of knowledge stands a better chance of being right than one made in ignorance.

                  Remember too, we can all plunge feet first into murky waters. Some of us find there is just mud at the bottom of the pond. Others find alligators.

                  Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                    Re: Spiritual Satanism.

                    Originally posted by small-fry666 View Post
                    So, thats one lie joS told me, i'm sure there will be more coming. I always F**k up in some way. I'm just afraid if i've REALLY screwed the pooch on my soul.
                    I'd bet money that I don't have that this is the attitude that drew you to think you needed something like JoS. Work a little harder at knowing what you're getting into, and you likely won't have to deal with this again. And remember that we all bump our heads - the winners are the ones who get up afterwards.

                    And they're not a cult. They're not really anything but a collection of bad ideas that some guy threw up on a webpage with a couple of his internetz buddies' help.

                    From what we've read of the dedication, it's nothing special. Just leave them alone, and you'll have nothing to worry about. Mark their stuff as spam in your email and you're done.
                    "A true initiation never ends"-Robert Anton Wilson
                    "Reality has become a commodity"-Stephen Colbert 1/29/07
                    "Sometimes, when you can't breathe, there are people there to breathe for you" - Aesop Rock


                      Re: Spiritual Satanism.

                      Yes, I will stay away from joS. They're insane, those kinds of people get bashed and robbed. I will think very carefully about the other religions and what I do. After the joS experience, I don't think I want to be a Satanist anymore. The clergys at joS give Satan a bad name. I still respect Satan though. I am now looking into Wiccan and Paganism. I researched it and it sound right for me, not harming anyone, using magick for good, helping others, I think I might stay with it.:=):


                        Re: Spiritual Satanism.

                        Paradise Lost by John Milton or bust.

                        If I am the first person in this thread to mention this then I'd be surprised and dismayed.

