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    Intor and a few questions

    Hello everyone. I'm incredibly new here. First, I'd like to say Hi..I'm Hollie. I need some help since I'm new to this, my mind is open but unfortunately the people around me are targeting me. My son was rejected from a private school recently because of my religious beliefs, its a long story. Anyway, I feel pretty beaten down right now and I have no idea which directions to take. Just last year I realized how much I love nature and started practicing in a very small way. I got some books and started with some light research. I was very happy and content until I moved near family who are not supportive of my religious changes. I feel like the worst hypocrite in the world because in order to keep my family, I have to keep myself a secret. I'm 26 years old, but I feel like a child again. I have my own kids to worry about and I refuse to push them into anything like I was pushed into as a child. My family being near us makes it difficult, I can't just cut them out of my life(I love them), but if they knew that I even practiced a little they already told me they'd never see me again. This is all pretty much too much info, but my heart is heavy. I have no friends around me because I'm a stay at home mom, and babysitters are a rare treat. My husband is the greatest support system and loves me no matter what. The nearest group I can find is hours away, and my husband works and attends school so time is very little. My friends that I do have are very pushy shovey with their personal beliefs, so i try to just nod my head and listen with a smile, so I don't seem to offensive to them. Any help would be appreciated!


      Re: Intor and a few questions

      Welcome to PF.... a huge number of people who become pagans have to face this problem at some point in their lives. Take comfort from the fact that it isn't likely to be a permanent problem. Stick with what you believe and take heart from the fact that you have a good relationship with your husband. As long as you're true to your own heart, you'll be fine. Partly your problem seems to be loneliness and isolation, so the important thing is when you do have contact with other people, you need to distract them away from their endless spouting about their beliefs (which I'm assuming are Christian.) I have found one of the best ways to do this is to concentrate on basics such as crafts, cooking, the home, pets etc., and keep well away from matters of beliefs. It takes a lot of effort, at least initially, but most people will respond well to it. It may not be the sort of friendship or support you need, but these days at least you can look to the internet (places like this) for help and information.

      There is nothing wrong with leading this kind of double life - remember it's something that has been forced on you, you haven't chosen it for yourself. And good luck!

      Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


        Re: Intor and a few questions

        Howdy, Holliespirit!

        Welcome to the forum, and I hope that you find here what you need.

        It's unfortunate that the people we love don't always agree with us, but that's life - you can either fight it, or find a way to live with it. I recommend learning to live with it, because fighting with people you love is not good fun.

        Everybody - even family - doesn't need to know everything about you. It's OK to nod and smile, if you want to keep the peace. After all, somebody has to be the adult, and it might as well be you

        Best wishes!
        Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


          Re: Intor and a few questions

          Welcome Holliespirit.
          You are among friends here, hope you find PF as a place to come for support and friendship among like minded people.
          Gargoyles watch over me...I can hear them snicker in the dark.

          Pull the operating handle (which protrudes from the right side of the receiver) smartly to the rear and release it.


            Re: Intor and a few questions

            Thanks everyone. I appreciate all the support more than any of you realize. I have learned to keep it to myself for the sake of peace! These days have been pretty lonely, which doesn't bother me so much, but thankfully I have my husband to talk to about these sorts of things and now here as well. I made a typo in the title(lol how embarrassing), sorry! My family used to not be like this, but they started going to a church in town and ever since they have been obsessed with the way people look at them. I used to be able to talk to my mother in law about everything, but since she has changed dramatically. I have felt drawn to paganism since I was a little girl, and growing up in the bible belt I was put on the alter for it. I finally have peace within myself after all these years of feeling guilty and ashamed!


              Re: Intor and a few questions

              Well... I was sorta in a similar situation with my first marriage. I married into a Baptist Family, and of course my beliefs where not accepted at all. From what you stated, in your situation, it's hard for me to give you a good solution to your family, because in my opinion if they cant accept you, for you then Cutting all ties might be necessary, for your mental health. On the other hand you have children to think about as well, and Because I remember growing up without my family, because my mother could not get along with them. And regardless of religious beliefs, The Children need their family, It's important. So my Advice would not be the best. Your Situation is a tough one. When you have kid's to think about, making sure they have some kinda family around, makes the Situation more complicated. I think maybe you should have a one on one discussion with certain family member's, and try to explain your beliefs, and basically say hey people who believe differently, are not all that bad. I hope this helps


                Re: Intor and a few questions

                Well, first off...Welcome to PF! (and don't worry about the typo1)

                Secondly, from what I've seen around here, you are not alone! We actually have an entire thread around here *somewhere* about how people got to where they are in their path, and another on how breaking it to the family did or didn't go. Some of us have gotten lucky on the matter, and some of us haven't...its just a matter of doing the best you can with what you have until you can make things the way you want them.
                Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                  Whats your number

                  The world's population hit seven billion. After growing very slowly for most of human history, the number of people on Earth has more than doubled in the last 50 years. Where do you fit into this story of human life? Fill in your date of birth below to find out.

                  When you were born, you were the:
                  person alive on Earth
                  person to have lived since history began

                  p.s Its in this thread for a reason
                  Gunnarr Sandisson
                  "A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be." Albert Einstein
                  Five Boroughs Hearth


                    Re: Supporters

                    So old supporters don't get access to the supporters board? (the pass wasn't exactly 'free')
                    Allow me to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket. ~ Captain Jack Sparrow




                        Re: Supporters

                        We were having trouble with that since the list we got (from Rok) was actually only a partial so there were going to be quite a few people missed, simply from not knowing who all was a Supporter, before.

                        Really, the simplest and easiest way to make sure we didn't miss anyone was to just start over... right along with the starting over with the new software, new management, etc. Sort of by default, actually, because nobody could come up with a fair solution for ALL the Supporters.

                        "Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." - Ayn Rand

                        "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius

                        "The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice." - Mark Twain

                        "The only gossip I'm interested in is things from the Weekly World News - 'Woman's bra bursts, 11 injured'. That kind of thing." - Johnny Depp


                          Re: Whats your number

                          I was the 5,764,628,799th person alive on earth I feel so special XD
                          "Otwarty świat; rany zamknięte."
                          - Open world; Wounds closed.


                            Re: Hello.

                            "Otwarty świat; rany zamknięte."
                            - Open world; Wounds closed.


                              Re: Supporters

                              I hear an be a b*tch! The consolation, of course, is that people can never quite be replaced.

                              Check paypal.

                              edit: well dang, I see you already have.
                              Last edited by cesara; 05 Nov 2011, 15:19.
                              Allow me to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket. ~ Captain Jack Sparrow



                                Re: Hello.

                                Nice to have you here, LC. I look forward to your contributions!
                                Allow me to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket. ~ Captain Jack Sparrow


