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    Everyone has 'em...I'm curious about the stupid little compulsions that people have that don't really affect their lives (other than the big question marks over why we do them)...Of course, it wouldn't be fair if I didn't start

    1) Pens. If there is a pen in my vicinity, the cap MUST be on (correctly, putting it on the ass end of the pen doesn't count) or if it's a clicky-pen it's got to be "unclicked". Dunno what it is...if I'm at a desk with open pens I'll subconsciously "clean up" and make sure that they're all "put away".

    2) When I'm getting ready for bed, for some fucked up reason I almost always take off my shirt *before* I take off my glasses. Not a big deal with a button-up, but annoying as hell with a t-shirt. I honestly have no idea why I always forget to take my glasses off first (this has been getting better, now that I've observed and attempted to correct it )

    3) Web pages: I just noticed this one. If I'm reading a webpage and I want to hit the "back" button, or even just close the tab...or reuse the tab for another site, for some fucked up reason I insist on scrolling all the way back to the top before leaving the page. I have no idea why I do this...fortunately I scroll fast

    So what do you guys do that irritates the crap out of you (for no reason )

    Re: Compulsions

    I can't sleep without my bedroom door locked.


      Re: Compulsions

      ~All my food must not touch each other on a plate. I chalk this up to having been raised around a grandmother who had those plastic plates with individual sections. Stuffing cannot touch mashed potatoes cannot touch turkey etc.

      ~Pens. MUST have caps or I refuse to use them.

      ~I have to clean out my cell phone texts and calls etc. Just because it drives me crazy and I feel it's unorganized inside my phone.

      ~I must leave my socks on when I take off my skinny jeans. Even though the socks always come off..I can't take them off and put them on after. I have to have them fall and attempt to keep them off. Then they fall and I put them back on.

      ~When I turn over in my bed (alot) I have to do so in a full turn. I cannot simply flip over.'s a real die hard one that I cannot break and moves into OCD territory. If I scrape my left foot in the pool I have to scrap the right. If my left foot comes out of the water, then the right must do it. If my right hand touches the edge of the pool after a lap, my right must do it. It's not just the pool. I scratch my left cheek, right must be scratched. It's subtle, but it's there. But it's very much focused on the feet I notice. Not so much the hand or face but at times. But really if one foot does something the other must or I drive myself crazy trying to get it to.
      Satan is my spirit animal


        Re: Compulsions

        At work we have display cases that have sliding doors on the backside ... They HAVE to be closed ... Bathroom door has to be let open if unattended ... Shower door has to be closed ... Cupboards and drawers have to be closed all the way ... I put my dirty clothes in the same spot on the floor when I get ready for bed ... Wallet, keys and glasses go in the same spot every time ... Getting undressed: shoes, pants, shirt, socks ... Getting dressed: socks, shirt, pants, shoes ... Bills in the till have to face to the right ...

        Leave things where I put them ... If I want them somewhere else then I will put them there ...
        I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them ... John Bernard Books

        Indian Chief 'Two Eagles' was asked by a white government official; "You have observed the white man for 90 years. You've seen his wars and his technological advances. You've seen his progress, and the damage he's done."

        The Chief nodded in agreement.

        The official continued; "Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?"

        The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied.. "When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work, Medicine Man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex."

        Then the chief leaned back and smiled; "Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that."


          Re: Compulsions

          At restaurants I have to "clean up" the table. Sugar packets, napkins, etc, they can't just lay has to be [i]organized[/]...even (especially) if they are used up.
          Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


            Re: Compulsions

            I have managed to escape compulsive behavior, mwahahaha!
            Except maybe having the closet door all the way closed before I go to bed, and my bedroom door has to be all the way open. If the closet door is open, even a crack, the closet monster gets out. If the bedroom door is partially closed, to my sleep befuddled brain & eyes, it always seems to look like it is moving. Creeepy.

            Originally posted by Roknrol View Post
            3) Web pages: I just noticed this one. If I'm reading a webpage and I want to hit the "back" button, or even just close the tab...or reuse the tab for another site, for some fucked up reason I insist on scrolling all the way back to the top before leaving the page. I have no idea why I do this...fortunately I scroll fast
            CTRL+Home, man!
            The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


              Re: Compulsions

              Before I put the bills in the mailbox, I always stack them by size. Largest on the bottom, smallest on the top.

              The ones that are small but wider than standard really annoy me.

              Also, when I pet a cat, I always start at the head, and go all the way to the end of the tail. It doesn't seem to bother them, though, and even if it did, so what? I'm the one who feeds 'em.
              Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                Re: Compulsions

                Everything from books to bills have to be stacked tallest to smallest, left to right, and be facing the same direction. Closet is grouped by colour, type and all facing the same direction. The art pens and pencils are stacked by size 005-05.

