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Hypothetical Ruler...

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    Hypothetical Ruler...

    You have been selected as the Emperor/Empress of a newly created nation, and have been asked to write 10 rules that your people will have to live by...

    What are they?
    Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible

    Re: Hypothetical Ruler...

    1. Pay homage to your leader (me) every Tuesday at 2 pm with some form of artwork or literature dedicated to my glory, in return—free ice cream
    2. No stealing.
    3. 4 day work week…fri, st, sun are holidays…but must be spoken in pirate…
    4. No violating another’s person, except in self defense or defense of another.
    5. No infringing upon an individual's right to privately hold and practice their own beliefs, provided they do not violate number 4.
    6. Freedom of the expression…(speech, press, religion, etc)
    7. You must either pass a parenting test or attend and pass parenting classes before raising children
    8. You must complete 3 years of some sort of civil service, volunteer service or military service (ie—police, volunteer fire fighter, nurse, teacher, Peace Corps, etc) in order to vote.
    9. Murder, rape, child sexual abuse and habitual or severe child/partner/elder abuse are punishable by death–death sentances are carried out on Fridays of the week of conviction and aired on prime time TV…
    10. Persons committing minor crimes are to be put in stocks in front of the courthouse for people to throw tomatoes at—tomatoes will be provided…
    Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


      Re: Hypothetical Ruler...

      1. All communities will draft their own legal system, consisting of ten laws. Those laws are only superseded by the original ten laws of this nation. All communities will display their ten laws in a very public fashion at every major entrance into their community.

      2. All crimes committed that take place across multiple communities will be brought before a High Arbiter, who will do her/his best to determine a punishment most pleasing to the aggrieved. If such a thing is not possible, the High Arbiter will determine who is most grieved by the actions of the criminal and execute punishment accordingly.

      3. All positions of representation will be chosen by the voting populace. A minimum of four years of civil service (i.e. firefighters, educators, medical professionals, military, peace officers, etc.) are required to be a member of the voting populace.

      4. If a community's laws change in such a fashion as to render something that was previously legal now an illegal action, a grace period of two weeks will be given to allow the populace to make adjustments as they see fit. If any member of that community decides to leave said community due to the change in laws, discrimination of that person withing the given grace period will be a punishable offense.

      5. The monetary system will be backed by precious metals. All currency, be it electronic or physical, will match a set ratio at all times. No new currency will exist without precious metal in the vaults.

      6. No community shall have a population exceeding 500,000. When the populace reaches 450,000, said community shall enact whatever safeguards it needs (incentives, moving bonuses, etc.) so that drastic measures need not be taken when the population cap is met.

      7. While the nation will encourage tourism and migration, the borders will be guarded closely and with deadly force. That said, the process to becoming a citizen will not take more than six months, regardless of an acceptance or declination of citizenship status.

      8. Crime will not be tolerated. Any first time offense will be met with appropriate punishment determined by preexisting laws. All second offenses (with extremely few exceptions) will be punished via death in a very public and gruesome manner.

      9. Communities will set their own standards for speed regarding travel through their respective areas, however setting up speed traps designed to catch the unwary will not be tolerated. Speed related offenses are not punishable via death but will be met with ever increasing penalties and restrictions as determined by the community in question.

      10. Regardless of any regime changes, these ten codified laws cannot be infringed upon nor changed by the will of the voting populace. There will be no community limits upon these laws. These laws will be upheld with force if necessary.
      "The proper office of a friend is to side with you when you are in the wrong. Nearly anybody will side with you when you are in the right."--Mark Twain

      "There are only two types of people in this world who walk around beardless; boys and women. I am neither one." --Ancient Greek saying


        They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
        Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
        -Madeline Miller, Circe


          Re: Hypothetical Ruler...

          Do as I say 1-10.
          Satan is my spirit animal


            Re: Hypothetical Ruler...

            1) Mind your own business. Period. If you have a problem w/your neighbors, plant a taller hedge or build a higher fence. The only reason I want to hear about it is if it is endangering you or your property.

