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    Re: Intro

    Originally posted by Ramses II View Post
    Enough said.
    Dolph Lundgren is a Communist?
    There once was a man who said though,
    It seems that I know that I know,
    What I'd like to see,
    Is the I that knows me,
    When I know that I know that I know.


      Re: Intro

      Hello and welcome! I know we have a few Kemetics here, so I hope they can help you with your Egyptian interests.
      Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat

      Honorary Nord.

      Habbalah Vlogs


        Greetings from London in the UK

        Hello everyone!

        Not sure whaere to start this,but I had a life changing experiance in December at Hampstead Heath,which Pagan friends say was the Genius Loci welcoming or greating me.I have had several similar(if not quite as powerful experiances) since,both awake and in dreams.

        I'm exploring both the Pagan world and my new found 'talent',and will share what I can,while asking about 50millionty questions.I look forward to meeting and learning from all of you


          Re: Newbie From PA

          Originally posted by jhooper12 View Post
          I'm actually from York! I live in southern York about 5 min from the Maryland line. We have a Faery Festival here every May at Spoutwood Farm and it's kind of like the ultimate meeting place for witches, pagans and nature lovers. I love watching the tribal drummers. The organizers don't advertise the event as a religious gathering, it's just one of those things where if you're paying attention you get that vibe. I tend to have an eye and a "feel" for finding others like myself around here.

          As far as being a Kitchen Witch, the path kind of chose me. I think I was a kitchen witch before I even knew the term, lol. I worked in the kitchen since I was about 4 yrs old with my grandmother and over the years I learned how to incorporate magick into everything I did in there. I'm a big fan of herbs. Something as simple as conjuring up a nice soothing cup of homemade herbal tea for my husband to help him unwind after work brings me a lot of joy.
          Ah, well pagans and witches certainly seem to be thick on the ground around York. I went to Fairie Fest several years ago and enjoyed seeing Clann An Drumma perform, they were pretty neat. Sounds like you're on a rewarding path, that's great!
          "Gardens are not made by singing "Oh, how beautiful," and sitting in the shade." - Rudyard Kipling

          Mathbatu: A Canaanite Polytheist's Blog
          Sparrow Wings: A Personal Blog


            Re: Greetings from London in the UK

            Hello and welcome. I hope you find what you're looking for here.
            Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat

            Honorary Nord.

            Habbalah Vlogs



              Hello, my name is Gaiano, but you can call me Pat or Patrick. I'm fifteen and I live in Tulare California. I've been a pagan and witch for about two years and really hope to be an active member of this site. So hello paganforum! ^_^


                Re: Salutations

                Welcome to PF
                "Wealth is as swift | as a winking eye
                Of friends the falsest it is."

                Havamal, 74

                "The wolf that lies idle | shall win little meat,
                Or the sleeping man success."

                Havamal, 58


                  Re: Salutations

                  Hello and welcome. I hope you enjoy it here.
                  Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat

                  Honorary Nord.

                  Habbalah Vlogs



                    Hi everyone,

                    My name is Ty, I'm a college student and I have been studying world religions since I was 10. Recently I ran into somewhat of a spiritual crossroad; not sure where to go or how to progress. It has me somewhat depressed to be honest, I feel spiritually bankrupt, and need to find my way once more. I've been interested in paganism, wicca, and especially druidism for a while but never knew any pagans that I could talk to. I recently moved to a state that, to say the least, is not pagan friendly . So, I truly hope to befriend some of you and finally have some kind people to talk to .


                      A Newbie

                      Hi everyone, I'm Abhainn. I'm an eclectic whatever with serious Pagan and Buddhist leanings. I don't have any particular pantheon that I focus on, except for a couple of goddesses that I hold fast to no matter what. Other than that, I'm open to learning.

                      I'm a writer in my currently overabundant spare-time, working on a YA novel and a back shed full of short stories and poems still in the works. I'm witchy to some extent - traditional for the most part, but not enough to feel entirely comfy in a strictly trad witch environment. Completely OK with witchy of nearly any bent. Mostly interested in the spiritual aspect.

                      Can't wait to meet everyone!

                      "All four winds blow steady, singing 'hie, the open road is home!'"


                        Re: Hello!!

                        Hey Ty, welcome to PF.

                        I felt much the same as you did most my life, but if you keep true to yourself you will find your own path. Some find it easier than others and can find themselves within minutes, but others take years to find paths that work for them. Some go their whole lifetime traveling, and I do not think you should feel depressed about it. Rather, accept it as a part of your path. Like going from A to B there will be an area between, and I think it just as to be an accepted and embraced part of ourselves.

                        Stick around here and ask all the questions you need. I am sure we can help
                        "Wealth is as swift | as a winking eye
                        Of friends the falsest it is."

                        Havamal, 74

                        "The wolf that lies idle | shall win little meat,
                        Or the sleeping man success."

                        Havamal, 58


                          Re: A Newbie

                          Welcome Abhainn

                          Nice to see another eclectic on the board
                          "Wealth is as swift | as a winking eye
                          Of friends the falsest it is."

                          Havamal, 74

                          "The wolf that lies idle | shall win little meat,
                          Or the sleeping man success."

                          Havamal, 58


                            Re: A Newbie

                            Hello and welcome. There are a good handful of eclectic pagans on this board, so you're in like company! I hope you enjoy it here.
                            Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat

                            Honorary Nord.

                            Habbalah Vlogs


                              Re: Hello!!

                              Hell and welcome, Ty. A lot of us have been where you are--if you happen to look at the "What Is Your Progression" thread, you can see that many of us have wandered in a few different directions on faith.

                              If there's anything we can help you with, please post questions or concerns. I hope you find what you're looking for.
                              Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat

                              Honorary Nord.

                              Habbalah Vlogs


                                Re: Greetings from London in the UK

                                Greetings and welcome to PF!

