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    Re: Merry Meet!



      Re: Hello all



        Hello community

        Hi, I'm TheOneInTheShadows. Despite what some things onmy profile may show, and my username I'm not a "dark snowflake" I do admit to like "dark things" more, but I'm truely open to "light things" as well. My real name is Robbie, and I don't mind if you call me that either. I do practice magick. The forms of magick I do are witchcraft, and a bit of chaos magick. While I now identify as a Eccletric Pagan, I may change my religion to a "Polythiestic chaos witch" just because ecclectric Pagan is such a broad term. I enjoy simple computer games, food, reading(only if it's the "right book" or internet article), nature, and playing with my dog. I'm looking forward to being on this website because it's a great place to talk about Spirituality, and magick with some respectful people . Well talk to you guys anytime!


          Re: Hello community



            Re: Merry Meet!

            Thank you everyone


              Been away for some Time!

              I have not posted here in quite some time, I lost the web site for a while and I was glad that I came across it again. A lot of new people here now to what I remember but their are still a few names that are still posting that I recognize.

              I have changed a lot since I have been away, taken my faith down a different path, come to terms with the ghost's of my past. Which was manly due to some very kind people on this forum who replied to one of my posts on the three fold law, If they read this they will know who they are, and I Thank You!

              I am following Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism now as best as I can anyway, I don't follow or honer any Celtic God's or Goddess's in particular, but I feel a pull towards some more than others. I have a set of values I feel I want to try and live by, and that is something I had been searching for for a very long time. I celebrate Samhain, Imbolc, Bealtaine and Lunasa only, and that feels right to me.

              So I look forward meeting and getting to know all the new people on this forum, and hope to re make the acquaintances of some old ones.
              When life hands you lemons make lemonade and find someone else who life handed them vodka and have a party.


                Re: Merry Meet!

                Pleased to meet you Shadyofayx
                When life hands you lemons make lemonade and find someone else who life handed them vodka and have a party.


                  Re: Hello community

                  Nice to meet you!
                  When life hands you lemons make lemonade and find someone else who life handed them vodka and have a party.


                    Re: Hello all

                    Hi Norm pleased to meet you!
                    When life hands you lemons make lemonade and find someone else who life handed them vodka and have a party.


                      Hello, I'm Andromeda

                      I'm always terrible at these things, never can quite tell how much information is too much, or when I don't give enough. I go by Andromeda, because it was one of my favorite stories when I was younger. I have no idea what I believe in, but I know I haven't found it yet. So I read all kinds of books and attend all kinds of services. Recommendations are definitely welcome, as is information about which authors are the best and worst (consensus or opinion, but I'll probably read the work anyway- even if it's just for what not to be).

                      Anyway, I think I've gone on long enough. Looking forward to meeting and talking with you all!


                        Re: Hello, I'm Andromeda

                        Welcome to the forum from a fellow Oregonian.
                        �Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer.�
                        ― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
                        Sneak Attack
                        Avatar picture by the wonderful and talented TJSGrimm.


                          Re: Hello, I'm Andromeda

                          Welcome to the forum.

                          I just post, so don't worry about how much or how little. Just be yourself.

                          Advice given to me on the same type of thing - walk on the earth


                            Re: Hello, I'm Andromeda

                            Welcome to the Forum, from your neighbour to the North! (The far north, not WA :P )

                            Mostly art.


                              Re: Hello, I'm Andromeda

                              Welcome, Andromeda! Don't worry about the length of your posts. We're a pretty open minded and accepting bunch, from what I've seen.


                                Re: Hello, I'm Andromeda

                                Hi Andromeda,
                                I only joined a couple of months ago, so I'm pretty new too. Everyone has been really nice though and there's SOOO much information up I'm sure you'll find lots to catch your interest.

