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    Re: Hail, hail!

    Welcome to the forums !!! I hope to chat with you as well.
    hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


      Re: Hail, hail!

      Hello and welcome!


        Re: Hail, hail!

        How did you all find this forum? I'm very, very glad to have it at my fingertips, now.


          Re: Hail, hail!

          Welcome aboard, Miss :^^:


            Re: Hail, hail!

            Originally posted by waxingpoetic View Post
            How did you all find this forum? I'm very, very glad to have it at my fingertips, now.
            My girlfriend is Pagan, and I wanted to find a place I could get help about respecting and understanding her beliefs, did a good search for "Pagan Forum" found this place, and then found the community here wonderful and friendly and couldn't leave ^_^.

            I hope you find it the same, or even better as its more suited for you lol!
            hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


              Re: Hail, hail!

              Welcome! We are excited to have you!


                Re: Hail, hail!



                  Re: Hail, hail!

                  Such a wonderfully warm welcome. Much appreciated, all. :bounce:


                    Re: Hail, hail!



                      8 years?!?!

                      So, firstly.. HARRO!! *waves and glomps to everyone*. I've been a bit rubbish and not very active at all lately, but hoping to change that over the next few months. Life so far this year has been a little mental.

                      Secondly, I missed my 8th anniversary! I've been a member here for over 8 years now There have been ups and downs, many friends made, some in that I've met in person (You Americans watch out, I'm planning to come over as soon as I have money!), and most importantly, no matter how often I go away, I always come back cause my family are here

                      Lub choo guuuyz! XD

                      *Hands everyone a glass*
                      *Raises Glass* Here's to another 8 years!


                        Re: Hail, hail!

                        Hi and welcome !!!!


                          Re: 8 years?!?!

                          Originally posted by Almost_lost View Post
                          and most importantly, no matter how often I go away, I always come back cause my family are here

                          And, damn right! WB!!

                          How are you doing?
                          Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                            Fresh Meet

                            Hi everyone!

                            It has been many years since i have been a part of any forum, but i miss the sense of community and PF seems like such a friendly, helpful and warm environment! I hope to make some new friends here I currently live in Southern California with my animals: two snakes, FOUR cats (there's a dirty joke in there somewhere), crested gecko and three housemates. I'm also growing a vegetable and herb garden for the first time EVER and while there's a lot of trial and mostly error, i'm loving it! I'm definitely the weird one in my social circle, but hopefully my endless care and concern for my friends - and *my dashing good looks* - make up for the rest of the mess that makes up me! While people who have known me since childhood are aware i was at least at one point interested in the occult, most people are unaware of my spiritual practice today.

                            I consider myself something like an agnostic witch. My Wiccan friends don't know what to think of me! I pay the bills by hosting karaoke at a local bar, but am focusing on becoming a writer- mostly of magic realism like Neil Gaiman, Angela Carter and Charles de Lint. Currently i'm actually working on a book about my real life experiences at a scary boarding school in the 90s when i was a teenager. This school was one of those places supposed bad kids were sent to be reformed. One of the main reasons i was sent there was because i was (at the time) Wiccan. My parents believed this program could break me of my spiritual and religious beliefs.

                            Writing about my experiences there is emotionally challenging at times, and as much as i hate to admit it there is still a part of me after all these years that feels some shame about who and what i am, and my spiritual beliefs and practices. Logically i know i have no reason to be ashamed of myself, but it's just a part of Them that got in my head and has become one of those negative inner voices i have to make a conscience effort to overcome or counteract.

                            This, i think, is probably the biggest reason why i decided to join PF. Meeting other good, well rounded, like minded people like yourselves i'm hoping will help me through this process of continuing to accept myself so that i can finally get this story out and do some justice not just for myself, but for the other people who were hurt there and unable to tell the story themselves.

                            I look forward to getting to know everyone, sharing, learning and laughing with you all! I hope you're having a great week and a gorgeous summer (or winter, depending)!

                            -Nimue aka Nims


                              Re: Fresh Meet

                              Welcome to the forums!

                              I have a lot of friends in So. Cal. Beautiful area.

                              If we're both still around here when your book on boarding school comes out I'll for sure pick it up! Sounds like an interesting experience to read. We have another author on the forums, Malflick, I'm sure you two could have some interesting talks.
                              White and Red 'till I'm cold and dead.
                              In Days of yore,
                              From Britain's shore
                              Wolfe the dauntless hero came
                              And planted firm Britannia's flag
                              On Canada's fair domain.
                              Here may it wave,
                              Our boast, our pride
                              And joined in love together,
                              The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined,
                              The Maple Leaf Forever.


                                Re: Fresh Meet

                                "Fresh Meet", haha, adorable!

                                Can't wait to read your book. Do let us know when it gets published! I know that could be 10 years from now, but still~