                Nothing is allowed to be out of place on the wall of alchemical supplies, the shrine room or the altars.

                If I get a hair up my ass about something it HAS to get done. Like when I wanted a couch moved and my help said "next time" I spent a few hrs and a lot of pain to get the freaking thing moved by myself. I couldn't sleep till it was done.

                Anything artistic must be done a certain way and if you try to tell me an alternative aspect to the piece I can get crabby cause "it's not right".

                If someone makes a claim of something of a historical basis, like "merlin wrote a scroll, I swear it's in the London Tower Museum!" I must go and seek that information to see it's validity. I will not rest till I find a historical proof of the claim.

                If I want to lay to the left, I can't just turn left, I have to make a full rotation to the right. And most days, curl with my back against the wall.

                Must have a pen cap on the end of a pen or I won't use it.

                When nervous I chew on fingers.

                I can get ocd about scarification, branding or other forms of self-injury. Trying to take a blade from me can get dangerous till I get the design done. Part of the reason I get tattoos.

                Oh and must do things in multiples of 3s... 3, 6, 9 and 27 specifically
                Last edited by KashakuTatsu; 24 Mar 2011, 06:05. Reason: forgot one
                -=Ex Ignorantia Ad Sapientiam; E Luce Ad Tenebras=-

                My art and writing
                (whole site is marked adult, the adult and gore sections are in their own section so you can opt not to view them, adult and/or gore stories are marked with an *)


                  Re: Compulsions

                  The top must go back on the vinegar bottle.


                    Re: Compulsions

                    If I have more than one item I feel it must be an even number. There is no rhyme or reason to it; I just don't like odd numbers.

                    Continuing that theme, I like to laze about until the time at least ends on an even number. It's just silly in my mind because there is no reason to "wait" to do something just because it's 3:15 and not 3:16. However the more important it is for me to do, the less I worry about what time it is.
                    my etsy store
                    My blog

                    "...leave me curled up in my ball,
                    surrounded by plush, downy things,
                    ill prepared, but willing,
                    to descend."


                      Re: Compulsions

                      Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                      ~All my food must not touch each other on a plate. I chalk this up to having been raised around a grandmother who had those plastic plates with individual sections. Stuffing cannot touch mashed potatoes cannot touch turkey etc.

                      ~Pens. MUST have caps or I refuse to use them.

                      ~I have to clean out my cell phone texts and calls etc. Just because it drives me crazy and I feel it's unorganized inside my phone.

                      ~I must leave my socks on when I take off my skinny jeans. Even though the socks always come off..I can't take them off and put them on after. I have to have them fall and attempt to keep them off. Then they fall and I put them back on.

                      ~When I turn over in my bed (alot) I have to do so in a full turn. I cannot simply flip over.

            's a real die hard one that I cannot break and moves into OCD territory. If I scrape my left foot in the pool I have to scrap the right. If my left foot comes out of the water, then the right must do it. If my right hand touches the edge of the pool after a lap, my right must do it. It's not just the pool. I scratch my left cheek, right must be scratched. It's subtle, but it's there. But it's very much focused on the feet I notice. Not so much the hand or face but at times. But really if one foot does something the other must or I drive myself crazy trying to get it to.
                      I think you need to go see a doctor, you iz coocoo...:=o:


                        Re: Compulsions

                        When I get a bag of skittles or some other sweetie with so many flavours I must pour them all out and line them up in order of colour and amount.
                        "You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me"- CS Lewis



                          Re: Compulsions

                          When I make my lunch I must put everything away and clean up the counter before I can eat it. The real odd part is this only has to happens for my lunch!
                          Gargoyles watch over me...I can hear them snicker in the dark.

                          Pull the operating handle (which protrudes from the right side of the receiver) smartly to the rear and release it.


                            Re: Compulsions

                            I must check my alarm clock in multiples of threes or I can not sleep out of fear I will not wake up on time. So I normally check the alarm three times... but if for some reason I have to check it a fourth time because I can't stop thinking about it... then I have to check it six times. Normally by the 12th check I am satisfied.


                              Re: Compulsions

                              Great thread!

                              When cooking I must clean up after myself as I cook. Thankfully, I don't cook much, hubby does....but he is a complete disaster in the kitchen....I can't be in there when he cooks or I go crazy!

                              When walking on a sidewalk, the second foot must do the same thing in relation to a crack that the first foot did. So, if the first foot stepped on the crack, so must the second foot. If the first foot steps 2 inches before a crack, so must the second foot. This, depending on the length between cracks, can add up to some funky looking walking.

                              Cleaning up the table in restaurants. All garbage must be on a plate and the plates that are on the table should be stacked and ready to be taken away.
                              Allow me to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket. ~ Captain Jack Sparrow


