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star Children

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    star Children

    So someone told me that they think that Daniel is a Rainbow child. so i'm researching this.

    Cloudy - free website template provided by

    what do you guys think of these "star children"?
    "Close your eyes, take 20 paces farther than you thought nessesary and just when you think you've lost your way completely.. you'll be there. open your eyes" Alice Hoffman

    Re: star Children

    I've heard of this before & think it's really neat!
    Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


      Re: star Children

      Is this similar to the indigo child thing? Personally, I don't buy it. I'd use stronger words then that, but I don't want to be rude and rain on your parade if it brings you joy.
      Great Grandmother's Kitchen


        Re: star Children

        Personally, and not to be insulting, Yukanaoe, I think the whole 'indigo/rainbow/star/glow/moonshine/dreambaby' whatever is a bunch of New Age pablum fed to parents who want to believe that their children are just a little more special & unique than all the other kids out there in the world.

        Some of my friends grew up with New Age parenting and turned out to be entitled, self-centered, spoiled brats who fell into drug abuse, self destruction and depression once they hit the 'real world' (of course, so did a lot of my non-New-Age-parented friends... but not all my non-New-Age friends were raised with that weird entitlement issue, especially those whose parents couldn't afford rose quartz night lights and Delta wave baby mobiles). Just because their parents treated them with kid gloves and were extra sensitive to their delicate alien DNA or ascended master past life doesn't mean their high school teachers, college professors, peers and employers are going to do the same. Putting them on shiny crystal pedestals just seems kind of mean in the long run.
        The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


          Re: star Children

          Originally posted by perzephone View Post
          Personally, and not to be insulting, Yukanaoe, I think the whole 'indigo/rainbow/star/glow/moonshine/dreambaby' whatever is a bunch of New Age pablum fed to parents who want to believe that their children are just a little more special & unique than all the other kids out there in the world.
          This, exactly. I'll also take it a step more, that particular site also reads like it's for parents that want to think they're special, too. Chosen to help these special children because they're special and gifted, too. I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it, the whole idea doesn't really make sense to me.
          And I mean, reading the section for the indigo children? Most of the kids I know could pass that test. Same with the rainbow children bit...

          Mister Rogers says we're all special, that's good enough for me, don't need to be a cyrstal/rainbow/whatever person to be special.
          Last edited by Gardenia; 28 Jun 2011, 20:28.
          Hearth and Hedge


            Re: star Children

            I am not surprised in the least. I can't wait to find out he's the Messiah.
            Satan is my spirit animal


              Re: star Children

              To be honest, the second "Indigo" paragraph sounds like most people between about 10-19 who are halfways intellectual. You're always going to go through somewhat of a streak like that. The third paragraph sounds like pretty much everyone in their tweens and teens.

              I mean yeah, those are some pretty specific personality types when you read the questions, but there are also more mundane personality tests (meyers briggs, for example) that lead in those directions.


                Re: star Children

                I'm with Perze and Gardenia in thinking its a bunch of wishful thinking (I have used stronger words upon occasion)...personally I've found it sort of odd and off-putting when that happens. happens, actually quite often since we occasionally go to places where people that believe in those things tend to go (The Heritage has the CSA and best vegetarian cafe in Hampton Roads). Of course, I know my kids can't be star children, because hubby and I would never have been chosen as their parents, so it doesn't matter, lol!

                Now...I do think that many children are sensitive, observant, intuitive, giving and creative in ways that most adults have grown out of (and just as often oblivious, insensitive, selfish, etc)...but I don't think that makes them "special", just developmentally different.
                Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                  Re: star Children

                  Originally posted by yukanaoe View Post
                  So someone told me that they think that Daniel is a Rainbow child.
                  Maybe they meant he was gay?

                  You can tell if your baby is gay if he's too feminine. Does he lack facial hair? Is he known to shed a tear now and then? Is his voice soft and not deep and manly?

                  If the answer to all those questions is yes, then your baby is gay. It's science.


                    Re: star Children

                    Heyyyy my brother was really feminine and he's straight!



                      Re: star Children

                      well ill get back to you in fiteen years when those questins will actually beable to be answered
                      "Close your eyes, take 20 paces farther than you thought nessesary and just when you think you've lost your way completely.. you'll be there. open your eyes" Alice Hoffman


                        Re: star Children

                        I don't understand the point of raising a child in such a bubble. If a child is *special* wouldn't it make more sense to help that child develop in such a way to be able to apply their gift in a meaningful way? Shielding it from the world doesn't do anything but make it a creeper. Then again, Indigo children (or whatever) are people, too, and should be allowed to make their own choices.
                        In answer to the question of why it happened, I offer the modest proposal that our Universe is simply one of those things which happen from time to time. ~~ Edward P. Tryon


                          Re: star Children

                          Personally I think Oscar Wilde got the balance right when he wrote 'We are all of us in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.'

                          Nothing wrong with a bit of dreaming, a bit of yearning, a bit of ambition... so long as you don't forget where you really are.

                          Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                            Re: star Children

                            im with Perz, Gardinia and Thal, i dont buy it. honestly it kinda sounds ridiculous, the whole paragraph is about how speaciel and unique you and your baby are. also i have yet to see any world leader match that discription.
                            They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
                            Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
                            -Madeline Miller, Circe


                              Re: star Children

                              I actually wanted to mention that. I guess we really can't know for sure, since we don't know him. But I can tell you, that special skills aren't always what gets you ahead in the world and definitely aren't what help you lead people. Take gifted kids...a lot of them are highly intelligent but many struggle in adulthood. They have such high expectations of themselves that they often become depressed and also lose confidence, which is key in leadership. People skills also play a HUGE role in leadership. You can be a genius, or a visionary, or something else along those lines, but unless you can get a lot of people on board with your ideas, you don't really get anywhere with them.
                              The thing is, that you should encourage talents, but if you coddle him and he grows up with a sense of entitlement, that can be very inhibiting. Or, possibly stressful when he comes to have such high expectations of himself that nothing he does really actually matches up, which goes back to the gifted thing, and honestly is something I know very well personally because I was a gifted child and I've had a hard time with confidence my whole adult life because I struggled to live up to my own ideals and the expectations that were placed on me by my parents and teachers growing up.

