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    The Mayan Calendar:
    The Earth has years, the year "ends" at the end of a calendar year. The Mayan's had Calendars for the moon, for many of the planets, for Earth, for the sun, and I think some other stars...

    But the "End of the Calendar" is NOT the "Apocalypse"...
    The Mayan's made CALENDARS, 2012 is the end of what is called an "AGE", specifically we are moving from "The Age of Pisces" TO "The Age of Aquarius".
    The SUN has a calendar (That the Mayan's made, based on the suns movement through the Milky Way Galaxy) a "Sun Year" is called an "Age". So it is not the "End of the world"...The sun has just made a shift through the galaxy, and they calculated that shift happening before it happened...

    In terms of change...Think of it this way:
    By the end of 2011, EVERYTHING that will be invented, and released in 2011 comes out.
    THEN in 2012, some new things come out RIGHT AWAY...But, you don't get to see ALL the new things for 2012, until 2012 is DONE. Something could still be released December 31 2012. So don't expect to see ALL the leaps of this age in the first year, don't expect EVERYTHING to change, or "The World to end" by Dec 2012...There are THOUSANDS of years left in the age of Aquarius...There is MUCH more too come...

    But the past 100-200 years is a HUGE indication of what is to come.
    The invention of flight, harnessing of electricity, advancements in conductivity (Microchips), all kinds of things. These have happened in preparation of the new age. And for the Next few thousand years, things are going to happen that we could NEVER IMAGINE...

    And it can go so many different ways...
    There will be a lot of potential for good though

    Re: Apocalypse?

    Are you sure that The Age of Aquarius is coming at that date? You see, such an age has a huge signification for me and my belief...

    Check out my blog! The Daily Satanist


      Re: Apocalypse?

      Originally posted by SeanRave View Post
      Are you sure that The Age of Aquarius is coming at that date? You see, such an age has a huge signification for me and my belief...
      No, it's not an absolute date of change.

      December 21, 2012 is just the Winter Solstice, and the one where the sun is in/pointed at the center on the Milky Way.

      So the "change" doesn't necessarily come all at once, instantly on December 21st, but it is a huge landmark. As are the invention of flight, electricity, etc.

      It means a lot to my beliefs too


        Re: Apocalypse?

        Originally posted by SeanRave View Post
        Are you sure that The Age of Aquarius is coming at that date? You see, such an age has a huge signification for me and my belief...
        I was told recently that we're actually in the Age of Aquarius right now. That information could certainly be wrong, but it's what I've been told recently, that 2012 in total is the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.


          Re: Apocalypse?

          Originally posted by Siloh View Post
          I was told recently that we're actually in the Age of Aquarius right now. That information could certainly be wrong, but it's what I've been told recently, that 2012 in total is the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.
          Some people think the Mayans were wrong, and the age changed around 1900, some people think it was around 1800. Every generation looks back at the prophecies of the world, and likes to pick the one that fits them, so they can be part of the great predicted change.

          But we never really know if we are right, if the predictors are right, or if it even means anything. We just have to decide for ourselves.


            Re: Apocalypse?

            in the end, I think the predictions leave a message.

            think more spiritually and learn to live with the world


              Re: Apocalypse?

              Originally posted by jcorza View Post
              in the end, I think the predictions leave a message.

              think more spiritually and learn to live with the world

              Like the Mayans are basically telling us.

              "Look at the sky today, because YOU get to see the alignment of the galaxy. We will die before it happens, so we write it. But YOU will see it."

              That's all they were trying to say.
              To pay attention. To realize our place, our job, our niche in the cosmos.