            2) All areas zoned for private housing will be on a minimum of 4 acre lots, with a minimum clearance between dwellings of some large amount so that Rule #1 can be easily maintained.

            3) All persons possessing said 4-acre lots of land will be required to grow a multi-season vegetable garden large enough to sustain the household, plant at least 5 fruit trees, keep 1 rooster and 5 hens, 2 goats or sheep and may also optionally own a bull and 2 cows.

            4) Every ounce of garbage produced in any given household or business must be in some form recycled - either by way of repurposing, composting, or through one of my empire's many recycling facilities.

            5) Commercial lots and public lots will be at least 1 mile away from any zoned-for-housing areas so as to prevent conflicts between operating hours and privacy.

            6) No petroleum-product powered vehicles allowed - only biologically powered, electric or water-powered vehicles.

            7) All businesses may keep whatever business hours they desire, but all businesses must close for 1 hour per every 8 hours of operation for siestas and/or breakfast/lunch/dinner.

            8) There will be no institutionalized learning facilities within my empire's borders. Homeschooling and apprenticeships/internships only.

            9) All businesses must offer at least one apprenticeship or internship position for every 25 employees.

            10) There will be a stringent enforcement of religion and government. My Gods will not appear on your money, and your Gods may not make public appearances in or on my streets, parks, public buildings, or anywhere else that the public is allowed to go. If you want to erect temples to your Gods, you've got 4 square acres & a big damned hedge. You go for it.
            The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


              Re: Hypothetical Ruler...

              I really don't know a lot of details. I know in detail how I'd run a corporation, but a country is a little different. Maybe some of the following about how I'd run a company could be translated into a country (and I got a few country-specific ideas once I got going):

              1) I don't like the idea of gender quotas in the boardroom...I think we prove more without them. However as women we still face a LOT of bias and pushing things is sometimes the only way to overcome them. Until people can overcome their gender biases, I'd adopt gender quotas for party candidates. I guess this isn't a democracy we're talking about though, so my advisors would be comprised of half women and half men, and I'd also like to get a few cultural standpoints in there. I like diversity. People who think the same aren't very innovative and I don't want a stagnant leadership or a stagnant company (ahem country).

              2) Skilled immigration is encouraged, especially in areas with knowledge or skills shortage. Same reasons as above. I've been reading about how Silicon Valley is starting to lose talent to other countries due to visa issues...people who left due to being denied a visa, many of which were legally and financially prepared to start organizations which would CREATE American jobs, and instead took those jobs elsewhere...I don't want that happening in my country. People with needed skills, or who have the ability to start a business that will employ people are welcome.

              3) Refugees are also welcome, provided they are fleeing a situation of persecution.

              4) I will NOT police borders with force, but with regular customs and visa checks. HOWEVER, businesses and individuals found to be employing illegal immigrants will be HEAVILY fined. Cut the problem out at its source and punish the people who deserve it. This will also be regularly enforced. Repeat offenders will be stripped of their business license.

              5) Mental health will be included in health care coverage. Happy people are productive people. People will be encouraged to be open about mental health issues such as depression, addictions and eating disorders, and to seek help when they need it at no extra cost to themselves.

              6) Those on unemployment long-term will be provided with job training (or enhancement courses for existing training to boost their level of employability). If they refuse, they will lose their benefits.

              7) Gas will be heavily taxed. Public transportation will be well funded. Bike lanes accompany all major streets

              8) A couple is entitled to a year of parental leave when they have a baby, which can be split any way between the two. If the father takes at least two months, they get an extra two months. It will be encouraged for parents to split their leave equally though. Also single parents get 14 months (this is pretty much exactly Germany's new policy...I like it).

              9) All students finish high school at grade 12 and do exams in core subjects such as English for university (in case they want to go). But if they're into trades they can also take courses in those and the school will help set up work experience opportunities so they can get a head start (this can go for anyone actually). You don't know what you're going to do with your life at 17, and you shouldn't be forced to choose and your options should be fairly open. Other than final exams at the end of school (for a basis for universities) test scores are not stressed and teachers can decide on individual learning objectives (based on a curriculum for a framework) for students based on their individual needs.

              10) Universities will be funded enough to be accessible but not free either.

              I'm sure I'll think of more.


                Re: Hypothetical Ruler...

                1. The penalty for being a butthead is to literally have your head inserted in your butt, for a period of not less than 10 seconds, and not more than the rest of your life.

                2. Never bother me unless it's urgent. If you do, see rule No. 1.

                3. If it's urgent, you waited too long to bother me. See rule No. 1.

                4. All men and women are created unequal. Becoming equal is their purpose in life. Don't expect anybody to do it for you. See rule No. 1.

                5. In any emergency, it's always women and children first, unless the woman doesn't want to go first, in which case do what she says because she's probably tougher than the men anyway. If you get in her way, see No. 1 (and she'll do it too). Children don't get a choice.

                6. You have the right to remain silent. Every time you imagine that you know what's best for your neighbor to be doing, exercise that right... unless your neighbor has formally invited to do otherwise. If not, see No. 1.

                7. Feel free to believe any ridiculous thing you want to believe while obeying rule No. 6. As soon as you stop exercising rule No. 6, your beliefs may lead to the exercise of rule No. 1.

                8. If you feel the compelling need to kill somebody, go right ahead and do it, but you'd better be able to convince a jury that you really, really needed to - and it's hard to convince a jury of anything, once they've seen you with your head in your butt.

                9. Never harm a child for any reason, including fear of harming a child - a fear which has led to more head/butt contact than is easily imagined.

                10. Never obey any rule just because it's a rule, but never break one just because it's a rule either. If a rule needs to be broken, break it, and let hisotry judge. Keep your butt limber, though, just in case - history tends to be a hanging judge.
                Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                  Re: Hypothetical Ruler...

                  Additions to existing rules

                  9.1- Adult literacy will also be encouraged and I will attempt to reduce functional illiteracy to below 5%. Functional illiteracy is a drain on society. I hope to keep the costs of these programs down by relying on volunteers but funding will be provided in terms of organization and promotion of programs. Donations are encouraged though.

                  10.1- In the event of a brain drain, students who study very high demand fields and stay in the country can receive a tuition credit for every 5 years they work in the country. This will hopefully remedy situations like what Canada had several years ago, when doctors were on short supply because many were bailing to the US.

                  EDIT: I think this country is looking less like a hypothetical dictatorship and more like a platform for a Swedish political party.


                    Re: Hypothetical Ruler...

                    I think I could do it with two:
                    1. Do as I say.
                    2. Don't blame me.

                    Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                      Re: Hypothetical Ruler...

                      1. My word is law. Don't argue. We are not a democracy.
                      2. You are free to do what you want providing you don't harm anyone (physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually) or their property.
                      3. In cases of rape, murder and child abuse (when in all three cases it can be prooved 100% and only then) the aggrevied party decide your fate (NO death penalty) after a one month cooling off period.
                      4. Everyone gets free education and health care. Further and adult education you need to pay for yourself.
                      5. Public transport will be free. Use it rather than your car, or better yet, get yourself a bike.
                      6. No one may descriminate, for any reason, based upon race, religion, gender, sexuality or age. Everyone gets a fair chance.
                      7. You decide how much tax you pay, but when things stop working because you didn't pay, don't blame me.
                      8. Just be nice to one another. No one wants to live next door to an asshat!
                      9. Freedom of speech is paramount, but not inflammatory racist...etc comments designed to antagonise others. Jokes are one thing, serious hatred is not.
                      10. No religion is tax exempt.

                      11. See rule #1 again.


                        Re: Hypothetical Ruler...

                        Originally posted by Eryx_UK View Post
                        10. No religion is tax exempt.
                        I'd love to see that one IRL.

                        Seriously...Religious organizations should be taxed for their income just like any business or individual. Also, I don't think charitable donations should be tax write-offs. I donate because it supports something I believe in, or because it is useful to me--I don't need tax $ back for it...and if I'm donating so much that I can get out of paying taxes, then I have enough money to do both.
                        Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible

